I am so glad for being able to plan a Menu for the week. I didn't do a menu plan last week because of being busy and distracted with other things, and it was truly a crazy week when it came to meal time. I feel so much better and more organized when I do my weekly menu plan. I did make Homemade Crockpot Yogurt last week and will be making another batch this week. We love Yogurt and here and Homemade Crockpot Yogurt is so inexpensive and tastes GREAT! We also love Homemade Fruit Smoothies, having them for Breakfast at least once a week and snacks a couple times a week.
Here is our menu plan for the week. (the words underlined and in blue are clickable links to the recipes). I am going to be revising our snacks over the next week and changing up our snacks a bit as we are "tired" of the same ole' same ole', needing a change!!
Weekly Menu Plan
For more menu plans and recipe ideas visit Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie.

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