Outside my window... The snow from our "historic blizzard" of just 2 weeks ago has pretty much melted. The "great thaw" began over the weekend when daytime highs began to reach the upper 40's. It was "Fun" while it lasted. LOL
I am thinking... about a meeting that myself and my husband are having with a Pastor at our church tomorrow. We each have a question that we have been pondering this past week and need to be ready to answer tomorrow.
I am thankful for... all the wonderful people in my life who encourage me and lift me up when life can be stressful.
I am wearing... a nightgown. We are just waking up and getting going around here. I will be getting in my house clothes in just a few minutes.
I am remembering... nothing popping through the memory right now. LOL
I am creating... Nothing! I don't have any creative juices flowing right now. LOL
I am going... to the grocery store today for a few things. Also, have to run to library to grab a couple of books that are ready for pick up.
I am reading.... lots of great library books. Last weeks Library day was successful and I got lots of great reading material. Also, reading blogs.
I am remembering... nothing popping through the memory right now. LOL
I am creating... Nothing! I don't have any creative juices flowing right now. LOL
I am going... to the grocery store today for a few things. Also, have to run to library to grab a couple of books that are ready for pick up.
I am reading.... lots of great library books. Last weeks Library day was successful and I got lots of great reading material. Also, reading blogs.
I am hoping... that the family can stay focused today and that we can get things accomplished that need to be accomplished.
On my mind... the hearing today in Springfield today about SB 136. A bill that is trying to be bought to the table that would force IL Homeschoolers to register their children with the state. I am praying for all the Homeschooling Advocates, Lawyers, Homeschooling Families and Senators that will be at the this meeting. I pray that Senator Ed Maloney will see the truth and table this bill.
From the learning rooms... Doing our regular studies this week!
Noticing that... My 6yr old seems to be sleeping much better just 5 days after his tonsils and adenoids removed. He has always been a bad sleeper, ever since he was about 1yr old. I am so glad he is sleeping much better!
Pondering these words... Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Even as "independent" as I like to be and want to be, sometimes I need to be reminded that I never have to "do it alone", as God is the one who helps me, even when I am being stubborn and wanting to be "Miss Independent".
Around the house... Today I am tackling the boys bedroom and my DH is going to tackle the Toy Room. We needs prayers to stay focused and not let things be interrupted.
One of my favorite things~ SayMMM I wrote about this awesome meal planning website last week. I even received an email from the founder of the site Thanking me for the blog post. He even gave me the instructions and informed me that you can plan for all 3 meals for each day. It truly is an amazing meal planning website! Check it out and you will like it!
A few plans for the rest of the week: We don't have much going on this week. Still staying close to home and allowing 6yr old Danny to recover from Tonsil and Adenoid surgery from last week. He has expressed an interest in going to AWANA tomorrow, but we will see when tomorrow comes how he feels.
A picture to share:

My 6yr old Danny about 10 minutes after they gave him "sleepy meds" before Tonsil surgery last week.
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