I am usually a very organized person and don't normally forget a lot of things. Although, within the last year or so, I have had lots more activities, life happenings and more on my plate and I had begun to forget many things. I needed something that would remind me of appointments, activities, and more via email. I began looking online for something of the sort and came across SpringPad. I signed up and became a "member" about 10 months ago and then never used the service. I kept allowing myself to forget and not be organized. I was still receiving emails and I follow SpringPad on Twitter, so about 2 months ago I discovered they had changed things up a bit and also added an app in the Android market!! Woohoo! I quickly visited the site again, added the app to my Android phone and now I am on my road to not being forgetful! Not to worry if you don't have a "Smartphone" because it is still web based and as long as you have internet and email access you can make great use of SpringPad.
I really like the layout, the ease of use, the simplicity of the site(not too many "add ons"), the ability to share "my stuff" with others, the email reminder alerts, and the "Notebooks". I also like that I can save/bookmark websites of interest. The Notebook feature allows me to have "notebooks" for different topics, projects or upcoming events. For instance, I have a Recipe Notebook that I have either typed recipes saved or recipes that I find online in that Notebook. I can access the recipes from my Smartphone when cooking and no need to print them out!
I use Chrome browser and there is an "extension" that makes adding things to your account very easy! In All browsers you have the "SpringPad Clipper" that is installed on your browser toolbar for adding things to your account!

You can see How SpringPad Works and also the great Features!! Check out the SpringPad Blog written by Katin for some great info on the updates and features and tutorials on how to use SpringPad! Also, here is a post from another blogger who compares Springpad to other services and explains why SpringPad was his choice!!
SpringPad has endless options and possibilities on helping you organize your life, your schedule, your household, your job and much more! SpringPad works for me and I hope it would work for you!!

Thanks for explaining what Springpad is. I've heard of it before, but never knew what people were talking about. Amazing what can be done on the computer sometimes, isn't it?
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