Thursday, July 13, 2023

FrontGate Media Blog Tour: Eliana: God Has Answered By Candace Marie Charbonné

Candace Charbonné and her family faced an unthinkable reality when she was told her 37 week 5-day old baby she was carrying no longer had a heartbeat. In this captivating and heartfelt memoir, Candace takes you through the devastating details and raw emotions of giving birth to a stillborn baby, the ensuing grief, and the saving Grace of Jesus Christ in her darkest hours.

The details of her faith-filled journey leaves readers in awe of God’s intentional nature through her detailing of everyday miracles and His ability to strengthen and evolve her faith so she could walk the path leading up to the birth of her son Jeremiah 20 months later.

Eliana’s story as told by Candace is the epitomization of a mother’s selfless love transcending death to accept and help her daughter fulfill her God-given purpose.

Candace Marie Charbonné is a devoted Christian wife and mother originally from Trinidad and Tobago. She and her husband, Ross, live in New Jersey and have four children Alexander, Natalie, Jeremiah, and Eliana who is in heaven. She is an avid tennis player, skier, cook, and travel enthusiast who intentionally seeks to grow her relationship with God and pray for others. Her life’s goal is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by fulfilling her God-given purpose while supporting her husband and children to do the same.

Candace Marie Charbonné has written such a powerful book on being a Mom of a Stillborn baby girl. Losing a child is very devasting for any parent, although Candace put her faith in God for Comfort and Hope. Candace and her family had the strength to move forward in life because of their trust in God. I really LOVE how they keep Eliana as part of the family on a daily basis. Candace is a devoted Mom not only to those here on earth but also sweet Eliana in heaven. Candace's memoir of Eliana is one that gives hope to other families dealing with Child Loss. It shows that God is with us no matter the circumstances and God will give comfort and strength through the times when most needed. 

I truly enjoyed this book, although it is heartbreaking but an encouraging book. My emotions were all over the place while reading the story of sweet Eliana. I could not put this book down until I finished reading it. FANTASTIC BOOK!

You can buy a copy of this Memoir and Encouraging Book: HERE

Find the Author Candace Marie Charbonné online at: 

I HIGHLY Recommend this book to anyone who has suffered a Child Loss and needs hope and encouragement for their grief. 

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