I "flipped out" when I saw the broken mirror, mainly because we are renters and I saw "money going down the drain" having to pay for this to be fixed. I calmed down a bit, posted a pic on Facebook and then kinda saw the humor in him trying to "kill a fly" on the mirror.
We decided we would just fix it our self by purchasing a mirror and getting it cut to fit. We began at Menards and Home Depot. Mirrors were quite expensive and neither of them cut glass. I was telling my dad what happened and he mentioned to me that ACE Hardware cuts glass. I called our local ACE Hardware to verify that our location does. I was soo happy to find out our location does! YEAH for Dad and his wisdom!! The hunt was on for an inexpensive mirror.
A week ago I was pulling out of our parking spot in the alley behind our apartment building. I headed north in our alley and noticed a neighbor across the alley had a HUGE bathroom mirror out by the garage that they had just put out because they were remodeling their bathroom. I couldn't stop as I was heading somewhere, but I called home and told the hubby of my "find". I was afraid he wouldn't see the significance of my "find" because he really doesn't care for my "treasure hunting" most of the time. I am glad to say I was wrong this time. I went and ran my errand and then when I got back hubby and I went out to check the mirror out. Hubby agreed that this was a great find, he grabbed it and bought it inside.
Hubby took the mirror and the doors of our medicine cabinet to ACE Hardware to have the mirror cut to fit the doors of our medicine cabinet. The associates at ACE Hardware were really helpful and told DH that even though the glass was a little thick, it could/would work if he added some "holders" onto the door frame. ACE Hardware cut the glass, hubby purchased the hardware and screws needed and $6 later this is our new "Fixed Mirror":
We decided that since we had a big enough mirror that we would switch the small section from the patterned design to a regular mirror. Hubby had the guy at ACE Hardware cut a piece for that section also. The "flowered" section has had a crack in it since we moved in 5 years ago. I actually think it makes it look larger and much nicer!
I am so glad a "Crisis" turned into something better and that we were able to fix our bathroom mirror by ourselves for very little money! God sure blessed us greatly!
A great incident of
"One person's trash is another person's treasure"!

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