Welcome back to another week of Menu Plan Monday! I am completely prepared for this week. I did my plan on Friday night, made my grocery shopping list on Friday night and went shopping Saturday morning. I hit 4 stores in 3hrs and got everything we need for this coming week.I left my apartment at 6:45am and went to Sam's Club, Super Tony's, a small local ethnic store and Aldi's. I arrived back home around 10am. I was able to stay within budget for our weekly stuff. I spent $90 on our weekly groceries, out of a budget of $100. I also had "pantry stock budget" of $75 and I was $9 under on that! So I am $19 under for the month so far!
I have some carry overs from last week because we had a wild and crazy week last week due to Blizzard Shuts Down Chicagoland. My 6yr old son was supposed to have his tonsils out last Thursday, but that didn't happen. It is rescheduled for this Thursday, thus the plan to eat out for 2 meals on that day.
Here is our menu plan for this week:
(The words on the document in blue are clickable recipe links)
Weekly Menu Plan 2/6-2/12
For more great recipes and menu plans visit: Organizing Junkie

I love how you plan out all three meals--looks like a perfect menu for my kids--I need to make more things for breakfast--they're getting tired of cereal:)
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