Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: The Escape Game by Marilyn Turk


Book: The Escape Game

Author: Marilyn Turk

Genre: Historical Christian Fiction

Release date: March, 2023

A Board Game Holds Keys to Prisoners’ Escape

Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII.

After the Nazis started the bombing blitz of England, Beryl Clarke puts her college on hold to return to Leeds, care for her mother, and work as a secretary at the Waddington game company. While she endures the war at home, her brother James fights the enemy in the air. When he is shot down, injured, and captured, James meets American POW Kenneth Anderson, and they plan to escape the Nazi prison camp. Beryl knows there is a board game with escape plans being delivered to POWs by the Red Cross. But how will the men discover the game’s secret?


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The Escape Game by Marilyn Turk is Book 9 in the Heroines of WWII stories. The series is written by various authors and each book flows with the others as great Standalone books.

The time is 1941 in Leeds, England. The Nazis have just bombed England. Beryl Clarke has withdrawn from College to come home to care for her Mom while her brother, James,  is fighting the War in the Air. Beryl has taken a job at the Waddington Game Company as a Secretary. James is injured when he is shot down and captured by the Nazis. He meets American POW Kenneth Anderson at the Prison Camp and the 2 decide they need to come up with a plan to escape. Beryl finds out that a Board Game is on the way to the POWs that has a hidden Escape Plans in the game. Will James and Kenneth find the hidden plans and be able to escape? 

I have come to truly enjoy this series and I learn something new in each book about WWII. I was captivated by this storyline from the beginning! I think my favorite part of the book is that a Board game was delivered to the POWs that would help them figure out an escape plan. I also enjoyed that the story was told from the perspective of Kenneth who was a soldier at war and from Beryl's perspective of War on the Home Front. I enjoy Christian Historical Fiction and this book did not disappoint. I really felt the Faith Aspect in this book. GREAT BOOK!


Award-winning author Marilyn Turk writes historical fiction flavored with suspense and romance. Marilyn also writes devotions for Daily Guideposts. She and her husband are lighthouse enthusiasts, have visited over one hundred lighthouses, and also served as volunteer lighthouse caretakers at Little River Light off the coast of Maine.

When not writing or visiting lighthouses, Marilyn enjoys boating, fishing, gardening, tennis, playing with grandkids, and her golden retriever Dolly.

She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers; Faith, Hope and Love; Advanced Writers and Speakers Association; and Word Weavers International.


More from Marilyn

The Story behind The Escape Game

In the process of writing my books, I’ve become fascinated by the real stories that happened during World War II. I’ve discovered information I didn’t know before and am finding out that many people I know, even those older than myself, didn’t know either. Every time I come across an interesting tidbit, I want to write about it. Since my husband knows I look for such things, when he came across a story about how the Monopoly game was used during the war, he shared it with me.

The true story was kept top-secret for over fifty years after the war, so few had heard about it, especially outside the United Kingdom. Of course, my writer’s mind set off asking “What If?” So the story developed about a woman who works for the company that makes the game and what happened after she found out about the secret. What if she had a close relative who had been captured before the British informed their soldiers about the game and he needed to know the information? How could she convey that to him?

I wish I could have gone to the UK for research, but that was not a possibility. Maybe someday. However, the people I contacted there were very helpful, and I was thrilled to make contact with the great granddaughter of the president of Waddintons, the company which manufactured the game. She was able to fill in a few details about the company, although when she was a child, her grandfather ran the company.

One thing many people find hard to believe, based on the horrible treatment the Nazi army inflicted on people they thought inferior, is that the treatment of POW’s was somewhat better, especially for pilots. Thanks to the rules of the Geneva Convention after WWI, the Germans abided by them for the most part. That involved treatment of prisoners who escaped. Most of them were caught and returned to the camp from which they escaped. And normally, the punishment was solitary confinement. The biggest hardship of the POWs besides lack of freedom was the meager food they were given, especially as the war continued, since the Germans themselves were facing food shortages.

The challenge for me as a writer was to accurately describe life in both England and the POW camp. The other big challenge was writing a love story when the two characters were apart for so long. But it’s true that many soldiers fell in love with women they corresponded with back home. That fact is verified in the many letters on record, including the ones my father-in-law wrote to a fellow soldier’s fiancé after the soldier was killed in action. Their relationship grew into love, and after the war, the two met in person at the train station for the first time and married the same day.

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To celebrate her tour, Marilyn is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon eGift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Roxanne C. said... Best Blogger Tips 1

This new addition to the Heroines of WWII series sounds like it's going to be one of the best reads this year with its nuggets of true history and two viewpoints, especially one of a POW.

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