Wednesday, September 25, 2024

JustRead Tours Blog Tour: What's the Story, Morning Glory? by Julie Lessman

What's the Story, Morning Glory? JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for What's the Story, Morning Glory? by Julie Lessman, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

What's the Story, Morning Glory?

Title: What's the Story, Morning Glory?
Julie Lessman
Julie Lessman LLC
Release Date:
October 1, 2024
Memoir Devotional (half fiction/half nonfiction)


My heart went out to my sweet husband as he walked into our kitchen one day with a noticeable gulp, ashen-faced after reading my latest novel.“Yes, I know, babe,” I said with a repentant smile and a conciliatory hug, “but nobody really knows that.” 
Ahem. Until now ...

Trust me, "What’s the Story, Morning Glory? A Memoir Devotional with a 'Novel' Approach to Practical Christianity" is not a book I wanted to write. As a novelist, I have never been partial to nonfiction, either reading it or writing it, but I had little choice when God convinced me otherwise through a number of point-blank arm-twistings I couldn’t deny and not-so-gentle proddings from family and friends. 

Despite all the encouragement, I wasn’t really sure where to begin. “It will be fiction and nonfiction combined,” the Holy Spirit whispered within, and just like that, the idea for this book took flight. First, I would tell my “real” and very personal story behind the life-lesson stories in my novels, then I would follow it up with the excerpt from my books where I teach that same life lesson to my characters, finally culminating in corresponding Scriptures, a bulleted “Takeaway” list, and a related prayer. 

Thus, What’s the Story, Morning Glory: A Memoir Devotional with a “Novel” Approach to Practical Christianity was born. A memoir devotional that when combined with scenes from my novels, becomes a “novotional” where I relate the life lessons God personally taught me through His Word. I am simply a child of God who applied these lessons and Biblical precepts to every situation in my life and consequently, saw nonstop answers to prayer and blessings galore. It is my profound hope and prayer that through my own very simple and personal stories and examples, I can do the same for others. Therefore, the format for each chapter of this book will be as

1. The Real Story (How I learned and applied the spiritual lesson in my own life)
2. The Novel Story (The scene where I teach the spiritual lesson to my characters)
3. The Scripture Story (Scriptures applicable to the spiritual lesson)
4. The Takeaway Story (Bulletized points for spiritual lesson in easy-to-read/apply format)
5. The Prayer Story (Specific prayer related to the spiritual lesson)

I pray this bottom-line, albeit somewhat quirky, 1-2-3 devotional blesses you as much as God's spiritual life lessons have blessed me! 

Julie Lessman  

Devotionals are a big part of my daily life. I do a devotional every day and I am always looking for new devotional books.What’s the Story, Morning Glory? : A Memoir Devotional with a “Novel” Approach to Practical Christianity by Julie Lessman is the latest Devotional Book that I have read.  I am a fan of Julie Lessman's books, so I was excited to see her write a Devotional. 

WOW, this is a WONDERFULLY Different type of Devotional. I really like the layout and format of the book, it was interesting and easy to follow. I also LOVE that it a Memoir and Devotional together in one book. Each devotional has a Personal Story from Julie, a Novel Story where she relates to her novels, a Scripture Story, the Takeaway Story and a Prayer Story. Each Chapter is quite lengthy, which interesting enough I really like that. The long Chapters really gave me an in-depth study for the day and had me thinking about the Scripture and Prayers. I really LOVE that Julie notates which version of the Bible the Scripture is from. She uses NIV or ESV throughout the book. I truly LOVE that she is very open to the readers through her Personal Stories, very encouraging stories. I know this is a devotional that I will use time and time again. It is Encouraging, Intriguing and very well written. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who wants to strengthen their Faith. GREAT BOOK!

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon

Also Available


Julie Lessman

Julie Lessman is an award-winning author whose tagline of “Passion With a Purpose” underscores her intense passion for both God and romance. A lover of all things Irish, she enjoys writing close-knit Irish family sagas that evolve into 3-D love stories: the hero, the heroine, and the God that brings them together.

Author of The Daughters of Boston, Winds of Change, Heart of San Francisco, Isle of Hope, Silver Lining Ranch, and The Cousins O’Connor series, Julie was American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Author of the Year and has garnered over 21 Romance Writers of America and other awards. Voted #1 Romance Author in Family Fiction magazine’s 2012 and 2011 Readers Choice Awards, Julie’s novels also made Family Fiction magazine’s Best of 2014, Best of 2015, and “Essential Christian Romance Authors” 2017-20, as well as Booklist’s 2010 Top 10 Inspirational Fiction and Borders Best Fiction. Her independent novel A Light in the Window was an International Digital Awards winner, a 2013 Readers' Crown Award winner, and a 2013 Book Buyers Best Award winner. 

Julie has also written a self-help workbook for writers entitled Romance-ology 101: Writing Romantic Tension for the Sweet and Inspirational Markets.

Connect with Julie by visiting to follow her on social media, read both romantic and spiritual excerpts from her books, or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

(1) winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card, a character named after you in Julie's next book & a signed paperback copy of that book, plus a signed paperback copy of What's the Story, Morning Glory!

What's the Story, Morning Glory JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight September 24, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on October 1, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only for print copies. Gift card open to all locales. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

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Rita Wray said... Best Blogger Tips

Sounds like a good read.

Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey, Rita, thank you! I hope so, but then not everyone likes "quirky," so I'm not sure.

Good luck in the draw!


Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

KENDRA!!!! Oh my goodness, thank you, THANK YOU for the wonderful review, my friend, AND for signing up for my blog tour in the first place! SO appreciate it and YOU!!

Since your review blessed the socks off of me, I would LOVE to thank you with a free e-copy of any one of my indie books. So, if you are interested, just check out the BOOKS tab of my website for any book listed as "Indie," and let me know, and I will send it your way.


Carrie @ JustRead Tours said... Best Blogger Tips

lovely review, Kendra! Thanks so much for being on the tour :)

Sherida Stewart said... Best Blogger Tips

Kendra, thank you for sharing your review. I’ve preordered this book….and I’m so excited to start reading. Like you, I enjoy devotions each day and now look forward to Julie’s style and passion in What’s the Story, Morning Glory. Good to know she references which version she includes. Blessings!

Jcp said... Best Blogger Tips

Sounds unique

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Sounds like a good book

Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

Sherida, I wish you wouldn't have pre-ordered it, my friend, but I'm hoping you win it here so you can cancel the order.


Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey, JCP, good luck in the contest!

Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks, Marion--I hope so. Good luck in the contest!


LV said... Best Blogger Tips

Sounds like a great read.

Shelly Peterson said... Best Blogger Tips

Great review!

Michael Law said... Best Blogger Tips

This looks like a book I will thoroughly enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks, LV, I hope so! Here's hoping you get to find out with a winning copy! ;)


Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, Shelly, it is, isn't it? Thanks for coming by and good luck in the contest!


Julie Lessman said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey, Michael, I sure hope I can send you a winning copy, my friend, so here's to a win!


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