Monday, July 31, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: The Light of Eidon by Karen Hancock

Book: The Light of Eidon

Author: Karen Hancock

Genre: Fantasy (reprint)

Release Date: July 11, 2023

Special Hardcover Edition of a Classic Christian Fantasy

Abramm has dedicated the last eight years of his life to becoming worthy to touch and tend the Sacred Flames of Eidon, and he expects to be blessed for his devotion and sacrifice. But on the eve of taking the vows that will irrevocably separate him from the life he was born to—as Abramm Kalladorne, fifth son of the king of Kiriath—he is betrayed by his spiritual mentor and sold into slavery by his brothers.

Swept along by the winds of a new destiny, Abramm is forced to compete as a gladiator. When the oppressed masses rally around his success, he discovers his suffering has molded him into something greater than he ever thought possible—to serve a purpose he never imagined.

Set in a world of swords and cloaks, of glittering palaces and mystical temples, of galley ships and ancient mist-bound cities, The Light of Eidon is the first volume of an epic series, Legends of the Guardian- King.


Click here to get your copy!

I do not normally read Christian Fantasy, but I really liked the Synopsis of this book, so I decided to read it.  The Light of Eidon by Karen Hancock is Book 1 in the Legends of the Guardian-King Series. 

Abramm is excited about the days ahead as he prepares to take vows that will change his life forever. He has enjoyed the last 8yrs of reaching his goal of being able to touch and tending the Sacred Flames of Eidon. He is thrown for a loop when his Spiritual Mentor betrays him the night before he takes his vows. He suddenly finds himself sold into Slavery by his own brothers. Abramm realizes he now has a new life plan, one that was not his choosing. He also seems to be successful in being a gladiator Will Abramm continue on his new path for life with Success? Will this new path have a greater purpose? 

I really thought this book was going to capture my attention, sadly I didn't get into it as much as I wanted to. Abramm is a great character and has achieved so much. I was sad that he was betrayed so drastically, although he seemed to grasp onto his new path. I could not give this book anything higher than a 3 Star due to some of the content in this book. I felt the Book was more Fantasy and not Christian Fantasy. I do think there is an audience for this book, but probably not in the Christian Circle. For me, this book was Good but not GREAT.

Karen Hancock has won Christy Awards for each of her first four novels—Arena and the first three books in the Legends of the Guardian-King series, The Light of Eidon, The Shadow Within, and Shadow over Kiriath. She graduated from the University of Arizona with bachelor’s degrees in biology and wildlife biology. Along with writing, she is a semi-professional watercolorist and has exhibited her work in a number of national juried shows. She and her family reside in Arizona.


Excerpt from the Book


“Toward the realm from Shadow.”

“Why must we guard our purity?”

“To keep the Flames strong and bright.”

They sat cross-legged on the barge cabin’s single, narrow bunk, facing each other—Novice and discipler—their voices alternating in a steady rhythm of question and answer that had gone unbroken for nearly an hour. Since the noon prayer service, they had been reviewing the six codices of the First Guardian Station, codices Eldrin must know tomorrow for the final test of his novitiate. He had long since learned them so well he could answer without hesitation, but he didn’t mind the repetition. Right now it was just the sort of superficial mental occupation he needed to keep his thoughts off . . . other things.

“What is the source of the Shadow?” asked his discipler, one bony, ink-stained finger pressed to the page of the open catechism in his lap.

“The arrogance of Moroq conceived it,” Eldrin replied. “The passions of the flesh sustain it.” “Who is Moroq?”

“The dark son of Eidon and Lord Ruler of the rhu’ema. The Adversary. No man can stand against him, save One.”

“And that One is?”

“Eidon, Lord of Light, Creator of All, Defender of Man. Soon may he come, and swift be his judgment.”

The rhythm ended, and the silence that filled the void after it made Eldrin’s ears ring. He noticed the heat again, the sweat trickling down his chest beneath his wool tunic, the stifling mantle of his long, unbound hair weighing on his back. A fitful breeze danced through the high, open portal in the bulkhead, carrying the river’s dank odor and a disharmonious chorus of voices from the crowds on its bank. Thunder rumbled out of the distance.

Anxiety, held at bay by the long recitation, came oozing back. Soon they would be docking, disembarking, and marching up to the temple to begin the long ritual that would end with his initiation as a Guardian of the Holy Flames. Or not, if things went badly.

His discipler, Brother Belmir, smiled at him over small, round spectacles. “Flawless, as usual. Shall we do another?”

“I defer to your judgment, Brother.” Eldrin uncrossed his legs and recrossed them in opposite order, wincing as feeling tingled back.

“We’ll do a random selection, then.” Belmir leafed through the catechism, yellowed pages just brushing the slender gray braid that dangled over his shoulder. He was a small, birdlike man, all bones and angles, with a deeply lined face and shrewd gray eyes behind the spectacles. He wore the four gold cords of his station at his left wrist and, at his throat, the ruby amulet all Guardians were granted upon acceptance into the Holy Brotherhood of the Mataio.

Tomorrow Eldrin should receive an amulet of his own.

It was a day he had anticipated for eight long years; now the closer it got, the more uneasy he became. What if he walked up to the lip of the great bronze brazier tomorrow and the Flames rejected him?


Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, July 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 23

Texas Book-aholic, July 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 25

Romances of the Cross, July 25

Aryn the Libraryan, July 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 27

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 28

The Book Club Network, July 29

Blogging With Carol, July 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 31

Simple Harvest Reads, August 1 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Artistic Nobody, August 2 (Spotlight)

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, August 3

Through the Fire Blogs, August 4 (Spotlight)

Of Blades and Thorns, August 4

To celebrate her tour, Karen is giving away the grand prize package of a $20 Barnes & Noble Gift card and a hardcover copy of The Light of Eidon!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Rebecca by Shannon McNear


Book: Rebecca

Author: Shannon McNear

Genre: Christian Fiction / Historical Romance

Release Date: July, 2023

A Native Princess Follows Her Heart

Immerse yourself in the “what if” questions related to the Lost Colony of Roanoke when a native princess meets an English widower.

Born the daughter of a Powhatan chieftain and a woman of unknown origins, Matoaka enjoys a carefree life. When strange men from across the eastern waters appear near her home, she regards them at first as a mere curiosity. Soon, though, she finds herself torn between friendship with one of their leaders and the opinions and politics of her elders. Drawn to a young Englishman, John Rolfe, who has lost a wife and baby daughter, she shares his griefs. . .and perhaps something more. Could she have a future among the English of Jamestown, accepting their ways and even changing her name? Could her fate be a part of the lasting legacy of the Lost Colony of Roanoke?

Author Shannon McNear portrays history with vivid authenticity.


Click here to get your copy!

Christian Historical Fiction genre is always an interesting genre to read. Rebecca by Shannon McNear is Book 3 in Daughters of the Lost Colony. I have read the first 2 books in this series and have been anxiously waiting for this book!

Matoaka, the daughter of a Powhatan chieftain, and her mom's heritage is unknown, is a Native Princess. She really enjoys being Carefree with Life. She begins seeing Strange Men near her home and at first thinks nothing of it. Her Elders warn her of starting a Friendship with one of the Leaders from the Group of Men. John Rolfe is the Englishman that Rebecca finds herself interested in. Rebecca can relate to John Rolfe who is grieving the loss of his wife and baby girl. She shares in his grief and is finding herself attracted to him. Will Rebecca and John Rolfe have a Romance and will Rebecca become a part of Jamestown? Will Rebecca leave a lasting legacy in the Lost Colony of Roanoke?

WOW, I was intrigued by the storyline from the very first chapter. This is the story of Pocahontas, John Smith, and John Rolfe. Pochanta's English name is Rebecca, thus the title of the book. I really admire how Rebecca is very Carefree and shows it when she begins to associate with John Rolfe. John Rolfe is a GREAT character in the book and I really love how John and Rebecca started their friendship. The book is fictional, but the author does a GREAT job of bringing the story to life, and the Historical Research for this book is AMAZING.   I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Historical Fiction. I am sad that this is the last book in this series as I really enjoyed the entire series. FANTASTIC BOOK!


Transplanted to North Dakota after more than two decades in Charleston, South Carolina, Shannon McNear loves losing herself in local history. She’s a military wife, mom of eight, mother-in-law of three, grammie of two, and a member of ACFW and RWA. Her first novella, Defending Truth in A Pioneer Christmas Collection, was a 2014 RITA® finalist. When she’s not sewing, researching, or leaking story from her fingertips, she enjoys being outdoors, basking in the beauty of the northern prairies. Connect with her at, or on Facebook and Goodreads.


More from Shannon

Daughters of the Lost Colony—how are we at book 3 already? I’m both excited and nervous about this one, which features Pocahontas and the original Jamestown. Why did I choose her, and this place, when the overall series is about the Lost Colony?


Among their various other aims, the Jamestown colonists were charged with finding the Roanoke Colony. John Smith’s own reports reference this, and one can sense his discouragement and frustration over their inability to find answers on the fate of those who came to the New World before them. William Strachey, early secretary to the colony, stated that Powhatan (that is, the paramount chieftain often called by the same name as his people group) had slain the last known survivors of the Roanoke Colony. But nowhere is that claim substantiated.


There were no solid historical connections between the Lost Colony and Pocahontas—so I created a plausible fictional one in the form of Emme Merrimoth, a historically documented member of the Roanoke Colony who in book 1, Elinor, experienced the fictional adventure of being carried captive to the Powhatan nation. Where Strachey lists the names of the paramount chieftain’s favored wives, I put Emme in the place of the real-life Winganuske.


I knew the research would be challenging on this one. What I didn’t expect was to find Emme’s aspect of this story so compelling—or to fall in love with Wahunsenecawh, the great Powhatan himself. The name alone is intimidating, but you can find sound clips of how to pronounce it here: and here: (ignore the weird stuff and click on the little red arrows for different voices). There are at least five or six documented ways to spell it, and the one I picked is probably the most obscure. I had a year to get used to saying it, but repeat after me, slowly:  wah-HUN-senacoh. Or wah-HOON-senacah, depending upon which rule you use for the U in Algonquian pronunciation, and how you interpret that “wh” at the end.


Names overall were an issue with this story. A few reviewers have already mentioned this difficulty. The thing is, in Native culture, especially what we know of the Eastern Algonquian-speaking peoples, a name wasn’t simply a casual identifier—it defined a person’s entire identity. We don’t know what most of the names recorded from that time meant, but we can be sure they weren’t chosen lightly, and they were valued by those who held them. Indeed, a change of name often accompanied a change of purpose. It has even been suggested that if the English had been paying attention, they’d have realized when Opechancanough changed his name shortly before the great attack of 1622, it signaled a critical shift in his attitude toward them.


So when you read this story, you may find it helpful to keep a finger in the cast list—or to place a bookmark on that page if you’re reading the Kindle version. Thank you so much, again, for taking this journey with me!

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, July 27

Texas Book-aholic, July 28

Cover Lover Book Review, July 29

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 30

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 31

Alena Mentink, July 31

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 1

Connie’s History Classroom , August 2

For Him and My Family, August 3

Mary Hake, August 3

Holly’s Book Corner, August 4

Sylvan MusingsAugust 4

Tell Tale Book Reviews, August 5

Pause for Tales, August 6

Betti Mace, August 7

Books Less Travelled, August 7

To Everything There Is A Season, August 8

Lights in a Dark World, August 9

To celebrate her tour, Shannon is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Broken Yet Called by Rev. Terrance J. Rollerson

Book: Broken Yet Called: A Leader’s Journey to Renewal and Restoration

Author: Terrance Rollerson

Genre: Religion / Spirituality

Release Date: July 12, 2022

Everyone experiences brokenness at one point in their life, but are we prepared to handle these tough situations in a biblical and effective way? In Broken Yet Called, Terrance Rollerson equips church leaders and members to approach these situations with love, perspective, and a clear vision for the role God would have us play in each other’s lives.What should we do when brokenness comes? How should a church respond when a member experiences brokenness? How about when the brokenness comes in the life of a pastor? How should our response differ from that of the world?It’s time that we, the people of God, flip the script. It’s time to see brokenness as an opportunity to find redemption, renewal, and restoration. Rollerson believes the Church has a crucial role to play in all of this as we seek to better support those involved in ministry.Come along this journey where there is grace and healing for both the church and the individual! It will take time, humility, patience, and a radical pursuit of God. When brokenness comes, the called people of God will show themselves to be like Christ, ready to be a part of God’s great redemptive work!


Click here to get your copy!


I really enjoy reading Christian  Encouragement Books. Broken Yet Called: A Leader’s Journey to Renewal and Restoration by Rev. Terrance J. Rollerson is the latest book in this genre I have read. 

I will admit it took me a while to really understand the book. I eventually got interested in the book and much of what he said is very true. The book is really a book to be used by Pastors and Small Group Leaders. I can really see how the book is structured for that and how the book encourages Pastors and Leaders to help those who are BROKEN. Many Christians and Church Attenders have so much Brokeness in their lives and look to Pastors and Church Leaders for encouragement. I really liked Rev. Rollerson's approach of encouraging Pastor how to help those who are BROKEN and need help. Rev. Rollerson does this by talking about his own journey of Failure and Redemption through God's Grace. I HIGHLY recommend this book not only for Pastors and Small Group Leaders, but any Christian who is feeling discouraged and needs encouragement. GREAT BOOK!

Rev. Terrance J. Rollerson has pastored six churches over the span of twenty plus years in Minnesota and Michigan. Two passions that have guided him throughout his pastoral career are loving people and multi-ethnic ministry. He earned his Master of Divinity from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is ordained with the Evangelical Covenant Church. Terrance has been married to Michelle for thirty years and considers it a great blessing to be father to Micayla and Elijah.


More from Terrance

Let me start with the end in mind.

There is great joy in being gracefully broken. Some of the greatest pain can bring new insight into our lives. This was true for me in writing, Broken Yet Called. I was riding high as a new pastor of what would be my perfect church to pastor. Amid experiencing one of the hardest moments in life, I felt like I heard God say to me that it would be a season of writing.

Let’s stop there for a moment.

At this point, I need you to understand something about me. I am not a person that would say my go-to is reading or writing books. I have struggled in this area for many years due to my dyslexia. My actual response to God was, “God do you know whom you’re talking to.” How could I enter a season of writing? There was no point of reference from which I could draw from. The only thing I knew to do was to be obedient to the God I have served for years. So I stepped in and did not worry about what I was about to write. Rather, I made it about just speaking to my friend. The friend with whom I felt safe to share everything I had been through. This included deep sadness, broken dreams, profound pain, and a reflection on my own brokenness.

Over a year during COVID, I took moments to write in small enough chunks—not to overwhelm myself with the writing process. I just wrote what most stood out with what I had gone through and what I was going through. The words found in Broken Yet Called were penned during the season of my pain and how I lived through it to find my way to renewal and restoration.

When I talk about being gracefully broken, it is what you find when you allow God to do the necessary work to bring you to a place of renewed hope. If you are looking for a guide to help you with your journey through some brokenness, I encourage you to read Broken Yet Called. It is my prayer that you, just like me, would find that space between the pain of your brokenness and the grace of your brokenness. This is the place where God shows up in some powerful ways. I wrote this book to help someone understand that we are called by God in many ways, even with our brokenness.

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, July 20

A Reader’s Brain, July 21 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 21

Texas Book-aholic, July 22

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 23(Author Interview)

Christina’s Corner, July 23

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 24

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, July 25

Tell Tale Book Reviews, July 26 (Author Interview)

The Sacred Line, July 27

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 28

Vibrant Wings by Valerie, July 29

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 30

Artistic Nobody, July 31 (Author Interview)

Cats in the Cradle Blog, August 1

Guild Master, August 2 (Author Interview)

To celebrate his tour, Terrance is giving away the grand prize package $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: The Laws of Attraction by Mary Connealy


Book: The Laws of Attraction

Author: Mary Connealy

Genre: Historical Romance

Release Date: June 20, 2023

Can they risk giving in to the attraction between them while their lives are on the line?

If widowed seamstress Nell Armstrong has to make one more pair of boring chaps for the cowboys in her tiny Wyoming town, she might just quit the business altogether! So meeting Brand Nolte, a widower struggling to raise three girls on his own, seems like her dream come true. Brand has no idea how to dress the girls properly, and Nell finally has a chance to create beautiful outfits while also teaching the girls to sew.

But Nell is much more than a seamstress, and the investigative skills and knowledge she picked up alongside her late lawman husband soon become critical when a wounded stagecoach-robbery survivor is brought to town. As danger closes in from all sides, Nell and Brand must discover who has a target trained on them before it’s too late.


Click here to get your copy!


I have been a fan of Mary Connealy for MANY years! The Laws of Attraction by Mary Connealy is Book 2 in the Wyoming Sunrise series. I have been anxiously awaiting the release of this book as I read Book 1 in the series and truly enjoyed it. 

The time is 1871 Pine Valley, Wyoming. Nell Armstrong is a wonderful Seamstress who lost her husband recently. She supports herself by sewing Chaps for the Cowboys in her Small Wyoming Town. She really wants to do more with her business, but in the small town, she feels limited. Brand Nolte, a widower raising 3 girls, has no clue how to dress his girls. Nell excitedly takes on the task of creating beautiful outfits for the girls and she also is teaching them how to sew. Trouble comes to the small town and Nell has to use the skills she learned from her late Husband, who was a Lawman. A Wounded Stage Coach Robbery Victim is bought to town to seek treatment. This puts Nell into Investigative Mode. She wants to track down the Gang of Robbers, but then she realizes that Brand and herself might be the target of Danger. Will Nell track down the Gang of Bad Men before danger grows toward Nell and Brand? Will there be a Romance between Nell and Brand? 

I LOVED this book from the very first page.  I love how the book is a continuation of Book 1, as we met Nell in Book 1. Nell is a very independent Woman and I LOVE her passion for her business. Brand's daughters were a part of Nell and Brand meeting. I actually loved reading how the girls were happy when Nell offered to make them dresses instead of the briches they were wearing. Brand Nolte is a wonderful Dad to his 3 girls and I LOVE that he is open to have Nell help his girls. This book is filled with Faith, Family, LOVE and Intrigue.  I HIGHLY recommend this series and I myself am looking forward to more books in this series. GREAT BOOK!

Mary Connealy ( writes “romantic comedies with cowboys” and is celebrated for her fun, zany, action-packed style. She has sold more than 1.5 million books. She is the author of the popular series Brothers in Arms, Brides of Hope Mountain, High Sierra Sweethearts, The Kincaid Brides, Trouble in Texas, Lassoed in Texas, Sophie’s Daughters, and many other books. Mary lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her very own romantic cowboy hero.


More from Mary

The Laws of Attraction, the idea of it, was what kicked off the whole Wyoming Sunrise series.

A woman justice of the peace.

Wyoming, oddly enough, was the first state in the union to give women the right to vote. And it wasn’t just voting, it was suffrage. That meant so much more than just voting. There were property rights involved, the right to serve on juries, and the right to run for office or be appointed to political offices.

Wyoming was the first state to have a woman justice of the peace. I read about Esther Hobart Morris and thought, hey, my heroine could be the second justice of the peace.

My heroine is a seamstress. Of the three heroines in the Wyoming Sunrise series, Nell, the heroine of book #2, is the one who is not in a traditionally masculine role. In book #1 Mariah is a blacksmith. In book #3 Becky is a lady rancher.

Nell just wants to sew pretty dresses and make beautiful bonnets. She likes to tat her own lace. She likes flowery fabric and lots of ruffles.

And then she moved to Wyoming. Nine thousand total residence and five men for every one woman. And the few women who are there all sew their own dresses.

To add to that, Nell, a widow, didn’t have a happy first marriage. She has no interest in marrying again. Staying single in a state like Wyoming isn’t easy, but she’s managed it. Her first husband was a lawman, and when a band of stagecoach robbers are plaguing the area, Nell finds she’s got skills to investigate these crimes that far exceed the local sheriff.

The sheriff is impressed, and when the town’s justice of the peace resigns, the sheriff appoints Nell.

I just had so much fun with this book. Nell is frustrated because she isn’t getting to make dresses. She does discover a talent for working with leather and making chaps. She hates it, but the orders just keep pouring in and she’s making a tidy living. Not having a lot of fun but definitely prospering.

And then a local homesteader with three half-grown daughters, all of whom desperately need a new dress, runs across Nell, and she wheels and deals him into letting her make them in exchange for his daughters working for her, making chaps.

Nell’s talent for investigating crimes soon puts her in danger. And Brandon Nolte, her best customer, finds himself, Nell, and his girls all surrounded by danger.

The Laws of Attraction—fun, fast-paced, and love is the most fundamental law of all.

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 29

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 29

Texas Book-aholic, July 30

For Him and My Family, July 30

Connie’s History Classroom, July 31

Book Looks by Lisa, July 31

lakesidelivingsite, August 1

Lighthouse Academy Blog, August 1 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 2

Mary Hake, August 2

Betti Mace, August 3

Cover Lover Book Review, August 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 4

The Book Nook, August 4

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, August 5

She Lives To Read, August 6

Labor Not in Vain, August 6

Daysong Reflections, August 7

Holly’s Book Corner, August 7

Splashes of Joy, August 8

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, August 8

Tell Tale Book Reviews, August 9

Pause for Tales, August 10

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, August 10

Jeanette’s Thoughts, August 11

Wishful Endings, August 11

To celebrate her tour, Mary is giving away a $15 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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