I had a SUPER busy week last week and didn't get around to planning a menu, but we had a good freezer stock, so all was good! I am looking forward to this week as we don't have any appointments and except for Wednesday don't have to go anywhere. We were supposed to have a day filled with Drs. appointments today, but I have to cancel them because my oldest is sick and contagious, so no taking him with me.
I planned for Chicken Quarters for 2 days in a row because today was supposed to be super busy and it made it easier to cook one day and have leftovers. I also have some "repeats" on my menu from a couple weeks ago things came up and we didn't have those yet. I am going to be working on revising our menu choices and getting some new recipes implemented into our menu plan. I am LOVING the comfort food time of the year for now though!
Here is our menu plan for the week: Weekly Menu 10/28-11/3
For more weekly Menu Plans and Recipes visit:

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