Sunday, April 18, 2021

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Texas Trails by Caryl McAdoo

Book: Texas Trails

Author: Caryl McAdoo

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: March 6, 2021


The steps of a righteous man are guided by the Lord.

Rife with adventure, this rights-of-passage story comes to life as Enoch Lowell and his best friend Gus strike out to Kansas with their herd of beeves, hoping to earn a profit and cut the apron strings. What they find on the prairie changes their lives forever. Promises made, promises kept, but nowhere is it written there can’t be a happy ending for all. A true Texas trail tale to warm your heart!   


Click here to get your copy!

Caryl McAdoo is such a wonderful author, I am always excited to 
read one of her books. Texas Trails is Book 6 in the Cross Timbers
Romance Family Saga. I have not read all the books in the series, 
but I have read 2 other books from this series. 

Texas Trails takes up back to 1869 in Texas. Enoch Lowell and his
best friend Gus are ready to embark into the world and make a
living for themselves as Cattle Herders. Their parents are not ready
to "let them fly", saying they are too young. Enoch and Gus are 
determined young men though. Their journey is one that has ups and
downs. Along their journey, they meet Calli, Vi and sweet little Bella. 
The women and the little girl had been attacked and Enoch and Gus
know they need to help them. The more time Enoch, Gus and the ladies
spend time together, they begin to fall in love. Enoch has promised his
parents he would eventually go to school, but he wants to marry. Will 
Enoch keep his promise to his parents or will he marry? Will his parents
be able to accept Enoch's decision for his life? 

Caryl McAdoo really has a GREAT book here. I really appreciate the 
Faith driven Historical Fiction theme here. I really see a lot of the 
"leaving and cleaving" as the Bible tells us to do in our life. Enoch 
wants to be an adult, yet his parents are not wanting to let "Him Fly
the Nest". Enoch is a man of respect as noted when he and Gus help
care for Calli, Vi and little Bella. I was so engrossed in the book, that I 
finished it in one sitting. FANTASTIC BOOK! Highly recommended!  

Award-winning author Caryl McAdoo prays her story brings God glory, and her best-selling stories—over fifty-five published—delight Christian readers around the world. The prolific writer also enjoys singing the new songs the Lord gives her; you may listen at YouTube. Sharing four children and nineteen grandsugars (three greats), Caryl and Ron (her high-school-sweetheart-husband of over fifty years) live in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas. The McAdoos wait expectantly for God to open the next door.


More from Caryl

Get along little doggie!

TEXAS TRAILS is the sixth novel in the Cross Timbers Family Saga series. I’d never written much about being on a cattle drive and thought it would be great fun. Back in the Texas Romance Family Saga series, Charley Nightingale made several trips to Kansas with a herd and took his son Nathaniel, but I skipped over the actual drive part.


Readers first met co-hero Enoch Lowell in QUINCY & PRISCILLA then got to know him better in DUPLICITY At The Lowell House when his best friend Gus Hale (TEXAS TRAIL’s other co-hero) is introduced. Both those stories are set in 1866. For TEXAS TRAILS, it’s three years later, and Enoch is ready to declare himself a man and start earning his own way. Driving a bunch of cows up to Kansas sounds like the ticket to cut his mother’s apron strings and earn some dollars in the process.


The son of Morgan and Charity O’Neal Lowell (LEAVING TEXAS, book four) and grandson of Liberty O’Neal Harrell (GONE TO TEXAS, book one) talks Gus into going with him, and as partners, they start building a herd. All the while, Charity is pitching a fit as her plan for her firstborn includes Harvard University.


One thing I loved about this story is that Morgan sets it up—behind the scenes of course—for trusted men to take in his son and Gus on their trail drive. Enters the infamous Texas Ranger Levi Baylor (Texas Romance Family Saga book two HEARTS STOLEN) and the boy he reared as his own (grown now), Charley Nightingale!


I already love those two men from my earlier Texas Romance Family Saga series—just as my readers do—and totally relished their appearance in this story! Revisiting old beloved friends brings great joy to this author, in real life and my fictitious world!! I adore crossing these characters over the two series!


So many things are apt to happen out on the prairie that cowboys never expect. There are rivers to cross and the natives to deal with, some who pose real danger to life and limbs! Cows birth calves, storms descend, and herds stampede, but that’s not all that can make a cowboy’s days rough. Enoch’s and Gus’s lives are definitely changed forever on the out there on the trail.


I’m thinking if I were a younger woman, I would totally enjoy going along on their cattle drive! How about you?

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, April 7

Simple Harvest Reads, April 7 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Lakesidelivingsite, April 8

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, April 9

Connie’s History Classroom, April 10

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 11

deb’s Book Review, April 12

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, April 13

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, April 13

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 14

For Him and My Family, April 15

Texas Book-aholic, April 16

Inklings and notions, April 17

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 18

Splashes of Joy, April 19

Pause for Tales, April 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 20

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon Gift Card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Caryl Kane said... Best Blogger Tips 1

Excellent review, Kendra! Caryl is one of my favorite authors. Thank you for hosting.

megana said... Best Blogger Tips 2

Another great book recommendation! Thanks for sharing!

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