Monday, July 31, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: The Light of Eidon by Karen Hancock

Book: The Light of Eidon

Author: Karen Hancock

Genre: Fantasy (reprint)

Release Date: July 11, 2023

Special Hardcover Edition of a Classic Christian Fantasy

Abramm has dedicated the last eight years of his life to becoming worthy to touch and tend the Sacred Flames of Eidon, and he expects to be blessed for his devotion and sacrifice. But on the eve of taking the vows that will irrevocably separate him from the life he was born to—as Abramm Kalladorne, fifth son of the king of Kiriath—he is betrayed by his spiritual mentor and sold into slavery by his brothers.

Swept along by the winds of a new destiny, Abramm is forced to compete as a gladiator. When the oppressed masses rally around his success, he discovers his suffering has molded him into something greater than he ever thought possible—to serve a purpose he never imagined.

Set in a world of swords and cloaks, of glittering palaces and mystical temples, of galley ships and ancient mist-bound cities, The Light of Eidon is the first volume of an epic series, Legends of the Guardian- King.


Click here to get your copy!

I do not normally read Christian Fantasy, but I really liked the Synopsis of this book, so I decided to read it.  The Light of Eidon by Karen Hancock is Book 1 in the Legends of the Guardian-King Series. 

Abramm is excited about the days ahead as he prepares to take vows that will change his life forever. He has enjoyed the last 8yrs of reaching his goal of being able to touch and tending the Sacred Flames of Eidon. He is thrown for a loop when his Spiritual Mentor betrays him the night before he takes his vows. He suddenly finds himself sold into Slavery by his own brothers. Abramm realizes he now has a new life plan, one that was not his choosing. He also seems to be successful in being a gladiator Will Abramm continue on his new path for life with Success? Will this new path have a greater purpose? 

I really thought this book was going to capture my attention, sadly I didn't get into it as much as I wanted to. Abramm is a great character and has achieved so much. I was sad that he was betrayed so drastically, although he seemed to grasp onto his new path. I could not give this book anything higher than a 3 Star due to some of the content in this book. I felt the Book was more Fantasy and not Christian Fantasy. I do think there is an audience for this book, but probably not in the Christian Circle. For me, this book was Good but not GREAT.

Karen Hancock has won Christy Awards for each of her first four novels—Arena and the first three books in the Legends of the Guardian-King series, The Light of Eidon, The Shadow Within, and Shadow over Kiriath. She graduated from the University of Arizona with bachelor’s degrees in biology and wildlife biology. Along with writing, she is a semi-professional watercolorist and has exhibited her work in a number of national juried shows. She and her family reside in Arizona.


Excerpt from the Book


“Toward the realm from Shadow.”

“Why must we guard our purity?”

“To keep the Flames strong and bright.”

They sat cross-legged on the barge cabin’s single, narrow bunk, facing each other—Novice and discipler—their voices alternating in a steady rhythm of question and answer that had gone unbroken for nearly an hour. Since the noon prayer service, they had been reviewing the six codices of the First Guardian Station, codices Eldrin must know tomorrow for the final test of his novitiate. He had long since learned them so well he could answer without hesitation, but he didn’t mind the repetition. Right now it was just the sort of superficial mental occupation he needed to keep his thoughts off . . . other things.

“What is the source of the Shadow?” asked his discipler, one bony, ink-stained finger pressed to the page of the open catechism in his lap.

“The arrogance of Moroq conceived it,” Eldrin replied. “The passions of the flesh sustain it.” “Who is Moroq?”

“The dark son of Eidon and Lord Ruler of the rhu’ema. The Adversary. No man can stand against him, save One.”

“And that One is?”

“Eidon, Lord of Light, Creator of All, Defender of Man. Soon may he come, and swift be his judgment.”

The rhythm ended, and the silence that filled the void after it made Eldrin’s ears ring. He noticed the heat again, the sweat trickling down his chest beneath his wool tunic, the stifling mantle of his long, unbound hair weighing on his back. A fitful breeze danced through the high, open portal in the bulkhead, carrying the river’s dank odor and a disharmonious chorus of voices from the crowds on its bank. Thunder rumbled out of the distance.

Anxiety, held at bay by the long recitation, came oozing back. Soon they would be docking, disembarking, and marching up to the temple to begin the long ritual that would end with his initiation as a Guardian of the Holy Flames. Or not, if things went badly.

His discipler, Brother Belmir, smiled at him over small, round spectacles. “Flawless, as usual. Shall we do another?”

“I defer to your judgment, Brother.” Eldrin uncrossed his legs and recrossed them in opposite order, wincing as feeling tingled back.

“We’ll do a random selection, then.” Belmir leafed through the catechism, yellowed pages just brushing the slender gray braid that dangled over his shoulder. He was a small, birdlike man, all bones and angles, with a deeply lined face and shrewd gray eyes behind the spectacles. He wore the four gold cords of his station at his left wrist and, at his throat, the ruby amulet all Guardians were granted upon acceptance into the Holy Brotherhood of the Mataio.

Tomorrow Eldrin should receive an amulet of his own.

It was a day he had anticipated for eight long years; now the closer it got, the more uneasy he became. What if he walked up to the lip of the great bronze brazier tomorrow and the Flames rejected him?


Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, July 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 23

Texas Book-aholic, July 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 25

Romances of the Cross, July 25

Aryn the Libraryan, July 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 27

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 28

The Book Club Network, July 29

Blogging With Carol, July 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 31

Simple Harvest Reads, August 1 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Artistic Nobody, August 2 (Spotlight)

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, August 3

Through the Fire Blogs, August 4 (Spotlight)

Of Blades and Thorns, August 4

To celebrate her tour, Karen is giving away the grand prize package of a $20 Barnes & Noble Gift card and a hardcover copy of The Light of Eidon!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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