Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 1: 2012 Gratitude Challenge

WOW! I am amazed that it is already November 1st, time really does seem to be moving fast. November brings the start of "end of the year holidays" and in November we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is a day to be THANKFUL for things we have in life. I believe in giving THANKS for our blessings everyday of the year not just one designated day.

 My blogger friend Brenda at My Learning Garden is going to be doing 30 Day Gratitude Challenge and I will be participating! Each day I will post something I am THANKFUL for, although I have more then 30 days worth of things to be grateful for!

 DAY 1:  I am THANKFUL for many family members who have overcome many health issues this year and are much healthier, including myself. I had quite a few health issues this year, including my very first Kidney Stone, both of my parents have had health issues and many relatives also! I am grateful that everyone is healthy and happier! I pray everyone stays healthy throughout the holidays and beyond!

 Come back tomorrow for more things I am THANKFUL and GRATEFUL for! If you would like to join in, check out My Learning Garden. You don't have to be blogger to participate!

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Proverbs 22:6 Academy said... Best Blogger Tips 1

A wonderful thing to be grateful for. I know how painful kidney stones are so I hope yours has passed and no others will follow. I am participating in the Challenge as well and looking forward to reading everyone's posts.

Brenda Emmett said... Best Blogger Tips 2

Health is a wonderful thing to be thankful for. Kidney stones are NOT a fun thing at all. I have heard it compared to child birth. However, I think it is worse, because when you have a baby, at least you have something to show for it! LOL!

Thanks so much for linking up today. :)

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