Tuesday, August 29, 2023

FrontGate Media Blog Tour: Grit Don't Quit by Bianca Juárez Olthoff

Whether by choice or circumstances out of our control, we will have moments where we feel like we've been punched out, dragged down, or knocked out. What do we do in those situations? You must learn to persevere.

Perseverance requires a deep sense of hope, and thought leader, pastor, and podcaster, Bianca Juárez Olthoff, knows that personally. But it's not just any hope. It's a hope firmly rooted in something other than mere wishes and finger-crossing. This is a hope we have in our future that is rooted in the One who can go beyond our wildest dream to accomplish more than we could ever imagine. However, we must be willing to do the work of cultivating grit throughout every circumstance.

Using the life of Paul the Apostle as a case study, Bianca shows how grit was the genesis of his transformation from a judgmental Pharisee to a world-changing follower of Jesus. In Grit Don't Quit, Bianca will help you:

  • Identify how to cultivate perseverance
  • Discover the cost and benefit of resilience
  • Develop a theological framework for rebounding from loss
  • Understand how grit can change your life
  • Apply practical principles to increase emotional, mental, and spiritual strength

If we can prove to ourselves that the true power is getting back up, we can prove to others that success isn't only for the smart, talented, or well-connected. No matter how many times we fall, our real power comes from when we get back up. Get up, live full, and die empty.

The Storms and Struggles in life will always be there, it is how we react and respond to those struggles. Podcaster and Pastor Bianca Juárez Olthoff has written a book that shows us how to get through the "Grit" of life. 

Honestly, this book has come at the PERFECT time for me. 2023 has been a vast amount of Storms for our household. I have been trying my best to "Weather" through the storms, but I haven't been the best through all the storms. Bianca has given some great tips and info about getting through the storms in this book. Her main word throughout this book is PERSERVANCE. We will FALL many times throughout LIFE, we just need to get back up and persevere. I really like that Bianca points the reader to God as our helper for Perseverance and getting through the storms of life. The book is Encouraging, Biblically Sound, and a WONDERFUL BOOK! I highly recommend it for anyone who is going through struggles and needs encouragement. 

A bible-teaching, word-slanging MexiRican who is passionate about raising up a generation of people with hearts longing for Jesus Christ. Bianca was illiterate until the age of 12 and through her grit she chose not to quit and has written 3 impactful books.

Now as a church planter and industry leader, she is committed to proclaiming the gospel domestically and internationally through her unique personality that provides comic relief in her insightful and powerful teachings.

But why? Because she has seen way too many of her closest friends lose their way, live isolated, and forget their faith just as so many others do.

If Jesus is real we can be too! It's time to get out of the box, color outside of the lines, and live counter-culturally.

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