Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook 10/30

Outside my Window: Cloudy, windy, and chilly. YEP Fall has arrived in Chicago. High temps of only 45° today.

I am thinking: The East Coast where Hurricane Sandy hit yesterday. Praying for everyone as they await power and begin clean up.

I am THANKFUL: The health of my family. I had to take our 10yr old to ER on Saturday night because of his Asthma. He is fine now after a couple days of rest.

In the Kitchen: Tonight is “Breakfast for Dinner”. See the rest of our menu for the week: Menu for 10/28-11/3

I am wearing: My comfy PJ's and fuzzy slipper socks! Today just seemed like a PJ kind of day!

I am creating: I am working on getting things in order for the Holidays. Lesson Plans, Family Activities and more. I LOVE seeing Novmember come!

I am going: I have to go pick my dad up and drive him to his Tuesday night job. He works at a local newpaper as the Circulation Manager and he can't drive yet. The office is only 5 blocks from his house, so I just wait the 2hrs for him to be done.

I am wondering: When and if life is going to slow down for me. 2012 has been my BUSIET year ever! Too much running around and more and it isn't even for my kids.

I am reading: I am currently reading: The Wounded Heart by Adina Senft. Check out the rest of the books by my Reading Chair in the Right Sidebar.

I am hoping: To get caught up on things here within my household. Life has been busy and there are a few things I need to catch up on here at my house.

I am looking forward to: November and December. The Holiday season of both months and all the family time is a wonderful time of the year.

I am learning: Our regular Learning! We will soon start our focus on the holidays!

Around the house: Daily Chores and also working on declutter a file cabinet and paper clutter. I do the paper clutter while watching PrimeTime TV.

I am pondering: LOTS! I have had a couple of family situations in the last couple of months where family members(outside of this house) are trying to "Boss Me".

A Favorite Quote for Today:

One of my Favorite Things: YouVersion Bible App  2yrs ago when I upgraded to a SmartPhone I discovered this bible app. YouVersion isn't just a "Mobile Bible", it has many great features! Some of the features I love are the ability to take notes within the app, the ability to bookmark passages and more, the over 50 or so Bible Reading Plans. I just discovered this week that they also have an app in the Google Chrome store. I have now downloaded it to my PC and my laptop! The great feature is that it also syncs your account with the phone and PC. So if I have notes from my phone, they will show up when I sign in online! Nothing will ever replace my Print Bible, but YouVersion is a GREAT "on the go" bible!

A few plans for the rest of the Week: Wednesday the boys and I are heading down to my parents house to go trick or treating and have fun with my brother and parents. Thursday through Saturday are finally days where we have nothing on schedule. I am soo looking forward to being able to get things done in the apartment.

A picture to share:

My Homemade Gourmet Hot Cocoa 

To see into the Day of other Bloggers check out: 
Simple Woman's Daybook

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