Tuesday, November 13, 2012

CWA Review: Growing Great Kids by Kate Battistelli

About the Book:

Successful adults don’t happen by accident. It takes wisdom to raise your children with a strong sense of their destiny in God and a deep knowledge of their gifts and callings.

In Growing Great Kids, Kate Battistelli shares what she and her husband, Mike, learned about parenting during the journey of raising their daughter—Dove Award–winning recording artist Francesca Battistelli. Using anecdotes to illustrate the insights she and her husband gained, she provides practical advice including:

  • How to dream God’s big dream for your child
  • The value of humility and integrity
  • How to interpret God’s seasons in a child’s life 
  • The power of a parent’s words, and more
Personal Message from the Author:
"I want to share with you that I'm not a childrearing expert. But I am an expert in raising my child just as you're an expert in raising yours.

No one knows your child better than you do and no one will love them, pray for them and fight for their future like you will. I’m passionate about helping you believe God has a Big Purpose, a God-sized plan for your precious family.

I have no interest in greatness but I have a great interest in helping you raise great kids and encouraging you to partner with God to uncover their unique destiny. Our children are entrusted to us for such a short season and our job is to nurture, guide, train and help them become all God has called them to be!"



About the Author:

Kate Battistelli is a wife, author, speaker, former Broadway actress, and mom to one of Christian music’s most celebrated new recording artists—Grammy-nominated, Christian contemporary singer-songwriter Francesca Battistelli.

Kate currently volunteers at ESTHER Single Mothers Outreach and is thoroughly enjoying her newest role as grandmother to Francesca’s first child, Matthew Elijah.

Places you can find the author online: 
Learn more about Kate at:

Kate's website:

Kate on Facebook:

Kate on Twitter:!/katebattistelli

Youtube video of Kate's Interview with Today's Issues:

Francesca's website:

My Thoughts and Review: 

I have to admit I though this book would be like "every other parenting book", but it is FAR from that. Growing Great Kids isn't about discipline methods, getting the kids to cooperate and all that the "other books" entail. Growing Great Kids is a "guide book" that helps Parents guide their children in reaching their full potential in their God given talents and gifts and all that God has in store for them.

We always want to see our children seeking God in all they do, just as us parents do the same. Sometimes it is hard to "redirect" children or even direct children to seeking God for their life. Mrs. Battistelli gives some great advice in achieving this and being our children's "cheerleader" to they are constantly and joyously seeking God's will for their life, talents and gifts!

I really liked this book as it is very encouraging. I am going through some "trying times" with my oldest right now as he begins to use language not approaiate and in pursing interests that are not acceptable. I will be taking the knowledge from "Growing Great Kids" and guiding him back in the direction of God. He is a very talented writer, especially for a 5th grader, and he is also a very talented artist. I truly believe these are his God given gifts and talents and I want to encourage him in those directions. I was at a lost in how to achieve that, but Kate Battistelli has given me some knowledge and direction.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars! 

Buying the Book: 

Growing Great Kids is AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE in bookstores and major retailers for $14.99.

Your readers can buy discounted and personally autographed copies here.

Or purchase online at: Amazon,, Barnes&Noble or their favorite online retailer.

Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book for my participation in the CWA Review Crew. I was only required to write an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own. 

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