Sunday, November 25, 2012

Energizer "Power the Creativity" with Crayola (Mom Central Event)

I, along with my boys, recently had the opportunity to attend an Event called Power the Creativity with Energizer and Crayola. The Event was AMAZING and now I share with you the fun we had and info I learned!

The Event was held at Family Grounds Cafe on the Northside of Chicago. The Cafe has a GREAT play area for the kids and plenty of tables and chairs for the parents to sit and chat. The Cafe was a PERFECT spot to host the event and it was beautiful!

The Play Area tables were filled with lots of Crayola products for the kids to use and enjoy. My boys LOVE Arts and Crafts and Drawing, so they took to the items right away. My boys had fun with the Wonder Paper products of all kinds. Danny especially loved playing with the Sketcher Projector and Nathan loved Light Up Paint Palette. The boys were especially excited when we moved into the "dark room" where they had lots of Glow in the Dark products set up for play. Danny really got into playing with the Light Designer. The Light Designer sort of reminded me of a toy from my childhood, but better! The boys had an amazing time playing and exploring with all the wonderful Crayola toys!

Nathan "Painting"

Danny and the Light Designer toy

An Assortment of Crayola Toys powered by Energizer Batteries

The boys were excited about the Crayola toys, as was I. I though, was super excited about the Energizer Flameless Wax Candles that were on the tables. I don't use candles in my home because for me Boys + Candles= Danger. The Energizer Flameless Wax Candles have the feel and look of real candles, but are powered by Energizer Max Batteries and an LED Light which NEVER needs replacing. The Energizer Flameless Candles for me = SAFETY and ENJOYMENT!

I really like the features of the candle which include: 
  • Coming in a variety of Sizes, Scents and Colors. 
  • An On/Off Switch which allows for you to control the length of time each day it is used
  • A 4hr timer on the bottom which allows the candle to turn on each day at the same time for 4hrs

Energizer Candle at Event

I have been enjoying the candle with Energizer Max with Power Seal Technology batteries that I received the day of the event! I have even put these on my Christmas Wish List so that I can have many for all rooms of my home!

The Holiday shopping season is upon us and it is important to stock up on Batteries for all the toys, gadgets and gifts that will need batteries. I remember having disappointed kids on Christmas morning in past years because I forgot the batteries! Oops!! Don't be like me , stock up now on Energizer Max with Power Seal Technology! The batteries hold their power for up to 10 yrs on the shelf. Energizer batteries have power that outlast any other battery, so you can stock up on the new Energizer Max batteries without worry of "corrosion". Make sure to look for specially marked packages of Energizer Max AA and AAA 16 packs and you will find $20 off select Crayola products  inside the battery packs.

THANK YOU to Energizer and Crayola products for sponsoring such a fun filled and informative event!

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Disclosure: "I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Energizer. I attended an event and received a promotional item to thank me for my participation." 

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