I have been busy over the past week getting my apartment decluttered and organized. I need to get lots of things done before August 8th, as I am having surgery on my right index finger, so I will be "out of commission" for a couple of weeks. I won't be able to clean or type or do much with my right hand for about 2 weeks.
I have gotten quite a bit accomplished over the past week, including backing up and cleaning up our 2 computers. The project I have been dreading is next up: The Toy Room/School Room. I have to go through lots of papers, books and more in there. I want to rearrange some areas and get things better organized in there. I also have to purchase a book shelf to replace the one that broke in there. I will also need to put 2 boxes on books on the bookshelf. I am going to be taking "inventory" of our school supplies, and then restocking the supplies with the Back to School sales. Back to School shopping season is my favorite shopping of the year. I just love all the new "stuff" for school and all the fun stuff. The sales are so awesome I can stock up good!
The project that will be next in line after that, is Lesson Planning. We always begin on the day after Labor Day, so I want to get at least the first month planned out before my surgery. I have already purchased 95% of our curriculum, including the
Illuminations Program by Bright Ideas Press. I am very excited about using Illuminations as it has the Lesson Plans pretty much planned out for me already, I just have to change some things to reflect the actual curriculum we have selected, if we choose a different one then what BIP suggested. I only did that for a couple of subjects for each of the boys. I also am going to get a Library list going of what books I will need when. I really love living in the 3rd largest City in America, as we have so many libraries and access to so many more. My local "home branch" is
Berwyn Public Library. My local library is part of a bigger system that includes 80 other libraries! I also have a
Chicago Public Library card. I can check out, reserve books and more with my
Chicago Public Library card. Also, there are a few other library systems that I can get library cards for and plan on doing so in the near future. I love being able to "borrow" books from the library and having so many systems available to me!
I am excited about our upcoming school year. My husband is now on a great work schedule, where he is working 8:30am-5pm. His previous schedules were hours like 5am-1pm or 2-10pm, which made it difficult to get things done or have the car for the day. His new hours will allow us to drive him to work and then have the car for the day on days we want to do Field Trips or get together with other homeschooling families. I am also excited to see my boys progress this year!
I can't wait to share more with you all about the boys curriculum, schedules, activities and more! I will be sharing as I get things in order over here!

Decluttering, Organizing and Lesson Planning
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