Monday, February 28, 2011

Wow!! Last day of February already!

I know February is the shortest month of the year, but is seemed to zoom by fast this year. It has been a long month for us, mainly because I was "stuck in the house" most of the month".

We started the month off with a Blizzard that dumped 22" of snow on Chicagoland. The weather improved enough and warmed up, that 2 weeks after, it was completely melted and gone. It was fun while it lasted. LOL I am not much a winter person, but I know my boys enjoyed it.

My 6yr old had his  Tonsil and Adenoids removed.  I can honestly say it has made a world of difference for his sleeping habits and he is a much better sleeper now. I am so glad I kept pursing it with his Drs. Danny and I were pretty much "homebound" from Feb 10th through Feb 23rd while he recovered.

I have been playing catch up this past week with cleaning and errands, therefore I have been quiet here on my blog. LOL!

I am so looking forward to March arriving!! I am hoping the "worst" of winter is behind us and the weather begins to improve. I am an "outdoor" type of person and I want to get out and about in warmer, sunnier weather! Spring is my favorite time of the year because of 'new life" on the trees and gardens, warmer weather, open windows and wonderful breezes and much more!!

My boys and I love going to the parks. We don't have a backyard for them to play in, so the parks are our "backyard". In a 2 mile radius of our place are about 5-6 parks. We have a "routine" where we get our school done early in the morning so we can have "picnic lunch" in the park and be in the park before all the kids get out of school for the day. Our favorite park in our town is Proksa Park. The park covers a 2 block radius and has tons of beautiful trees. Mater of fact, it has 66 different varieties of trees in the park. Each tree has a steel plaque on it that has the name of the type of tree it is. The play equipment is huge and very nice! The have picnic tables all around the area, including right by the play equipment. I am able to keep an eye on the boys while I read a book or two. There are many times the boys and I go out to the park during the day and then return later in the evening after dinner or even bring dinner to the park. Proksa Park is about 2 miles from our house, but there are many days the boys and I will walk there! We make a day of it and stop at the library on our way(it serves as a bit of a "rest stop" for our walking.) and have a library day also.

We also enjoy Brookfield ZooNavy Pier and the many other Museums and Attractions that the Chicagoland area has to offer! My boys have been asking to go to Lincoln Park Zoo. We have only been there once before as a family and it was when the boys were little, so they don't remember. I am hoping for a good weather day soon, so we can make a trip there!

We love the public transportation system here in Chicagoland and we tend to use that when going downtown as it is much cheaper then parking. We might be using it more often with the cost of Gas going up so drastically right now. We have a bus stop basically right outside our front door and it takes us right to the train that takes us downtown. There is even a bus that takes us right to the front doors of  Brookfield Zoo. We have taken that a few times and we enjoy doing that!

I am very much looking forward to March and warmer weather! We should also be receiving our Tax Refund this month and we will be able to renew our memberships to various places. This will allow "unlimited" fun for the year! I must say though I know how to plan Family Fun activities for FREE or nearly FREE.

I am so looking forward to the warmer weather, that tomorrow I will be changing the background and template on my blog to a more "Springy" look!! I already have it all picked out, just need to change it!

Goodbye February, see ya next year!!

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Menu Plan Monday

Woohoo! After 3 weeks of having the Tilipia on the menu, we did cook and serve it last week. My boys love fish, but this past week they especially loved it. We pretty much stuck to the schedule last week, something we hadn't done in a while. I will be doing our weekly shopping tomorrow, as that is when my hubby's work schedule will allow me the time to do so. I don't have much to buy this week as we have stuff in our freezer already. I do need to make a Sam's Club run this week though.

Here is our menu plan for this week:
(The words on the document in blue are clickable recipe links)

Weekly Menu Plan 2/27-3/5

For more great recipes and menu plans visit: Organizing Junkie

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Simple Womans Daybook 2/22/11

Outside my window...  We have a light dusting of snow coating our streets and sidewalks. It is gloomy and gray. We are supposed to get about 5" this Thursday. 

I am thinking...  about all the crazy political events in our country over the last week or so. I am praying that the politicians can wise up and do the job that they were elected for. 

I am thankful for...
 the wonderful blessing of being able to participate in a focus group tomorrow. It sure will help pay a bill.

I am wearing... gray jogging pants and a purple t-shirt. I have my hear up in a ponytail. These are my comfy house clothes. 

I am remembering...  that I need to complete a small homework assignment for my focus group for tomorrow.

I am creating... Nothing! I don't have any creative juices flowing right now. LOL

I am going... nowhere today. My hubby is at work until 10pm, so nowhere to go yet!

I am reading.... lots of great library books(see right sidebar). I love reading blogs also.

I am hoping...
 that the family can stay focused today and that we can get things accomplished that need to be accomplished.

On my mind...
 all the unrest in our country about many political issues. I do know that God is in control of all these issues and he will protect us even during these trials and tribulations of our country right now. 

From the learning rooms...
 Doing our regular studies this week!

Noticing that...
 I haven't been experiencing my Vasomotor Rhinitis as much as I normally do during the winter months. I am so very happy about this as it is very bothersome.

Pondering these words...
Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.

I know that my plans are not always God's plan. By committing "my plans" to the Lord he will work out every detail much better then I can. 

From the kitchen...  Here is our Menu Plan for 2/20-2/26

Around the house... I completed all my daily chores already. I am going to fold and put away a couple loads of laundry while watching The Biggest Loser tonight. 

One of my favorite things~   MakeUseOf  I discovered this site about 6 weeks ago and I really like it! It has tons of FREE web apps, web tools, software, web sites, and mobile apps. They have all this for Windows and Mac. 

A few plans for the rest of the week:  We don't have much going on this week. Tomorrow I have a focus group from 11am-1:30pm in downtown Chicago. Tomorrow afternoon/evening we are going to MidWeek Activities at church. Everyone is healthy and well enough that we can all go this week! No plans for the rest of the week or weekend yet!

A picture to share:

Are you a blogger? Go on over to the  Simple Woman's Daybook and join the blogging and read what others are doing!

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

I love weeks when we are blessed with food, it surely helps the grocery budget. We still haven't had the Tilipia dinner, so this will be the 3rd week it is on the menu. Thursday night we had "leftovers" from the Wednesday night supper at church. My DH and I help in the kitchen on Wednesday, so we normally come home with leftovers from the dinner. My DH works at a hotel and on Friday night came home with a tray each of baked chicken and Mostacolli, so that was our dinner on Saturday. So I am "recycling" some of last weeks dinner into this weeks menu plan. I only have to get some basics and fruit and veggies for the week and we are good to go for our meals for the week!

Here is our menu plan for this week:
(The words on the document in blue are clickable recipe links)

Weekly Menu Plan 2/20-2/26

For more great recipes and menu plans visit: Organizing Junkie

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Danny's Tonsil Surgery

A little background:

When Daniel was one years old, he was sleeping/cuddling with my mom and she noticed how loud and strong he snored. She felt it was odd that he snored so loudly, so the next time we saw the pediatrician I mentioned it and his Pediatrician at the time told us just to watch him and keep an eye on him. She did noticed he sounded "wheezy" at the time, so thought maybe it was just a cold. Over the next few years it got worse and I kept mentioning it to the Pediatrician. Danny turned 4 and I started noticing and thinking that he might be having "sleep apnea" attacks while sleeping. My grandfather and my father both had/have sleep apnea, so I was aware what it looked like. I mentioned to the Dr. once again, but she just felt he sounded wheezy. At his 5 yr check up in March '10, he had a new Dr. and I mentioned it to him. He felt it was important for Danny to see an ENT. We scheduled the ENT appointment that day, but it was an 8 month wait to see the Pediatric ENT. November 22nd was his scheduled appointment.

November 22nd comes around and Danny and I go to see the Pediatric ENT. She exams him and notices his tonsils are about a 2 1/2 on a scale of 0-4. She also notices he has some nasal issues and has trouble speaking clearly. She suggests having him on Flonase for 6 weeks to see if his nasal issues would be cleared up by the Flonase. So she prescribes him Flonase and we make another appointment for 6 weeks, which was 1-11-11 at 8:45am. We have him take Flonase for 6 weeks and then return on 1-11-11.

DH and the whole crew go to Danny's appointment on 1-11-11. I remember as the nurse is doing vitals on Danny and checking him in, that I was supposed to get here before the appointment and take him for an x-ray of his tonsils. I mention it to the nurse and the Dr. says lets do the exam and then if we need the x-ray we will send him down. Dr comes in the room and hears Danny talking and right away says "I don't think we will be needing the x-ray. He sounds and looks the same and I am going to highly recommend tonsil and adenoid removal." My prayers were answered. I had been praying that she would suggest this as I had been feeling that he really needed them out. The ENT Pediatrician and his regular Pediatrician both had mentioned getting the tonsils and adenoids removed would also probably help with his speech. So the Dr talks to us about the surgery, the nurse gives us some paperwork and a coloring book for Danny that talks about the surgery in kid language.

We received a call later in the week and the surgery was scheduled for 2-3-11. Well 2-2-11, Chicagoland was hit with a blizzard of 22" of snow. I was determined to get him to surgery the next day, but our van was trapped, my parents weren't available to babysit the older 2 as planned and other things. I knew God was saying "reschedule". I called at 5am in the morning and cancelled and then called back at 8am and rescheduled. We were able to schedule's for 2-10-11, only 7 days away.

Danny and I went out on 2-9-11, the day before surgery, and shopped for popsiciles, ice cream, jello and other "Treats" for after surgery. We took the 2 older boys to my parents by 9pm on Wednesday, the night before surgery so they can spend the night and grandma and papa would have them the next day during surgery. Got home around 10pm and did gave Danny his last "real meal" for about a week, as he couldn't have anything after midnight. Joshua and Nathan ended up staying at Papa's until Friday and had lots of fun!

We get to the Surgery Center at 9am on 2-10-11, surgery was scheduled for 11am. They take us back to the pre-op room and get him all set up. Danny was very happy and excited about surgery, not nervous at all. I wasn't either. They gave him some "sleepy meds" about 15 minutes before surgery. I was snickering at him under my breath as I watched him get "sleepy" it was actually pretty funny. He was knocked out in about 0 minutes total. They take him back around 11am and we were sent to the waiting room. I read a book while DH took a nap while we waited. The nurse comes and gets us around Noon and I could hear Danny screaming for all the way down the hall. He was coming out of the anesthesia and was coming out very badly. The Drs. informed us that many kids can react this way, in varying degrees. Danny was on the far end of the spectrum and was very violent, although incoherent also. He had no clue what he was saying or doing. He was reacting so badly they had to give him 2 shots of 2 mg each of Haldol. It took him about 1hr before he calmed down and went back to sleep. They had called the Pediatric Ward of the hospital to reserve a bed for him, in case they had to admit him. Danny slept for about 90 minutes and when he woke up he was feeling much better and walking much better, so they decided he could go home that day. The Drs. also confirmed that he had been suffering from Sleep Apnea, as they noticed his very frequent episodes while observing him sleeping before surgery. The Dr. said he probably has not had a good nights full sleep ever! Very true, I can attest to that, because I haven't had much sleep in 6yrs since he was born either!

We left him in his PJ's and just put his coat and other attire on him to take him home. DH went and got the van, they took Danny down in a wheelchair and helped load him in van. They gave him one of those comfy white hospital blankets for the ride home. We drop off his prescription for Tylenol w/Codine at the Walgreen's Drive Thru Pharmacy a few blocks form our house and get him home all in 10 minutes. We arrived home around 4:30pm. I get him some apple juice and get him all settled on the love seat and he pretty much slept the night away. Friday through Sunday were the worst recovery days for him. He was very sore and has lots of excess saliva that he was spitting up. He was drinking, staying hydrated and sleeping a bit. By Monday he had some energy back and was being a bit more active. He even ate some noodles with Alfredo Sauce that night. Wednesday was a no energy day for him, so he and I stayed home from Mid Week Church Activities. Thursday he was still sorta sluggish, but today on day 8 after surgery he is feeling much better.

I am very very glad that he had this surgery. The Dr said his adenoids were a 4 on a scale of 0-4 and his tonsils were a 2. His adenoids were as big as they could be!! He is sleeping much better at night and barely having any sleep apnea episodes. He is falling asleep by 10:30pm, which is way better then the 1am or later he has been doing for the past 4yrs or so. He is currently still snoring, but it is a different snore then he had before. It isn't as labored with the breathing. The Drs said it will probably take 1-2 months before all his symptoms go away. I also noticed today, when he got most of his voice back, that he is speaking better also.

Here are some pictures of his Tonsil Surgery Adventure:

I am so happy that Danny had his Tonsils and Adenoids removed, it has really made a difference for him already!  Thank YOU to everyone who prayed, sent thoughts and asked about Danny's recovery. It has been a long week, but I think he is about 95% recovered and doing very well!

Now if only I can get my sleep scheduled adjusted and get more the 5hrs a sleep a night, I would be good! I have gotten about 5hrs of sleep a night for the past 8yrs or so, and I will be excited to be able to sleep a tad more!

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook 2/15


Outside my window...
  The snow from our "historic blizzard" of just 2 weeks ago has pretty much melted. The "great thaw" began over the weekend when daytime highs began to reach the upper 40's. It was "Fun" while it lasted. LOL 

I am thinking...  about a meeting that myself and my husband are having with a Pastor at our church tomorrow. We each have a question that we have been pondering this past week and need to be ready to answer tomorrow. 

I am thankful for...
 all the wonderful people in my life who encourage me and lift me up when life can be stressful. 

I am wearing... a nightgown. We are just waking up and getting going around here. I will be getting in my house clothes in just a few minutes.

I am remembering...
  nothing popping through the memory right now. LOL

I am creating...
 Nothing! I don't have any creative juices flowing right now. LOL

I am going...
 to the grocery store today for a few things. Also, have to run to library to grab a couple of books that are ready for pick up.

I am reading...
. lots of great library books. Last weeks Library day was successful and I got lots of great reading material. Also, reading blogs. 

I am hoping...
 that the family can stay focused today and that we can get things accomplished that need to be accomplished.

On my mind...
 the hearing today in Springfield today about SB 136. A bill that is trying to be bought to the table that would force IL Homeschoolers to register their children with the state. I am praying for all the Homeschooling Advocates, Lawyers, Homeschooling Families and Senators that will be at the this meeting. I pray that Senator Ed Maloney will see the truth and table this bill. 

From the learning rooms...
 Doing our regular studies this week!

Noticing that...
 My 6yr old seems to be sleeping much better just 5 days after his tonsils and adenoids removed. He has always been a bad sleeper, ever since he was about 1yr old. I am so glad he is sleeping much better!

Pondering these words...
  Philippians 4:13 
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Even as "independent" as I like to be and want to be, sometimes I need to be reminded that I never have to "do it alone", as God is the one who helps me, even when I am being stubborn and wanting to be "Miss Independent". 

From the kitchen...  Here is our Menu Plan for 2/13-2/19

Around the house...
 Today I am tackling the boys bedroom and my DH is going to tackle the Toy Room. We needs prayers to stay focused and not let things be interrupted. 

One of my favorite things~   SayMMM
  I wrote about this awesome meal planning website last week. I even received an email from the founder of the site Thanking me for the blog post. He even gave me the instructions and informed me that you can plan for all 3 meals for each day. It truly is an amazing meal planning website! Check it out and you will like it! 

A few plans for the rest of the week:  We don't have much going on this week. Still staying close to home and allowing 6yr old Danny to recover from Tonsil and Adenoid surgery from last week. He has expressed an interest in going to AWANA tomorrow, but we will see when tomorrow comes how he feels.

A picture to share:


My 6yr old Danny about 10 minutes after they gave him "sleepy meds" before Tonsil surgery last week.

Are you a blogger? Go on over to the  Simple Woman's Daybook and join the blogging and read what others are doing!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

WOW, what a week we had last week. I am repeating most of my menu from last week because life got so busy we ended up doing light and easy for most of our meals last week, we also had a couple meals out last week. I don't have much grocery shopping to do this week, as I already have everything in the freezer!

Here is our menu plan for this week:
(The words on the document in blue are clickable recipe links)

Weekly Menu Plan

For more great recipes and menu plans visit: Organizing Junkie

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Works for Me Wednesday

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post about My Favorite Recipe Sites and Tools. I have been using those methods and sites for a while now, and will continue to do so. I recently found out about a favorite new site for Menu Planning that is truly amazing!!

Saymmm is a fairly new site that is an "all in one site". You can meal plan, store recipes and recipe links, find new meal ideas on the site, create a grocery list(both printable and for your mobile phone), and more. You can do all this for FREE!! (there is a Premium Plus version that does cost money, but the FREE version has plenty of FREE features)

I signed up for Saymmm about 3 weeks ago and used it for the first time this week. It is very user friendly and easy to use. I like that you can do a menu plan by the week or by the month. Saymmm generates a grocery list based upon the recipes you are using. You can add or delete from that grocery list or create your own. You can add your recipes or recipe links to your favorite recipes and organized them into categories. You can view your account from any computer or internet enabled cell phone. This is a great feature if you are away from home(at work or other place) and need to be reminded of dinner plans. The grocery list is also viewable on any internet enabled cell phone, so no need for "paper lists". They have some awesome features for Bloggers. The features include being able to clickable/printable grocery lists and recipe links! 

The only "Downfall" of Saymmm and I hope they add this ability in the near future, is that it only allows for planning for one meal a day. I plan all our meals each week(breakfast, lunch and dinner) and I can only use Saymmm to input my dinner plan. I hope that in the future they allow for inputting more then one meal plan per day. 

Check out all the great features of Saymmm:
  1. Plan Meals with Ease
  2. Grocery Shopping List
  3. Recipe Organizer
  4. Ideas for Meals
  5. Share with Friends
  6. Mobile Phone Access
  7. Using Saymmm on your Blog
I will probably continue to use my Menu Planning document until Saymmm adds a feature that allows for inputting more then one meal a day. I will be using Saymmm for a Recipe Organizer, Grocery List Creator and other aspects!! Saymmm is an excellent Menu Planning Tool and it Works for Me!!

For more great hints and tips visit Kristen over at We are THAT Family.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Simple Womans Daybook 2/8/11


Outside my window...
  Lots and lots of snow on the ground, street is very slushy. The sun is finally shining after about a week with no sun!

I am thinking... about how much I am looking forward to my afternoon out for Library Day

I am thankful for...
 the blessings of extra funds coming in the week so we can  pay a couple of monthly bills. 

I am wearing... Grey Jogging pants and a Purple Shirt.  (house clothes)

I am remembering...
  today is the 1 month anniversary of blogging on here.

I am creating...
 Nothing! I don't have any creative juices flowing right now. LOL

I am going...
 to the Library and to run some errands this afternoon when DH gets home from work.

I am reading...
. blogs and newspapers. I will be changing my sidebar reading list this afternoon after I come back from the library.

I am hoping...
 that my husband gets a call that his check is ready today. It was supposed to be ready on the 3rd.

On my mind...
 not much. Just want to reorganize some things in my life.

From the learning rooms...
 Doing our regular studies this week!

Noticing that...
 I haven't been experiencing SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder) as much as I normally do in January and February. So very glad for that.

Pondering these words...
 Philippians 2:4  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others

From the kitchen...  Here is our Menu Plan for 2/6-2/12

Around the house...
 We are trying to get our house reorganized and decluttered. We have done most rooms, just have toy room and boy's bedroom to finish. 1 room a day is the best way for us.

One of my favorite things~   
 Spring Pad.  I wrote about it a couple weeks ago and since then found a couple new uses for it! I used it and created grocery lists with it this week and used the Android app for Spring Pad to be able to view the lists via my phone. I was able to check off items as I put them in my cart. I am creating a book list of books that I want to check out at the library today in SpringPad and will view the list on my phone while getting books! SpringPad is so versatile and very helpful!

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Today is Library Day. Tomorrow we have AWANA and Mid week church activities. Thursday my 6yr old Daniel is having his tonsils and adenoids taken out. Because of that we won't have much planned for a few days after Thursday.

A picture to share:

A slideshow of a few of the many pictures taken during the Chicago Blizzard last week.

Are you a blogger? Go on over to the  Simple Woman's Daybook and join the blogging and read what others are doing!

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Welcome back to another week of Menu Plan Monday! I am completely prepared for this week. I did my plan on Friday night, made my grocery shopping list on Friday night and went shopping Saturday morning. I hit 4 stores in 3hrs and got everything we need for this coming week.I left my apartment at 6:45am and went to Sam's Club, Super Tony's, a small local ethnic store and Aldi's. I arrived back home around 10am. I was able to stay within budget for our weekly stuff. I spent $90 on our weekly groceries, out of a budget of $100. I also had "pantry stock budget" of $75 and I was $9 under on that! So I am $19 under for the month so far!

I have some carry overs from last week because we had a wild and crazy week last week due to Blizzard Shuts Down Chicagoland.  My 6yr old son was supposed to have his tonsils out last Thursday, but that didn't happen. It is rescheduled for this Thursday, thus the plan to eat out for 2 meals on that day.

Here is our menu plan for this week:
(The words on the document in blue are clickable recipe links)
Weekly Menu Plan 2/6-2/12

For more great recipes and menu plans visit: Organizing Junkie

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Library Day

Libraries are an awesome place! We have so many libraries here in Chicagoland that I have access to! I really like that you can borrow books and then return them. No cost to you and no bookshelf after bookshelf piling up of books that you only read once and then piling up "looking pretty" in your house or apartment.

I really look forward to my Library Days!! I really  Enjoy reading and love libraries, but I especially like the Oak Lawn Public Library. They have a large selection of the genres of books that I like to read and a wonderful staff! The Oak Lawn Library is not my "home" library and I love the staff at my home library which is Berwyn Public Library. The majority of the staff at the Berwyn Public Library know me by my first name and are extremely helpful and nice!

I get the majority of my books from the Oak Lawn Library and then quite a bit more from the Berwyn Library, most of the time I have about 40-50 books checked out on my card at at time. I usually have about 15 books that we are using in our homeschool studies, about 20 or so Christian Fiction and then the rest are books in the other genres I enjoy. Both libraries allow for 3 week check outs and 1 3 week renewal, so ultimately I have the books for 6 weeks. This works especially well for the Oak Lawn Library as it is about 10 miles from my place, although very well worth the traveling every 6 weeks!

I have books due back at the Oak Lawn Library this Thursday the 10th, but I won't be able to go that day, so I am going to go either tomorrow or Tuesday. I would rather go Monday, as the rest of the week is going to be frigid cold, but I might not be fully prepared to go tomorrow. I have to do my research and get my list ready and I don't really want to stay up late and get up early to complete the list. I also want to be able to do some shopping while I am out in that area(my favorite thrift stores are near the library) and I think our State Refund will be deposited on Tuesday so I would have some spending money then! I also have a coupon for a FREE combo meal at Corner Bakery, so when I go I am going by myself and will probably have dinner by myself after the library and then so some shopping!

Library Days are awesome and I really look forward to Library Days!  

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Exhaustion and Cabin Fever

cabin fever Pictures, Images and Photos

Well one thing about the "Chicago Blizzard 2011" is sure helped me accomplish a lot this week, but now I am exhausted and have major cabin fever!! 

I have been making so much progress of getting things accomplished this week, that today I was crabby and exhausted! I have been doing so much on all by myself, no help from hubby or boys, so I just wore myself out. I "quit" around 2pm today and have just been relaxing. 

I got all the laundry in the house washed, folded and put away. It took a couple of days, but it is DONE! I also got our kitchen all nice and cleaned, even the upper cabinets. Lower cabinets are getting done early next week. I cleaned our pantry throughly this week. I thought it was only going to take 30 minutes, but it took 3hrs due to a big mess we found in there! My front room is looking very decluttered!! I now have to focus on some computer stuff that I need to get organized and get on track with. I will accomplish that over the next few days!

The boys and I will be experiencing cabin fever for a few more days yet! Hubby has to work Friday and Saturday in the afternoon, so we will be "homebound" staying safe and warm. They really need to get out for  a couple of hours. I am hoping that if it is warm enough tomorrow or Saturday that maybe hubby will take them sledding in the morning time! I can't do outside winter activities due to a major sensitivity to cold air. I usually stay home and get hot cocoa ready for when they come home! I am getting bored being in the house all the time though. I love the outdoors, but not in the winter time! 

THANKFULLY our landlord hired someone to come and clear out the parking spots and clear the back alley so we can get out and go places tomorrow! I think I might run to the store and do some grocery shopping tomorrow morning! I need an escape from the confines of these 4 walls of this apartment!!! 

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard Shuts Down Chicago-Land

I had been hoping and wishing all since the beginning of January for a storm that would have us "snowed in" for a couple of days. I don't mind because I don't have to go out much since we homeschool. I also am always prepared for the most part for something to happen! My husband kept telling me "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it". Well we sure enough "got it" over the past 36hours. Chicagoland has been blanketed with 20.2" of snow!!

The Meteorologists on the Chicago news had been predicting and warning everyone about the pending storm since Saturday, so everyone was forewarned and had time to plan accordingly. Many weren't believing the hype, but I did. I went shopping on Monday evening at SuperWalmart and purchased boots for my 8yr old Joshua and for myself. We also did some grocery shopping while there. We were shopping around 10pm and the staff was saying they had a "mad rush" earlier in the evenings and the shelves certainly showed proof of that. I took some pics of the shelves as I had never seen anything that crazy:

I purchased what I could at SuperWalmart and got home around 12midnight. Harlin(my DH) had to work yesterday from 6am-2pm and the storm was just starting. I had texted him a couple of lists to stop and get some more groceries from the local Fruit Market and from Aldi's. He did some shopping before coming in for the night. He got in just as it started getting really bad outside!!

It started in full force around 6pm last night and we had around 5" by midnight, around the time I fell asleep. I woke up around 6am and it it must have snowed 2" an hour overnight because it was crazy outside. I grabbed my camera and got some pics from by the front door. I got up and began cleaning and doing laundry and woke the rest of the family up around 9am. We all had breakfast and the hubby and the boys went outside to shovel, dig out our van and have fun. Hubby took plenty of pics while he was outside.

Tuesday afternoon I started seeing posts on my Facebook page from local Chicago area and suburbs Libraries, Zoos, Museums, and more that they were closing early on Tuesday and would be staying closed until normal opening time on Thursday. Chicago Public Schools actually called a SNOW DAY for today also. I went to Chicago Public Schools my entire school life ('77-'90) and we NEVER had a weather related day off of school. Basically if it wasn't a necessary service like Police, Fire, Streets and Sanitation, Hospitals, Hotels and such, it was closed today. Some grocery stores were even closed today. Chicago Public Schools have already called another SNOW Day for tomorrow as did all the other schools in and around Chicagoland. Some businesses and services are opening back up tomorrow, but some are staying closed. I actually hope for the kids sake that all the schools stay closed until Monday! We are taking "Snow Days" until  Monday with our Homeschool!

Blizzard 2011 pics:

We will be "Snowed In" for a few days!! My husband doesn't have to report back to work until Friday afternoon at 3pm. I hope that our city has plowed our back alley by then, as it is our only way to get our van out of our parking spot and into the streets. Chicagoland is also going to be FRIGID cold tomorrow. High barely reaching 10° Great day to stay inside and "hunker down".

I am praying for any who has been affected either by the Chicago area Blizzard or any inclement weather anywhere in the country. Stay safe and warm everyone!!  

I think I will be careful what I wish for in the future! LOL!!

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