Book Summary:
Are you a constant worrier? Always thinking the worst possible thing can happen at any given moment? Do you ever hem and haw on making decisions because you don't want to "make the wrong decision? Do you ever wonder how secure is my job with others being laid off in my department? This is all based on FEAR, fear of the unknown that lies ahead. Fearless by Max Lucado will help you through 13 of the most common fears of Christians with a Biblical perspective.
My Thoughts and Review:
I have always been a fan of and this book was no different. Max Lucado does an amazing job at describing the common fears of Christians and backing them up with scripture. I am always filled with FEAR for many different reasons, but FEARLESS by Max Lucado has begun to help me change my FEARs into leaning and trusting onto God. I recite Proverbs 3:5-6 when the FEAR begins to invade my thoughts and know that God is in control. My favorite part of the book is how Max Lucado helps remind us of being PEACEFUL with his 8 Worry Stoppers.
1) Pray First
2) Easy Now. Slow Down
3) Act on it. Become a Worry Slapper
4) Compile a Worry List
5) Evaluate Your Worries
6) Focus on Today
7) Unleash a Worry Army
8) Let God be Enough
I highly recommend this book for everyone because we all have FEAR in our life. FEARLESS will help you overcome the "what if's" and instead focus on the "what wills"!!
For more information on the book, the author, to read the first chapter of the book, read other reviews of this book and where you can purchase a copy of this book:
Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of the BookSneeze program. My opinions of the products are my own and were not influenced by any form of compensation.

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