I am thinking... I really need to get the boys outside to enjoy the wonderful weather.
I am thankful for...For a very successful surgery on my right index finger and super easy recovery!
I am wearing... A pair of Blue "gym" shorts and a red tank top. "Indoor Clothes"
I am remembering... family and friends who are dealing with Cancer. Cancer is such an awful disease.
I am creating... Lesson Plans, Chore lists and other items so the boys and I will be ready for "1st Day of Homeschool" on Sept 6th.
I am going... Drs. apppointment this morning to remove stitches from my right index finger. Outside with the boys to enjoy the awesome weather.
I am reading.... lots of great library books(see right sidebar). I am right now reading 10 Lessons from a Former Fat Girl by Amy Parham
I am hoping... I can keep my focus over the next couple of weeks and get things ready for the start of our school year.
On my mind... My Uncle who was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.
From the learning rooms... Summer Break! No school things right now!
Noticing that... I really need to set a new grocery budget and get much better at making our bread at home. Grocery prices are rising and rising, but the budget is getting tight.
Pondering these words...
Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.
I know that my plans are not always God's plan. By committing "my plans" to the Lord he will work out every detail much better then I can.
Around the house... Have to finish doing the laundry and putting the boys stuff in the drawers. I have to clean the boys bedroom and get it in order.
One of my favorite things: My "new to me" Bread Machine. I got this a couple months ago after my Sunbeam machine died after being faithful for 5yrs. I never thought I would like any other besides my Sunbeam, but for $7, this is an excellent machine! LOVE IT!
All this wonderful fruit was only $3. I cut it up
and froze it for smoothies!
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