Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Time for another Family Movie Night Movie!

I so remember the good quality programming growing up and watching "Family Movies" on TV with my family. The ""Wonderful World of Disney" was a weekly movie feature that was very family friendly when I was a child. I also remember the "Hallmark Hall of Fame" movies. I really enjoyed these type of movies. I find it difficult to find good quality programming for my boys like there was when I was a kid!

 Well, in the Spring of 2010 that all changed when WalMart and P&G began sponsoring Family Movie Night.  Our family has been enjoying all the movies since they came out. My boys enjoy the movies so much they don't want them erased from the DVR. I have been really impressed with the Family Movie Night movies and the idea of Family Movie Night, that I want to implement a weekly Family Movie Night in our home. I am thinking of making Saturday Night Family Movie Night for our family with either TV movies or movies on DVD! 

Family Movie Night is back this Saturday Sept 3rd with a brand new movie: Game Time: Tackling the Past

Game Time: Tackling the Past stars Beau Bridges, Catherine Hicks("7th Heaven"), Ryan McPartlin("Chuck"). The movie addresses Humality, Forgiveness and Hard Work Ethic. 

Moms 4 Family TV are a  wonderful group of moms who stand behind the Family Movie Night movies and other great Family TV programming. You can learn more about this great organization by visiting Moms 4 Family TV.  The group of moms have even put together an Info Sheet about the movie, which includes some "family discussion questions" about the movie.  Each week they search and find the "best" in Family entertainment on TV, and give Weekly TV Tips

Game Time: Tackling the Past airs on Saturday September 3rd on your local NBC station at 8PM EST/7PM CST. Grab your family favorite snacks, the remote and sit down and enjoy the show together! 

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Training our Daughters Study

HaHa!! Seems pretty weird to be posting that title on my blog which is about Managing my Household of Boys! I just couldn't pass up this opportunity to let all the mom's of girls know about an awesome Study coming up next week!!

A friend of mine Barb, one of the co-leaders of our homeschool support group, is implementing a study into their homeschool using Training Our Daughters to Be Keepers of the Home by Ann Ward with her daughter and has created a blog so that others can join in on their journey and create a journey of their own in their home. You can read An Introduction to the blog and study goals to find out more about what is planned for this coming year. I really wish I had a girl because I would sooo be participating in this study if I did!

The official launch is next week and there will be a Launch Party and Giveaway Sept 5th-9th. Go on over and  join the fun and hopefully you can win a prize!!

Click on the button below to take you to the blog and join the study:

I hope moms of girls will join the study and be encouraged by my friend and her daughter! 

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Works for Me Wednesday

Ever had a document that you would love to share on your blog or via email and have found it difficult to share? I found the best solution a couple years ago: Scribd- a document sharing website and social networking site. I discovered Scribd while searching online for some Homeschool printables. I was hooked immediately!

I really like the ease of use of Scribd for uploading and saving my own documents. I also search Scribd to find documents or ebooks that I can use from others who are posting their documents. The documents can be made public or private.

Scribd has evolved over the past couple of years and has changed for the better since I started using it. Once you upload a document it gives you various ways of sharing including on Facebook, Twitter and other social network sites. Scribd also provides "embedding codes" so the document can be easily added to blogs, websites and more. You can follow other users that post documents of interest to you.

Scribd WORKS for me for document sharing and for finding FREE documents of interest to me, especially to use in our homeschool.

Check out this great document sharing website here: Scribd

For more great hints and tips visit Kristen;s blog carnival WORKS for me Wednesday  at We are THAT Family.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Simple Womans Daybook

Outside my window:  The sun is shining beautifully! Cars are zooming by on the road! 

I am thinking: The boys and I are having a picnic in the park today! It is such a beautiful day and they will have fun! 

I am thankful: The wonderful summer weather we have been having in Chicago  over the last 2 weeks. Sunny and highs in the 70's and low 80's!! LOVE IT! 

From the learning rooms: We are starting our school year next Tuesday September 6th.

In the Kitchen: I am making Whole Fryer Chicken in the Crockpot with Mashed Potatoes and Veggie Medley. Our menu plan for 8/28-9/3

I am wearing: Black Cotton Shorts and a Green T-Shirt. (house clothes)

I am creating: Lesson Plans, Chore Charts and Routine Chart. I have to get our boys ready and willing for starting "back to homeschool" next week! 

I am going: To the park today with the boys. I will also be going to the library later tonight and to redeem my FREE Gyro coupon for Gyro Day! 

I am wondering: How all the East Coasters are doing now that Hurricane Irene has passed through and done plenty of damage. I hope those affected by the storm will be OK!

I am Reading: Lots of great Library Books and books that I am going to be reviewing. (see the right sidebar for Reading Chair book list) I am currently reading Never Far from Home by Mary Ellis

I am hoping: My boys will be able to get "on track" and be ready for new routines and changes within our household. 

I am looking forward to: The start of our "Homeschool Year 2011-2012. I always think and believe the "new year" begins at the beginning of the school year. I feel that new routines, changes and more happen more at this time of the year rather then on Jan 1st. 

I am hearing: The pounding of hammers, furniture moving about and things getting put in place. The apartment above us has a family moving in today and they are getting things in place. 

Around the house: I have to put the folded towels on the shelves of the linen closet, sort and organize Back to School Supplies and put them away in the cabinet, vacuum the whole apartment today. 

I am pondering: The changes that I want to implement in our family life. I know the boys will love some of them, but will hate some also. LOL Laying it all out in my mind before putting it to paper. 

One of my favorite things: Our Magic Bullet. YES it one of those "As Seen on TV" products, but this is one product that does work like the infomercial claims. We purchased it back in April from Costco and it was a great $45 investment. I love being able to make 4 individual smoothies for breakfast for the boys and I in a matter of minutes. Beating Eggs is so quick and easy. It really is a great product! 

A few plans for the rest of the week: Working on Lesson Plans and getting things in order for the start of Homeschool on Sept 6th. My 39th B-Day is Friday. Saturday we are going to a local Forest Preserve for a Bike and Hike with our Homeschool Group. Sunday church and Monday we will have a BBQ in the Forest Preserve and let the boys run off energy! 

Here is a picture to share:  

Are you a blogger? Join the fun at Simple Woman's Daybook and see what others are doing!!

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 8/29

I am so glad for being able to plan a Menu for the week. I didn't do a menu plan last week because of being busy and distracted with other things, and it was truly a crazy week when it came to meal time. I feel so much better and more organized when I do my weekly menu plan. I did make Homemade Crockpot Yogurt last week and will be making another batch this week. We love Yogurt and here and Homemade Crockpot Yogurt  is so inexpensive and tastes GREAT! We also love Homemade Fruit Smoothies, having them for Breakfast at least once a week and snacks a couple times a week.

Here is our menu plan for the week. (the words underlined and in blue are clickable links to the recipes). I am going to be revising our snacks over the next week and changing up our snacks a bit as we are "tired" of the same ole' same ole', needing a change!!

Weekly Menu Plan

For more menu plans and recipe ideas visit Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

I love when a "crisis" turns into "better"

A couple weeks ago my 9 yr old son, Joshua, tried to "punch a fly" that was on our bathroom mirror. Well, the fly got away but we were left with a broken mirror and thankfully Joshua was not hurt in the process.

I "flipped out" when I saw the broken mirror, mainly because we are renters and I saw "money going down the drain" having to pay for this to be fixed. I calmed down a bit, posted a pic on Facebook and then kinda saw the humor in him trying to "kill a fly" on the mirror.

We decided we would just fix it our self by purchasing a mirror and getting it cut to fit. We began at Menards and Home Depot. Mirrors were quite expensive and neither of them cut glass. I was telling my dad what happened and he mentioned to me that ACE Hardware cuts glass. I called our local ACE Hardware to verify that our location does. I was soo happy to find out our location does! YEAH for Dad and his wisdom!! The hunt was on for an inexpensive mirror.

A week ago I was pulling out of our parking spot in the alley behind our apartment building. I headed north in our alley and noticed a neighbor across the alley had a HUGE bathroom mirror out by the garage that they had just put out because they were remodeling their bathroom. I couldn't stop as I was heading somewhere, but I called home and told the hubby of my "find". I was afraid he wouldn't see the significance of my "find" because he really doesn't care for my "treasure hunting" most of the time. I am glad to say I was wrong this time. I went and ran my errand and then when I got back hubby and I went out to check the mirror out. Hubby agreed that this was a great find, he grabbed it and bought it inside.

Hubby took the mirror and the doors of our medicine cabinet to  ACE Hardware to have the mirror cut to fit the doors of our medicine cabinet. The associates at ACE Hardware were really helpful and told DH that even though the glass was a little thick, it could/would work if he added some "holders" onto the door frame. ACE Hardware cut the glass, hubby purchased the hardware and screws needed and $6 later this is our new "Fixed Mirror":

We decided that since we had a big enough mirror that we would switch the small section from the patterned design to a regular mirror. Hubby had the guy at ACE Hardware cut a piece for that section also. The "flowered" section has had a crack in it since we moved in 5 years ago. I actually think it makes it look larger and much nicer!

I am so glad a "Crisis" turned into something better and that we were able to fix our bathroom mirror by ourselves for very little money! God sure blessed us greatly!

A great incident of  
"One person's trash is another person's treasure"!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Homeschool Educator Discounts

I really love a good bargain and I love to save money on just about anything, but who really doesn't!?!? I started seeking out discounts and sales for Homeschoolers a few years ago when I first started homeschooling. I had complied a list and put it on my old blog. I think with "Back to Homeschool" time here: either already started or starting in the near future, it would be a great time to post the list on this blog. 

Office Supply Stores:

Office Depot:  My Star Teacher Program
Staples Teachers:  Rewards for Teachers
Here are some more Teacher and Homeschool Discounts:
FedEx Office: You can receive 15% off most services at FedEx Kinkos. For more info go here: FedEx Office National Educators Discount Program
Half Price Books: Educators and Homeschooler can receive 10% off their purchase. For more info on their program go here: Half Price Book Educator Program

JoAnn Fabrics:  JoAnn Fabric Teacher Rewards 
Lakeshore Learning: Lakeshore Learning offers a Teacher's Club Card that is valid on in-store purchases only. You'll save 15% on most teacher resource items; receive advance notice of upcoming sales & events, and more. Fill out the application in the store & they'll hand you your card. 

Michaels Arts and Crafts: 15% Discount for Teachers and Homeschoolers

Scholastic Book Fairs: These book fairs are a great way to save money on books and other materials for homeschooling. For more info and to find a sale near you: Scholastic Book Fairs

I hope you enjoy the discounts as you begin your Homeschool Year! 

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook 8/16

Outside my window... A beautiful sun shiny day! The best weather we have had all summer. LOVING it!

I am thinking... I really need to get the boys outside to enjoy the wonderful weather. 

I am thankful for...For a very successful surgery on my right index finger and super easy recovery! 

I am wearing... A pair of Blue "gym" shorts and a red tank top. "Indoor Clothes"

I am remembering... family and friends who are dealing with Cancer. Cancer is such an awful disease. 

I am creating...  Lesson Plans, Chore lists and other items so the boys and I will be ready for "1st Day of Homeschool" on Sept 6th. 

I am going... Drs. apppointment this morning to remove stitches from my right index finger. Outside with the boys to enjoy the awesome weather.

I am reading.... lots of great library books(see right sidebar). I am right now reading 10 Lessons from a Former Fat Girl by Amy Parham

I am hoping...
 I can keep my focus over the next couple of weeks and get things ready for the start of our school year.

On my mind...  My Uncle who was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. 

From the learning rooms...
 Summer Break! No school things right now!

Noticing that...  I really need to set a new grocery budget and get much better at making our bread at home. Grocery prices are rising and rising, but the budget is getting tight. 

Pondering these words...
Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.

I know that my plans are not always God's plan. By committing "my plans" to the Lord he will work out every detail much better then I can. 

From the kitchen...  Our Menu Plan for 8/14-8/20. I am going to make some Cinnamon Raisin Bread in the Bread Machine today. 

Around the house... Have to finish doing the laundry and putting the boys stuff in the drawers. I have to clean the boys bedroom and get it in order. 

One of my favorite things:  My "new to me" Bread Machine. I got this a couple months ago after my Sunbeam machine died after being faithful for 5yrs. I never thought I would like any other besides my Sunbeam, but for $7, this is an excellent machine! LOVE IT!

A few plans for the rest of the week:  
Chores and cleaning today, Zoo Day tomorrow, Lesson Planning Day on Saturday, Church on Sunday. Hoping to get out to the park a few times also. 

A picture to share: 

All this wonderful fruit was only $3. I cut it up 
and froze it for smoothies!

Are you a blogger? Go on over to the  Simple Woman's Daybook and join the blogging and read what others are doing!

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 8/15

I survived my "after surgery" week! The surgery went well and my niece being here was a huge help. We have some carry overs from last week menu's because a couple of nights the hubby changed up the menu to something else. I wasn't doing any cooking last week due to my right hand being bandaged up.

Here is our menu plan for the week:  (the blue highlighted words are clickable and take you to the recipes)

Weekly Menu Plan 8/14-8/20

For more menu plans and recipe ideas visit Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 8/8

I had a busy weekend. Had to do a lot of food prep and grocery shopping over the weekend. I am having surgery on my right index finger today, so I won't be using my right hand for a week or 2. I had to get things prepared so my teenage niece and my 9yr old would have an easy week helping me. I do have "easy lunch meals" planned for the week. I know they are not the healthiest, but I needed fast and easy for lunch this week. I do have a few repeats from last week, as we had a couple nights where we just had leftovers the next night instead of cooking again.

Here is the menu for the week: (the blue highlighted words are clickable to take you to the recipes)
Weekly Menu Plan 8/7-8/13

For more menu plans and recipe ideas visit Menu Plan Monday at: Organizing Junkie

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Having Minor Surgery tomorrow

I am having outpatient surgery on my right index finger tomorrow. April 27th of this year I noticed an internal bump in my right index finger. I thought it was something that would go away by itself. I watched it and it didn't go away, so on May 18th I went to the Dr. The Dr. thought it might be an internal wart or an infection. I was given a 5 day antibiotic, but it didn't go away, it had now grown a bit to the size of a pea. The month of June was a very busy month for us and I didn't have any time to get to the Dr. I finally got back to the Dr. on July 7th and the Dr. now felt it was a Cyst inside my finger. I was referred down to the Orthopedic Department. I was actually referred to my "favorite Ortho Dr", Dr. Bednar, who treated me from March '09- Sept '10 for varying issues with my right hand after I broke the wrist in March '09. 

I had an appointment with Dr. Bednar on July 13th and within 3 minutes he knew that surgery was needed. He told me that the bump is being caused by my veins clumping together in one spot. Dr. Bednar is a Dr. who does surgery after all other options have been exhausted, as I know this from experience. He did not do Carpal Tunnel Surgery on my right wrist until 8 months after it all started and had tried other treatments. I knew when he said Surgery, that this was the only option for this issue. So his nurse came in and scheduled surgery for August 8th. I got the call last week and surgery is scheduled for 12 Noon. My hubby was able to get the day off of work because I need an adult with me at all times during the surgery. I have my 17yr old niece here for the week to help me with the boys during the day and to babysit tomorrow while I am at surgery.

I have been working hard over the past 3 weeks to get the apartment decluttered and in order and I am very satisfied that I accomplished that. My apartment in in a mode where "Daily Maintenance" is all that will be needed. My niece, my boys and my hubby will be helping with that. I won't be able to use my right hand, my dominant hand, for at least a week, but then again I have started getting use to not using my right hand at times. I did a menu plan for the week, went grocery shopping and we are good to go for the week. My niece will be able to help me with some of the Crockpot dinners and then hubby will cook some stuff when he gets home from work.

I will be getting a "mini vacation" because I won't be able to do my regular household stuff for about 1-2 weeks.. I will be able to sit and read and talk walks with the boys to parks and such. I made sure I had lots of books from the library. I know I can turn pages with my left hand, LOL.  I jokingly told someone "Pretty sad a mama has to have surgery to get a mini vacation". LOL!

Your prayers and thoughts are coveted for the surgery and recovery!

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

"Who is Simon Miller?" Family Movie Night 8/6/11


I really enjoy TV movies and having Family Movie Night. I remember as a kid there were so many options to choose from with good quality Family Movies on TV. I can't say there are too many choices now for Families to enjoy a night of good quality Family Movies. Well that was until Family Movie Night sponsored by Walmart and P&G began airing GREAT, quality movies last spring! Our family has been watching every movie since they began airing and we really enjoy them! 

We are very ready for the next movie this coming Saturday August 6th, when the next movie "Who is Simon Miller?" airs on NBC at 8EST/7CST. 

Who is Simon Miller? :30 Movie Trailer from on Vimeo.

Moms 4 Family TV are a  wonderful group of moms who stand behind the Family Movie Night movies and other great Family TV programming. You can learn more about this great organization by visiting Moms 4 Family TV.  The group of moms have even put together an Info Sheet about the movie, which includes some "family discussion questions" about the movie.  Each week they search and find the "best" in Family entertainment on TV, and give Weekly TV Tips

Looking for a good quailty Family Movie Night this Saturday? Choose to watch "Who is Simon Miller?" on your local NBC station and You won't be disappointed! 

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FIRST Tour: Healing Your Marriage When Trust is Broken: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration by Cindy Beall

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

Harvest House Publishers (August 1, 2011)
***Special thanks to Catherine Miller, Marketing Assistant, Harvest House Publishers for sending me a review copy.***


Cindy Beall is a writer, speaker, and a mentor to women. She and her husband, Chris, speak openly about their difficult journey through Chris’ infidelity and pornography addiction that nearly destroyed their marriage and ministry. Through God’s grace they have inspired thousands of couples and have returned to full-time ministry where Chris serves as the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at

Visit the author's website.


Life changed forever for Cindy Beall when her husband, a respected pastor, confessed to pornography addiction and numerous affairs. Through her remarkable story and with biblical, practical insight, Cindy helps husbands and wives grieve, heal, as they trust God’s power to resurrect something new out of the debris of betrayal.

Foreword by Craig Groeschel, bestselling author and senior pastor of

Product Details:

List Price: $12.99
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers (August 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736943153
ISBN-13: 978-0736943154


When the Walls Come Tumbling Down

You never forget the day that changes your life forever. The day that turns your heart and your family upside down. But when that day begins, you don’t realize it’s anything out of the ordinary.

It was February 19, 2002, and my husband of nine years, Chris, and I were just getting settled into our new home in Edmond, Oklahoma. He had come out six weeks earlier on his own to begin his ministry with as the worship pastor of the Edmond Campus. I had stayed behind in Memphis to wrap up the sale of our home there. But now we and our almost three-year-old son, Noah, were happily back together under one roof.

On this morning, while Chris was at the church, I was doing the usual stuff that nesters do. I unpacked boxes, fought with bubble wrap, and put away our belongings in the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the rest of the house. I was enjoying the process and thought how good it was to prepare our new home for this new life we had prayed about so fervently.

And then Chris came home unexpectedly at 9:30.

I was about to ask why he was back from work so soon, but the worried expression on his face stopped me from saying anything. He asked if we could talk. The request sounded so formal and distant that my heart raced as I quickly and silently got Noah settled in front of our TV with a Blue’s Clues video and inched my way along a narrow path around stacks of boxes and toward Chris. My mind was spinning in anticipation of what might come out of his mouth.

Had one of our parents died or been in an accident? Had the church changed their mind about adding Chris to the staff?

Chris motioned me to the newly purchased sofa, and we sat down together. I tried to look into his handsome green eyes for reassurance. But those amazing, clear eyes that had captivated me the day we met years before were now downcast. I waited for him to reassure me that all was well in this new life. But instead of words of comfort, the man I had prayed for as a young woman, long before I knew him, was about to share news that would alter the course of our lives in unimaginable ways.

The Prayers of a Young Woman

I first prayed for my future husband while I was serving as a summer missionary on a Native American reservation in Wyoming. Although this ministry experience would become one of the best challenges and inspirations in my life and faith journey, the day I had to say goodbye to my mom at the Austin, Texas, airport was an unhappy one. The cute denim jumper with the cheery sailor collar I wore did little to dress up my sadness at having to leave her and my home to be 1200 miles away for 11 weeks. It felt like a world and a lifetime apart.

The first couple of weeks proved to be difficult. My tear-stained cheeks initially put a damper on the adventure. But eventually I understood that I needed this time to grow up and learn to rely on God.

And I did.

I learned a lot about the woman I would become. I not only learned to lean on God but also discovered that I had a voice and something to say and something worth sharing. I learned that not all things make sense when you follow Christ. And I realized it’s okay to not have an answer for everything. In fact, it’s actually more authentic and appealing when you don’t.

In the midst of my time of learning about God, about others, and most definitely about myself, I had a longing in my heart for true love. The kind of love that would lead me to say to someone special, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” And I wasn’t the type of girl who had to have a boyfriend on her arm at all times. For one thing, I was taller than most guys my age. This is hardly an asset for a young girl’s dating potential. I also possessed an independent spirit, and I liked the freedom I was experiencing during this stage of life.

Still, this longing for true love grew. I would be turning 21 soon, and although there isn’t a guideline or time frame that says young women should fall in love by this age, I definitely wouldn’t have pushed the opportunity away. If       it was the right guy, you understand. My right guy.

One particular July night during that summer mission, I stared out at the beautiful mountains bathed in sunset’s glow and began praying for others and for my future husband. At that moment, the idea popped into my head—thank You, Holy Spirit—that maybe I should pray for my husband’s salvation. So I did.

I prayed that my future husband would have the character, personality, talents, passions, and even the looks that matched up with the list I made about the man of my dreams. I didn’t think I was asking for much. Just the moon, the stars, and everything in between. Why not, right?

I first saw Chris Beall at a barn dance in November 1991. We couldn’t take our eyes off each other. He wasn’t the best dresser, nor did he have a model-perfect smile, but he held my gaze with those intoxicating green eyes. I was smitten almost immediately.


It would be a few more months before anything actually began between us. He started frequenting the Baptist Student Union on our campus for our Wednesday lunches. Within a few weeks, at one of those lunches, he asked me for a dinner date the following Monday. I didn’t have to agonize with anticipation for five days. Instead, he came to my church on Sunday and invited me out to lunch with a group of friends. There was so much excitement and “I can’t believe this is really happening” in the air that by Sunday evening, we found ourselves sitting on the balcony of my apartment eating mint chocolate chip ice cream and talking about life, family, and mostly about Jesus. And I found out something special about Chris that evening: He’d been a Christ follower for less than a year, and the date that he gave his life to Christ was July 7, 1991—the summer that the Holy Spirit led me to pray for my future husband’s salvation.

Big sigh.

I knew with every part of my being that Chris Beall was the one for me. I knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I knew it in my knower and felt it in my feeler. But what I didn’t know was that the very next day he made a down payment on my wedding ring.

Ten months later, on January 9, 1993, we became husband and wife.

We were so madly in love with Jesus and each other that we were certain we’d conquer it all. We never would have guessed that the road we’d travel together over the course of our marriage would be anything but bliss.

Love was completely blind in our case. It’s a good thing, because little did I know that around year nine, we’d get our sight back.


I sat down next to Chris on our new couch, and as he began speaking, my throat went dry and my eyes stung with hot tears. Even though shock was making it hard for my mind to make sense of the words and phrases and sentences, my heart and soul took it all in with great sorrow. Chris wasn’t communicating the news that someone we loved was hurt. He was confessing that he, the person I loved most in the world, had hurt and betrayed me in the deepest way.

Chris had been unfaithful.

I was now trembling head to foot as my mind continued to spin with disbelief. I felt nauseous as the confession continued. He had been unfaithful with more than one woman. In fact, he had been with many women in many different places over the course of the past two and a half years.

While I listened, the very real physical pain of a heart breaking took me by surprise. And as I struggled to keep breathing, Chris forced himself to speak the last part of his confession through trembling lips: One of the women was pregnant, and he was pretty sure the baby was his child.

He kept his eyes on me. He didn’t look away for a minute, even when my face clearly changed. His eyes were tender, and I could tell he was devastated by watching me. He didn’t reach out for me right away. He seemed to be in shock that he was actually confessing. Then, as the reality set in of what his news was doing to my heart, he began to cry.

Many angry thoughts could have rushed through my mind at that point, but the unfathomable absurdity of this surreal, frozen moment in time triggered one thought over and over, “You have got to be kidding me!”

He was definitely not kidding.

He sat there just waiting for me to respond. I was stunned and couldn’t make sense of what had just happened. I sifted through emotions and terms for emotions. It was none of them specifically and all of them collectively. Bewildered. Stunned. Shocked. Overwhelmed. Befuddled. Floored. Jolted. Nauseated. Sickened. Disturbed. Crushed. Dismayed. Paralyzed.

Ticked off. And that’s putting it nicely.

The truth is that I still can’t tell you to this day how I felt in those first few moments. What I can tell you is that I was keenly aware that my world as I knew it was forever changed. I woke up that morning a relatively comfortable housewife and stay-at-home mom, and within a couple of hours I became a seriously damaged woman with a marriage on the brink of destruction.

We had both made vows to forsake all others for the rest of our lives. I had kept my vow. He had not. Even when the distance between us grew, I kept mine. He had not. Even when other men showed interest in me, I kept mine. He had not. Even when days came where I didn’t even want to spend time with him, I kept mine. He had not.

When the Walls Fall Down

I was deeply wounded by the truth about the lies that poured from my loved one that morning. I ached not only for me but also for the new church that had hired and embraced Chris. For our son. For our families. For our friends. As the walls of the life we had built came tumbling down, hard realization after hard realization, I felt them crush the foundations of our shared life and the dreams of this new chapter we were entering.

Can you relate to that kind of letdown? Destruction? Betrayal? When the walls have fallen down with such force that you could not breathe beneath the pressure of the debris or see beyond the dust of the rubble?

My spirit was broken that morning. My heart was shattered. Thoughts of moving forward in life or taking positive action would have sounded absurd had anyone been there to suggest them. I could barely conceive of moving my body from that place on the couch. In fact, the only reason I was able to stand up and move was that the impulse to step away from Chris was so strong. I wanted to be as removed from him physically as I felt from him emotionally in that moment. I had never, ever felt so alone.

If you are feeling alone, know that I am here to journey with you, and so is God. He already desires to make you whole, even as the pieces of your known existence seem to be scattered to every corner of the universe. If the walls have tumbled and you cannot recognize truth from lies in the remains, know that God’s grace and power to transform your life are right there in the midst of the debris.

Hold on to your belief in redemption.

I kept mine. Please keep yours as we walk together toward healing.

Your Healing Journey

Has your spouse ever caught you off guard with a heartbreaking confession? If so, what was your initial response?

Have you ever had to make a confession that you knew would break your loved one’s heart? What finally helped you break your cycle of lies?

Have you ever received news that altered your life in a dramatic way? What was it, and how did you handle it? If you are able, take yourself back there mentally and allow God to bring healing as you grieve what you lost and as you journey through this book.

What happens when we bottle up our emotions and choose not to deal with them? Do you know people who do this ? Has this been you? How can you become more able to share or express your emotions?

Discuss ways you can remain committed to your marriage even when you don’t feel like it or when circumstances have caused a lack of connection between you and your spouse.

My Review/Opinion: 
I really enjoyed this book. The book isn't just a "memoir" of the Beall's struggle through infidelity and the "consequences" of infidelity, this is a book that shows how our Heavenly Father can bring us through trials and tribulations. Cindy tells how couples who struggle with Trust issues in a marriage have to find a "new normal", as the trust is being rebuilt in that marriage. 

I highly recommend this book to anyone who has struggles in their marriage, no matter what they are. Cindy's insight and openness will help you through the struggles and show you how giving it to God will bring about forgiveness and restoration! Cindy's book will show you the hope even when you think all hope is lost! 

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Simple Womans Daybook 8/3

Outside my window... A beautiful sun shiny day! I also like that it isn't hot and humid as it has been. 

I am thinking... it would be a great day to take the boys to the park after lunch.

I am thankful for... my 17yr old niece! She is going to be staying with us for a few days next week to help out a bit! 

I am wearing...  A pair of red cotton shorts and a black tank top. My "indoor clothes". 

I am remembering... that I was supposed to call a friend this past weekend and never got around to doing so. Oops!!! 

I am creating...  nothing. I do need to get started on some Lesson Plans and other items for "back to school" soon. 

I am going... to take the boys to the park, but other then that nowhere!

I am reading.... lots of great library books(see right sidebar). I am right now reading 
A Gift of Grace by Amy Clipston

I am hoping...
 that I will get what I need to accomplished before Sunday night.

On my mind...
 Nothing much! 

From the learning rooms...
 Summer Break! No school things right now!

Noticing that...  my boys are "Growing up" My 9yr old cooked scrambled eggs today all by himself for the entire family! 

Pondering these words...
Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.

I know that my plans are not always God's plan. By committing "my plans" to the Lord he will work out every detail much better then I can. 

From the kitchen...  Our Menu Plan for 7/31-8/6. Also I am going to make some Carrot Cake in the Bread Machine today. Yummo! 

Around the house... I am working on getting some things in order. I am having surgery on my right index finger on Monday and won't be able to use my right hand much for about 2 weeks. Menu planning, cleaning, and decluttering. 

One of my favorite things:  

I really love books and I really enjoy socializing with other book lovers. Here is a post a wrote about Social Networking for BookLovers.I have come to enjoy GoodReads as my favorite. They even came out with an App for my Android Phone a few months ago and it is awesome! 

A few plans for the rest of the week:  
Finish getting things done around the house. Menu Plan for next week and go shopping on Saturday. Home Depot Kids Workshop on Saturday morning. Church on Sunday and Surgery on Monday. 

A picture to share: 

Tub filling up with Sewage on July 23rd
This tends to happen in heavy rain

Are you a blogger? Go on over to the  Simple Woman's Daybook and join the blogging and read what others are doing!

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