Thursday, January 27, 2011

Consistency, Routine, and Perfectionism

Consistency, Routine, and Perfectionism= The 3 words that for me can get all rolled into one! I have always thrived on these 3 things and now my boys do also. I feel that if I am consistent and have a daily routine then all will be PERFECT. When things don't align as I would like then I get frazzled and upset, then the day just can go downhill from there. I am a "person of order, not of chaos" Chaos gets me so frazzled!!

My ideal day would be:
7am: Everyone up and getting dressed and making beds or doing some morning chores or helping with breakfast.
8am: Sitting down for breakfast and morning family devotionals.
8:45am: Clearing the table and getting ready for our school day.
9:00am Starting school for the day
11:45am  Breaking for lunch
12:15 Having lunch
1:00pm Finishing up any school stuff by 2pm
2:00pm Afternoon activities and FREE time
4:00pm Afternoon chores and help prep for dinner time
5:30pm Family Dinner Time
6:15pm Kitchen Clean Up
7:00pm Family Evening Time, Bath Time, etc.
8:30pm Boys are in bed for the evening
11pm All is quiet in the house

Does our day ever look like this?? NO!!! Many different things attribute to the lack of consistency and routine:
1) 2 of my boys have bad sleeping habits, they usually don't fall asleep until 11pm or later. Our youngest is actually getting his tonsils and adenoids removed next week because of heavy snoring and bad sleeping.
2) I am the only early riser in this family. All the "boys" in the house would sleep until noon if they were allowed, but I usually have them all awake by 9am.
3) My husband doesn't work until 2pm most days, so when "daddy" is home, the family tends to get off track.
4) I get distracted by phone calls and wanting to get a lot done while others are still sleeping. I don't focus on the right things.
5) Lack of motivation on some days
6) Lack of organization on some days (I am a clutter phobic and can't concentrate when things are disorganized)
7) "Sick Days" for one kid or another, gets things frazzled here.

I have decided I am not going to strive for Perfectionism as no one is perfect. I am going to reorganize and  strive for Consistency and better Routine here! I will be working on many things over the next 3 days and getting myself organized better so we can have the Consistency and Routine. I have the "Tools and Ideas" (oh trust me do I ever) I just need to get myself organized and lay it all out to the "boys". I think having our first ever "Family Meeting" on Sunday night is a very good idea!

A couple of my boys certainly have already taken after me with some of their "routines". They get frazzled and crazy if things are "not in order" or "things are not in place". For instance, we all have Certain Cups for Certain things and the boys know which is their cup for each purpose. The boys get quite upset if they are not given "their cup".  They thrive on routine and consistency, so I need to work on getting us back into a steady routine.

No one is PERFECT and "My Perfect Day" will never happen. God's plan will always happen no matter how much anyone tries to "avoid" it! God's plan is why we always have to allow for flexibility in our life. I have lots of flexibility for "daily interruptions that is for sure. I do know how to prioritize and organize, sometimes it is just a matter of actually doing both of those!

So I proclaim that I am going to work hard to get things organized so that our days run much smoother and are "days of order, not chaos". I will be posting my progress and the tools I use to help achieve this!! Of course prayer will be the first tool I use and put into action!!

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