Sunday, April 30, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Fields of Bounty by Lauraine Snelling

Book: Fields of Bounty

Author: Lauraine Snelling

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release date: March 21, 2023

They must set aside their own plans and rely on their faith to bring their true destiny to light.

Lilac Nielsen’s dream has come true: handsome young Reverend Ethan Pritchard has finally noticed her. Yet she must balance this new courtship with the pursuit of another dream–the publication of her artwork in a New York paper. She has secretly been submitting a series of drawings under a pen name, and if anyone traces the drawings back to her and finds out where Lilac and her sisters settled, the entire Nielsen family could be in danger.

As their family farm expands and Lilac’s relationship with the reverend grows, it’s a time of new beginnings. But when a family crisis back in Ohio shakes the Nielsen sisters, can they continue to build the new life they’ve begun in Nebraska? And will Lilac be prepared for what God has in store for her future?

I have been a fan of author Lauraine Snelling for many years. I was excited to be able to read her latest release. Fields of Bounty is Book 3 in the Leah's Garden series. I have not yet read the first 2 books in this series, but I am excited to go back and read those books. 

We are taking back to the 1860's in Nebraska and Farm Life. Lilac Nielsen is enjoying life to the fullest right now. She is happy that the man she has had a crush on, Reverend Ethan Pritchard, is finally noticing her. She has wanted to be in a relationship with him for a while and now her dreams are coming true. She has another wish she hopes to fulfill soon. She really would love to see her artwork published in a New York Paper. She has been careful to use a Pen name for her work as she does not want others to discover where she and her sisters have moved to. Lilac is very concerned for herself and her sisters when a Crisis happens in Ohio, where most of her family still lives. Will Lilac and her sisters continue to be safe in their new environment? Will Lilac put trust in God for their new beginnings and for the future? 

WOW, I was captivated by this book from the very first chapter! Lilac's dreams coming true is so heartwarming and a wonderful way to start the book. Her joy and happiness are just amazing. I love how she loves her sisters so much and wants to keep them safe. The relationship with Ethan was so beautiful and watching it grow warmed my heart. Even when Family Crisis strikes. Lilac relies on her faith to get through it with her family. This book is one of Forgiveness, Faith, and Family. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Historical Fiction Romance. FANTASTIC BOOK!

Click here to get your copy!


Lauraine Snelling ( is the award-winning author of more than 100 books, fiction and nonfiction, for adults and young adults. Her books have sold more than five million copies. She and her husband make their home in Tehachapi, California.


More from Lauraine

One of the things I love about writing novels is that the characters often surprise me as I write. I usually jot notes, then have to hunt for them because I have the bad habit of scribbling on whatever paper happens to be handy. But as I play with the characters who’ve already taken up residence in my head, they seem to develop a mind of their own. Once I have the opening line, the adventure flies off in directions I never expected.


Lilac’s story, Fields of Bounty, is book three of Leah’s Garden. The series follows the adventures of four sisters, all named after their mother’s favorite flowers. Lilac is the youngest sister. She’s a dreamer, as I’d already learned in two of her sisters’ stories. She loves playing the fiddle with her sisters, who are each proficient on a different instrument. As she lives the frontier life, she sketches everything around her, their farm animals, her growing extended family, and their new life in Nebraska. Her story unwinds in ways you might not expect.


It’s interesting how flowers show up in so many of my books. I love to talk about flowers. I  choose and plant them so I can pick flowers, arrange them, and enjoy the fragrances. I take photos and paint watercolors of my flowers as well. Our acreage is hedged in lilac bushes. In the spring when my lilacs are blooming and a breeze is spreading the perfume, I can take my laptop out to the deck, inhale deeply, and write.


Since we wish we could keep the scent of lilacs around all year, I found a great recipe for making lilac potpourri from The Experimental Homesteader. Check out her website for instructions. I think our Nebraska Lilac would approve.

Bigreadersite, April 21

lakesidelivingsite, April 21

Jeanette’s Thoughts, April 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 23

Texas Book-aholic, April 24

Lily’s Book Reviews, April 25

Cover Lover Book Review, April 25

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 26

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 27 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, April 27

Connie’s History Classroom, April 28

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 29

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 30

For Him and My Family, May 1

Holly’s Book Corner, May 2

Splashes of Joy, May 3

Mary Hake, May 3

Pause for Tales, May 4

To celebrate her tour, Lauraine is giving away the grand prize package of a paperback set of the books in LEAH’S GARDEN series: The Seeds of Change, A Time to Bloom, and Fields of Bounty!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: When Tomorrow Came by Hannah Linder

Book: When Tomorrow Came

Author: Hannah Linder

Genre:Christian Fiction / Historical / Romance

Release date: April, 2023

They Waited Their Whole Lives for Their Papa to Return

Nan and Heath Duncan, siblings abandoned by their papa and abused by their guardian, have no choice but to survive on the London streets. When a kind gentleman rescues Nan from such a life, the siblings are separated and raised in two vastly different social worlds. Just when both are beginning to flourish and years have healed some of their wounds, their long-awaited papa returns and reunites them—bringing demands with him. Nan is expected to marry a rich suitor she’s never liked, and Heath is expected to forsake his gentle spirit and become the hardened man his father always was.

Dangers unfold, secret love develops, fights ensue, and murder upsets the worlds Heath and Nan have built for themselves.

They’ve waited their whole lives for their papa to return, for tomorrow to come—but now that it has, will they be able to see through to the truth and end this whirlwind of a nightmare before it costs one of their lives?


I really enjoy Christian Historical Romance books, especially those from the Regency Era. When Tomorrow Came by Hannah Linder is the most recent book I had the honor of reading.

Nan and Heath Duncan have had a rough life and life is about to get tougher. They were abandoned by their Papa, abused by their guardian, and then separated and raised by 2 different families. Many years have gone by and both have had a better life. Their Papa who abandoned them comes back into their lives and brings them together again. The joyful reunion is short-lived when they realize their Papa wants them to live their lives his way. Nan is supposed to marry someone she has no feelings for and Heath is supposed to be as mean and rude as Papa is although Heath has been a soft and gentle person. Will Nan and Heath find joy in the reunion with their Papa? Will the truth about their Papa be revealed and will they be safe from him? 

I must admit I almost did not want to keep reading this book, but finally, by the 4th Chapter, I started enjoying the book. I discovered Nan is such a strong woman and has a strong faith. Heath is a kind gentleman, who loves his sister so much that he made sure she was taken care of by a good family. I was sad for them when the reunion with their Papa started to reveal his true character. The book has many twists and turns beginning in the middle of the book and really keeps the reader intrigued. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Historical and Regency Romance. Good Book!

Click here to get your copy!


Hannah Linder resides in the beautiful mountains of central West Virginia. Represented by Books & Such, she writes Regency romantic suspense novels. She is a double 2021 Selah Award winner, a 2022 Selah Award finalist, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). Hannah is a Graphic Design Associates Degree graduate who specializes in professional book cover design. She designs for both traditional publishing houses and individual authors, including New York Times, USA Today, and International bestsellers. She is also a local photographer and a self-portrait photographer. When Hannah is not writing, she enjoys playing her instruments—piano, guitar, and ukulele—songwriting, painting still life, walking in the rain, and sitting on the front porch of her 1800s farmhouse. To follow her journey, visit


More from Hannah

Love interests me. Not just in the romantic sense, but in every sense, because love is the driving emotion behind so much of what we do. It’s the heartbeat of everything. What do we have but love? Yet isn’t it the very essence of our greatest pain?


Sometimes it doesn’t make sense. Sometimes love has no reason. Like a tumultuous wind or a wet branch that sways in different directions, love is often petulant and aimless and powerful. But sometimes it’s soft, like a flower lifting dewy petals to the sunshine. The epitome of everything good, sweet, and true.


What makes love change? What makes two friends who have always been fraternal one day confess romantic affection? How much wrong, how much affliction, does it take for sweet love to sizzle into hatred? Even then, is it really hatred? Or merely the charred crust of the adoration still throbbing beneath? And how strong are the cords of new love? Will they break at every pull and tug, or are they more unfaltering than anyone might think?


Maybe those are silly questions. Maybe, like snowflakes, every heart knows a different answer. But if I explored anything in When Tomorrow Came, it was this. I glided through the story and felt love shift from brotherly to intimate, from hopeful to disappointed, from untested to proven, from safe to betrayed.


Just as love is the heartbeat of life, it is also the heartbeat of this story. I hope you will find yourself falling in love with the characters and their journey as much as I did.

Texas Book-aholic, April 28

To Everything There Is A Season, April 28

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 29

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 29

Connie’s History Classroom, April 30

Book Butterfly in Dreamland, April 30

Lily’s Book Reviews, May 1

Genesis 5020, May 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 2

Betti Mace, May 3

Book Looks by Lisa, May 3

Labor Not in Vain, May 4

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, May 4

Cover Lover Book Review, May 5

Blogging With Carol, May 6

For Him and My Family, May 6

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 7

Where Faith and Books Meet, May 8

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, May 8

Holly’s Book Corner, May 9

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, May 9

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 10

Splashes of Joy, May 10

Pause for Tales, May 11

Books I’ve Read, May 11

To celebrate her tour, Hannah is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Friday, April 28, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: United Forces by Terry Overton

Book: The Underground Book Readers: United Forces

Author: Terry Overton

Genre: Middle grade, pre-teen, teen dystopian

Release date: March 1, 2023

In the second book of The Underground Book Readers, Leena, Kahn, Casey, Jairus, Asher, and Conroy face unpredicted challenges. The World Force tightens its grip on the remaining teens and children of the Blue Ridge Mountains area. Increased patrols and drones are seen nearly every day as they visit their underground cavern to read forbidden books and study the Bible. The Underground Book Readers attempt to find out the identity and purpose of a new threatening group seen on a nearby mountain while they continue to work on an escape tunnel. But they soon discover there is more under Leena’s house than a cellar. The underground group design a spy mission to the other mountain. Questions remain about possible escapees who left to find a free territory in what used to be called the United States in the world before.


Click here to get your copy!

I have read many books by Terry Overton, and I have come to really enjoy all the books I have read. . The Underground Book Readers: United Forces is Book 2 in the The Underground Book Readers series. I was honored to have read Book 1 in this series and I have been anxiously waiting for this book. 

The Underground Readers group has some new members. The group now consists of Leena, Kahn, Casey, Jairus, Asher, and Conroy.  They have formed a secret Society and have been meeting for many years Underground. The group really enjoys their time in their Underground Cave reading banned books and the Bible together. They have recently noticed an increase in Drones and Patrols around Blue Ridge Mountain. They are concerned that the World Force is trying to get the remaining children in that area. The Underground Book Readers are attempting to figure out who the new group in the area is and why they are in the area. The group is also working on an escape tunnel and they soon discover that Leena's house has more then a cellar. The group begins a Spy Mission to the other Mountain. Will the group figure out who and why the new group is around Blue Ridge Mountain? Will their findings about Leena's house lead to something great? 

WOW, I never thought that I would enjoy this Youth dystopian genre so much!  I really LOVE that the group is determined to help others and this second book really focuses on how the group does so!  We learn how each of the members of the Underground Book Readers has something that they have much expertise in. One is a Gardener, one is a Fisher, one a Spy and those skills help others and the group. I LOVE how this book is very focused on God's Word and very Biblically sound. I am very excited to continue reading  this series! I HIGH:Y recommend this to everyone, Middle School on up to Adults!  WONDERFUL BOOK!

Terry Overton obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology and her Ed. D. in special education. She taught in public schools and was a school psychologist and a professor before retiring in 2016. She began her second “career” after retirement writing Christian fiction books and devotionals. She hopes to share the Christian worldview through her writing and touch the lives of her readers. Her novels, middle grade readers, and picture books seek to entertain readers through the travel experiences and characters included in her books. Her books have earned Bookfest Awards, Firebird Award Winner, American Writing Award Gold, International Finalist Book Award, Reader Views Awards, Reader’s Favorite Awards and the Mom’s Choice Award. She currently resides in Laguna Vista, Texas, near the Texas-Mexico border. She enjoys Biblical history and general Bible studies, writing, and enjoying family and friends. She has seven grandchildren and one great granddaughter.


More from Terry

The series was motivated by discussions with local community and school librarians who expressed frustration with their inability to order and display classic books, and newer conservative or Christian based books, in their own libraries. The series reflects what is currently seen in many news stories where parents are outraged by the books their own children are being shown in schools. This Christian dystopian book series, written for middle grade readers and up, is an attempt to remind children of the blessings of books and of the Bible. In addition, several historic documents and time periods are discussed. It is my hope that introducing these topics in this way will pique curiosity of young readers who may not have had the opportunity to study these documents and events.

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, April 20

An Author’s Take, April 21

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 22

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, April 23

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, April 24

Mary Hake, April 24

Texas Book-aholic, April 25

Aryn The Libraryan, April 26

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 27

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 28

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 29

Blogging With Carol, April 30

Simple Harvest Reads, May 1 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, May 2

Lights in a Dark World, May 3

debs book review, May 3

To celebrate her tour, Terry is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and copy of the book!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Mail-Order Bride Substitute by Linda Ford

Book: Mail-Order Bride Substitute

Author: Linda Ford

Genre: Historical Western Romance

Release date: March 29, 2023

Olivia comes from a rich family, but it hasn’t protected her from malicious rumors. A marriage of convenience as a mail-order bride to Riley Shannon is exactly what she needs for a fresh start. Especially when he makes it clear he wants no romance. Something she is in complete agreement with. She’ll go in place of her friend, Sylvia, who has changed her mind about the arrangement she made with Riley.

Riley has bitter memories of loving a rich woman who doesn’t care to embrace ranch life. He has no intention of repeating that lesson. When Olivia steps from the train, offering to be his substitute bride, his answer is a resounding ‘no thanks.’ But Olivia isn’t about to take no for an answer and makes her way to the ranch, determined to prove she is the answer to his prayers.

What will it take for these two to overcome the barriers to their love?


Click here to get your copy!

I absolutely love Christian Historical Fiction novels and I really enjoy Marriage of Convenience storylines. Mail-Order Bride Substitute by Linda Ford is Book 3 in the Montana Mail-Order Brides series. I have not read the first 2 books in this series, but I have no trouble following along with this book. 

Olivia is from a Well-to-Do Family and is used to life with hired help and lavish items. She has determined she needs to get away as rumors about her are swirling around in town. She agrees to become a Mail-Order Bride taking the place of her friend Sylvia who has changed her mind about the agreement she made. Riley Shannon is quite surprised to see Olivia get off the train instead of Sylvia, as he was not told of the "Substitute Bride" that was coming. Riley realizes that Olivia is a "rich woman" and he had a past relationship that didn't work because of a "rich woman" who didn't fit into Ranch Life. Riley is looking for someone who will cook and clean and settle into Ranch Life. He doesn't feel Olivia is that person, but Olivia is determined to show him that she is the one he is searching for. Riley allows Olivia and her hired help to come to the Ranch for a time while they figure things out. Will Olivia and Riley have a Marriage of Convenience? Will they learn to LOVE each other? 

WOW, I have never read any books by Linda Ford before this book and I am really enjoying her writing style. I was reeled into this storyline from the very first chapter and I finished the book within 5hrs! Olivia is a very determined woman who really proves that she is made for "ranch life.". She is hurt by a previous relationship and really wants to start a new chapter in her life. Riley Shannon is looking for a Marriage of Convenience with no Romance. I really love that he had a change of heart once Olivia had been at the Ranch for a while. Both Olivia and Riley have "baggage" from previous relationships that they have to work through to have a good relationship between the pair. The book is a definite Page Turner and there were quite a few twists and turns in the story. The book is about Faith, Moving Forward, and knowing God's plan is greater than our plan. I believe this book would be a good read for anyone who enjoys Christian Historical Romance. FANTASTIC BOOK! 

Linda Ford is a multi-published author who makes her home in rural Alberta, Canada where she is near enough to the Rockies to see them every day. She didn’t always want to be an author. In fact, she dreamed of running an orphanage. In a way, her dream came true. She married a rancher. They had four children then adopted ten, an experience which has given her much fodder for the happy-ever-after stories she writes. Growing up on the prairie and learning to notice the small details it hides has given her an appreciation for watching God at work in His creation. Her upbringing also included being taught to trust God in everything and through everything—a theme that resonates in her stories.

Mail-Order Bride Substitute is her 100th title.


More from Linda

For the most part, I write westerns.  Historical western romances to be exact. Now I’m not a cowgirl. I don’t even ride horseback. (Shh. Don’t tell anyone.) So, you might well ask, what qualifies me to write stories of this era and these kinds of people?


Well, I could list a number of reasons. 1) I had a father who liked to visit museums and tell stories about settling the west. Not only that, but for a few summers when I was very young, my mother and my siblings accompanied him to live in a…well, the best way to describe it is to say it was a cabin on wheels with nothing inside but a few cupboards and rough bunk beds. You could say I experienced pioneer life firsthand albeit it through the eyes of a child 2) As a child, I read anything I could get my hands on, including Zane Grey. I fell in love with his heroes, his heroines and his settings. 3) I dated and married a man who lives to watch westerns. And as a good date and later, a good wife, I spent many hours watching them. 4). I still love those larger-than-life heroes (aka cowboys) and the stubborn but kind heroines.


Mail-Order Bride Substitute is the third in a 5-book (and counting) series of Montana Mail-Order Brides. I like creating families and have done exactly that in this series. There are four brothers—the Shannons–and then their friends who see how successful their marriages are and decide to try this mail-order bride business for themselves.


I tend to create strong families and this series is no exception. Mrs. Shannon was a kind, guiding mother. Mr. Shannon was tough as old leather yet fair. Their sons do their best to honor them. I also prefer settings that include mountains which is why I have set this series in beautiful western Montana.


I love these stories. Or maybe it’s the cowboys and the brides who gather their courage around them to travel west to marry—and yes, tame—these young men.


Incidentally, this is my 100th book to be published.

Vicky Sluiter, April 15

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 16 (Author Interview)

Christina’s Corner, April 16

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 17

Texas Book-aholic, April 18

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 19

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, April 20

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, April 20

Connie’s History Classroom, April 21

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, April 22

Cover Lover Book Review, April 23

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 24

Mornings at Character Cafe, April 24

For Him and My Family, April 25

Holly’s Book Corner, April 26

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 26

Pause for Tales, April 27

Labor Not in Vain, April 28

To Everything There Is A Season, April 28

To celebrate her tour, Linda is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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