Sunday, April 30, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Fields of Bounty by Lauraine Snelling

Book: Fields of Bounty

Author: Lauraine Snelling

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release date: March 21, 2023

They must set aside their own plans and rely on their faith to bring their true destiny to light.

Lilac Nielsen’s dream has come true: handsome young Reverend Ethan Pritchard has finally noticed her. Yet she must balance this new courtship with the pursuit of another dream–the publication of her artwork in a New York paper. She has secretly been submitting a series of drawings under a pen name, and if anyone traces the drawings back to her and finds out where Lilac and her sisters settled, the entire Nielsen family could be in danger.

As their family farm expands and Lilac’s relationship with the reverend grows, it’s a time of new beginnings. But when a family crisis back in Ohio shakes the Nielsen sisters, can they continue to build the new life they’ve begun in Nebraska? And will Lilac be prepared for what God has in store for her future?

I have been a fan of author Lauraine Snelling for many years. I was excited to be able to read her latest release. Fields of Bounty is Book 3 in the Leah's Garden series. I have not yet read the first 2 books in this series, but I am excited to go back and read those books. 

We are taking back to the 1860's in Nebraska and Farm Life. Lilac Nielsen is enjoying life to the fullest right now. She is happy that the man she has had a crush on, Reverend Ethan Pritchard, is finally noticing her. She has wanted to be in a relationship with him for a while and now her dreams are coming true. She has another wish she hopes to fulfill soon. She really would love to see her artwork published in a New York Paper. She has been careful to use a Pen name for her work as she does not want others to discover where she and her sisters have moved to. Lilac is very concerned for herself and her sisters when a Crisis happens in Ohio, where most of her family still lives. Will Lilac and her sisters continue to be safe in their new environment? Will Lilac put trust in God for their new beginnings and for the future? 

WOW, I was captivated by this book from the very first chapter! Lilac's dreams coming true is so heartwarming and a wonderful way to start the book. Her joy and happiness are just amazing. I love how she loves her sisters so much and wants to keep them safe. The relationship with Ethan was so beautiful and watching it grow warmed my heart. Even when Family Crisis strikes. Lilac relies on her faith to get through it with her family. This book is one of Forgiveness, Faith, and Family. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Historical Fiction Romance. FANTASTIC BOOK!

Click here to get your copy!


Lauraine Snelling ( is the award-winning author of more than 100 books, fiction and nonfiction, for adults and young adults. Her books have sold more than five million copies. She and her husband make their home in Tehachapi, California.


More from Lauraine

One of the things I love about writing novels is that the characters often surprise me as I write. I usually jot notes, then have to hunt for them because I have the bad habit of scribbling on whatever paper happens to be handy. But as I play with the characters who’ve already taken up residence in my head, they seem to develop a mind of their own. Once I have the opening line, the adventure flies off in directions I never expected.


Lilac’s story, Fields of Bounty, is book three of Leah’s Garden. The series follows the adventures of four sisters, all named after their mother’s favorite flowers. Lilac is the youngest sister. She’s a dreamer, as I’d already learned in two of her sisters’ stories. She loves playing the fiddle with her sisters, who are each proficient on a different instrument. As she lives the frontier life, she sketches everything around her, their farm animals, her growing extended family, and their new life in Nebraska. Her story unwinds in ways you might not expect.


It’s interesting how flowers show up in so many of my books. I love to talk about flowers. I  choose and plant them so I can pick flowers, arrange them, and enjoy the fragrances. I take photos and paint watercolors of my flowers as well. Our acreage is hedged in lilac bushes. In the spring when my lilacs are blooming and a breeze is spreading the perfume, I can take my laptop out to the deck, inhale deeply, and write.


Since we wish we could keep the scent of lilacs around all year, I found a great recipe for making lilac potpourri from The Experimental Homesteader. Check out her website for instructions. I think our Nebraska Lilac would approve.

Bigreadersite, April 21

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For Him and My Family, May 1

Holly’s Book Corner, May 2

Splashes of Joy, May 3

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Pause for Tales, May 4

To celebrate her tour, Lauraine is giving away the grand prize package of a paperback set of the books in LEAH’S GARDEN series: The Seeds of Change, A Time to Bloom, and Fields of Bounty!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Roxanne C. said... Best Blogger Tips 1

Thank you for featuring Lauraine Snelling's new book. I love how the four Nielsen sisters are named after their mother's favorite flowers.

Caryl Kane said... Best Blogger Tips 2

Kendra, Thank you for sharing your excellent review!

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