Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay by Kate Darroch

Book: Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay

Author: Kate Darroch

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Release date: October 29, 2023

The story of an alcoholic former journalist, Eric, who is trying to straighten out his life and give up drinking, and Lily, a woman haunted by memories of domestic abuse, who meet and miracle in gorgeous Welcombe Bay. Both are coping with serious life problems, and neither is looking for romance. But lasting love is looking for them. Can these broken souls overcome their emotional and financial challenges, and help each other to heal through the transformative power of their love and faith?


Click here to get your copy!

Christian Women Fiction books are a favorite genre of mine. Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay by Kate Darroch is the latest in this genre that I have read. It is Book 1 in the Sweets by the Sea series. Kate Darroach is a new to me author and I was excited to read this book. 

I am amazed and intrigued by this book. This is the story of Eric and Lily. Eric is a recovering Alcoholic and is changing his life around. He is very regretful about injuring a child after a night of drunk driving. Lily is the owner of a local coffee shop and she is going through a divorce. She suffered years of abuse and hides her hurt behind her smile. They both have struggles and obstacles to overcome,  but they find themselves attracted to one another. I really LOVE that they learn to trust each other and allow God's plan and will to help them through. I was not anticipating a Christian Romance book to cover topics like Alcoholism, Abuse and Divorce. I think the author did a WONDERFUL job at writing about these topics. The book is filled with Faith, LOVE, and Second Chances. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Romance Books. GREAT BOOK!


Kate Darroch lives on the picturesque Devon coastline, where she combines her passion for cozy sleuths and her experiences of life as it’s lived in many countries to create compelling Travel Cozies.

Màiri Maguire, a Scots Irish teacher from 1970s Glasgow, heroine of debut novel, “Death in Paris”, has earned Kate many international book awards, including Readers Favorite Gold Medal for Humor, consolidating her reputation as a notable author. Kate hopes her readers will enjoy Màiri’s adventures as much as she enjoys Father Brown, Sherlock Holmes, and that old, old movie, the Perils of Pauline.

Next, Kate created Huntingdon Hart, a dry, witty, prescient, multi-millionaire, tongue-in-cheek cross between James Bond and Sherlock Holmes, who’s in love with a much older woman.

Kate’s most recent work is the Christian Second Chance for Lasting Love series, Sweets By the Sea, a saga of Recovery and Redemption; which her readers say is even sweeter than Màiri’s adventures.

More from Kate

If you want incident-crammed stories that seamlessly integrate Christian values, you’re in the right place. Why is that? Because my own Christian faith is a seamless part of my life. How can you separate everyday life and faith? Don’t ask me, because I can’t.

I wrote Màiri Maguire to make people laugh during a dark time; and I wrote Eric and Lily to give hope and understanding to the families of addicts in recovery, to shine a light on thought processes and emotions which are opaque to most of us; and which those of us with a friend or loved one in recovery would like to understand better. Because I’m a storyteller, not a counsellor, I also tried to tell you a story that would make you both laugh and cry, a story worth taking time to enjoy. I hope that you will decide to spend a little time with Eric and Lily, and that you will find the expenditure of your time to be worthwhile.

Stories By Gina, June 22 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 23

Artistic Nobody, June 24 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, June 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 25

Guild Master, June 26 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, June 27

For the Love of Literature, June 28 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 29

By The Book, June 30 (Author Interview)

An Author’s Take, July 1

Blossoms and Blessings, July 2 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 3

A Reader’s Brain, July 4 (Author Interview)

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, July 5 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, July 5

To celebrate her tour, Kate is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and an eBook copy of the four books in the series: Cookies & Eggnog from Welcombe Bay, Thanksgiving in Welcombe Bay, Christmas in Welcombe Bay and New Beginnings in Welcombe Bay!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Beryl's Bounty Hunter by Linda Shenton Matchett

Book: Beryl’s Bounty Hunter

Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: August 15, 2023

Can a thief and a lawman find happiness?

Orphaned as a child, Beryl Atherton has lived on the streets of London for as long as she can remember. Reduced to stealing for survival, she is arrested. During her incarceration, one of her cellmates shows her a newspaper ad for an American mail-order bride agency. But all is not as it seems, and moments after landing in Boston, she must run for her life. Will things be no different for her in the New World?

Working as a bounty hunter since The War Between the States, Lucas Wolf just needs a few more cases before he can hang up his gun, purchase a ranch out West, and apply for a mail-order bride from the Westward Home & Hearts Mail-Order Bride Agency. While staking out the docks in Boston, he sees a woman fleeing from the man he’s been tailing. Saving her risks his job. Not saving her risks his heart.


Click here to get your copy!

Linda Shenton Matchett is one of my favorite authors. I also enjoy Mail Order Bride storylines. I was excited to have the opportunity to read Beryl's Bounty Hunter which is Book 38 in the Westward Home and Hearts Mail-Order Brides series. The series is written by various authors and Linda Shenton Matchett has written a few in this series. 

The Storyline grabs my attention from the very first chapter. The 2 main characters are Beryl and Lucas. Beryl is from London and is now in Rocky Mountain Springs, Wyoming. Lucas has been a Bounty Hunter  and he is interested in settling down soon. Lucas and Beryl encounter danger and Lucas has to choose to risk his job or risk losing the woman whom he has come to take a liking to. Both Beryl and Lucas have a strong faith and when Beryl is captured she talks to her captors about God. I really LOVE how they seek God's wisdom in their adventures of solving the mystery surrounding an investigation that Lucas is working on. The book is about LOVE, Faith, Mystery.  I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Historical Romance Fiction. GREAT BOOK!

Linda Shenton Matchett writes happily-ever-after historical Christian fiction about second chances and women who overcome life’s challenges to be better versions of themselves. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, she has lived in historic places all her life and currently resides in central New Hampshire where in her off hours, she serves as a volunteer docent and archivist for the Wright Museum of WWII.


More from Linda

Dear Reader:

I’ve been an Anglophile as long as I can remember, from reading the classics like Dickens and Austen to watching BBC television. In honor of Beryl’s English heritage, I hope you enjoy this scrumptious scone recipe:

2 C unbleached all-purpose flour

2 T sugar

4 t baking powder

½ t salt

3 T unsalted butter, cold

1 egg yolk beaten with 1 T milk (for glaze)

Strawberry jam (to serve)

Preheat your oven to 425F.

In a medium bowl, place the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and butter. Rub the mixture together with your fingers to break up the butter, until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Add the milk slowly, mixing as you add, using enough of the milk to get your dough to come together with no lumps remaining. (Your dough should be quite sticky. If a good consistency is not achieved with the listed amount of milk, continue adding until your dough reaches a good consistency.)

Spoon the dough out until a well-floured surface. Generously dust the top of the dough and knead the dough 2-3 times to coat it with flour and smooth the surface. Press the dough into a round that is roughly 1 inch thick.

Using a well-floured cookie cutter, cut the dough into 2-inch circles. (Be sure to press the cookie cutter straight down and up. Twisting the cookie cutter will impact the amount of rise you get on your scones.)

Place the rounds onto a greased and floured baking sheet. Brush them gently with the egg yolk and milk mixture.

Bake the scones for 12-15 minutes, until golden and firm.

Remove the baked scones from the oven and let them cool for 30 minutes (if you can resist). If you like softer scones, cover them with a clean tea towel as they cool.

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 21

Texas Book-aholic, June 22

Bizwings Book Blog, June 23

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 24

Stories By Gina, June 25 (Author Interview)

Madisyn Carlin, June 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 26

Paula’s Pad of Inspiration, June 27

The Lofty Pages, June 28

Connie’s History Classroom, June 29

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, June 30 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, June 30

For Him and My Family, July 1

Holly’s Book Corner, July 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 3

Tell Tale Book Reviews, July 4 (Author Interview)

To celebrate her tour, Linda is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Visa Gift Card and signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Mary's Calico Hope by Anne Blackburne

Book: Mary’s Calico Hope (The Heart of the Amish: Book 5)

Author: Anne Blackburne

Genre: Amish/Christian Fiction

Release date: June, 2024

Mary Yoder Is Content Despite Challenges Thrown Her Way

Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

If God wills it, Mary Yoder will do it, even if that means using crutches for the rest of her life. She was badly injured in a buggy accident as a child. Still, she is content living in the Dawdi Haus connected to her parents’ farmhouse and with her work weaving baskets and raising specialty roosters whose feathers she uses to make excellent trout lures. She is truly happy at twenty-nine, but. . .she wouldn’t mind finding a husband—if the Lord wills it. Along comes Reuben King, a Mennonite doctor. They are attracted to one another, but how could they ever be together? She’s a baptized Amish woman, so it seems impossible. Also, he wants her to have surgery to improve her mobility and lessen her day-to-day pain. She’s sick and tired of surgeries! But if God wills it, she’ll do it. And just maybe there will be a way for these two unlikely souls to connect.


Click here to get your copy!


Amish Fiction is my favorite Genre of books. Mary's Calico Hope by Anne Blackburne is Book 5 in The Heart of the Amish Series. The series is written by various authors and they can be stand alone books. I have read the other books in this series and I am excited to read Anne Blackburne's second contribution to this series.

I immediately dove into this book and enjoyed it from the very first pages. Mary and Reuben's story is heartwarming and sweet. Mary Yoder is 29, Amish  and unmarried, although would love to find a husband. She has had many surgeries since she was in an accident as a child and still has difficultly walking. Reuben King is a young Doctor who feels he could give her a final surgery that would give her so much freedom. Reuben is a Mennonite, which clashes with the Amish beliefs. I really LOVE how the story shows both Mary and Reuben working through their own battles in life and then helping one another. Mary has a really GREAT outlook on life and her disability and she carries that into the relationship brewing with Reuben. Mary believes "IF God wills it, it will happen.". Mary and Reuben are wonderful characters and I truly enjoyed this book. The book is about Faith, Hope, LOVE and trusting God.  I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Amish Fiction! WONDERFUL BOOK!

Anne Blackburne lives and works in Southeast Ohio as a newspaper editor and writer. She is the mother of five grown children, has one wonderful grandchild, and a spoiled poodle named Millie. For fun, when she isn’t working on Amish romance or sweet mysteries, Anne directs and acts in community theater productions and writes and directs original plays. She also enjoys reading, kayaking, swimming, searching for beach glass, and just sitting with a cup of coffee looking at large bodies of water. Her idea of the perfect vacation is cruising and seeing amazing new places with people she loves.



More from Anne

Hello from Southeastern Ohio, where the sun is shining and it’s good to be alive!

Less than a year ago I wrote a kick-off post for the launch of my debut novel, Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise, which was also featured in a Celebrate Lit Book Tour in December 2023.

As a green newbie, I didn’t really understand what this meant, but I was (and am!) very happy for any help with my writing career. Well, the amazing bloggers who work with Celebrate Lit did a bang-up job promoting my book, and it is doing very well. So thanks to all of them, and to all who have read Ruth’s story!

Now, here I am again! I can hardly believe that my second book, Mary’s Calico Hope, is published and available to readers, and that once again I’m blessed to have the help of the Celebrate Lit folks in launching my book.

Mary Yoder will be familiar to anyone who read my first book. She appears several times in that story; you may remember her as the quiet young woman with a great attitude despite the fact that she has been using crutches to get around since a childhood accident injured her spine and legs.

Mary is the heroine of my second book, Mary’s Calico Hope. In fact, Mary is something of a heroine to me. I love her joy in living and her faith that God will get her through any challenge, even if she can’t begin to see how He’s going to do it.

We all face challenges, and would all benefit from a little more faith, and not just when times get tough, am I right?

I am so happy to bring you Mary’s story and can’t wait for you to experience her happy-ever-after. (Which of course is guaranteed, since we’re talking about a romance novel!) But how will she get there? Ah, that’s the question!

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Mary’s story! This book is my second in Barbour Publishing’s new series, “The Heart of the Amish”. It’s actually the fifth book in that series, which also contains great reads from authors Mindy Steele and Lisa Baker Jones.

I’m currently writing my third book in the series, which will feature a young woman you met in both Ruth and Mary’s stories, Elizabeth Miller. Look for Lizzie’s Little Mouse next winter.

Oh! I forgot to mention, each of my heroine’s received a tiny kitten from an elderly friend, Lydia Coblentz. Ruth had Ginger Snap. Mary has her calico kitten, Hope. And Lizzie’s kitten is a little gray one that reminds her of—you guessed it! A mouse!

I hope you’re having as much fun reading about these remarkable young women—and their kitties! —as I’m having writing about them. Thanks for being part of our journey! Without you, it wouldn’t be possible.

As for me and mine, we are all well and enjoying spring in southeast Ohio. In other words, enjoying the sunshine, but carrying a sweater and an umbrella, just in case!

God bless you and yours!


Anne Blackburne

Vicky Sluiter, June 27

Jeanette’s Thoughts, June 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 28

Lighthouse Academy Blog, June 29 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Texas Book-aholic, June 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 1

Lakesidelivingsite, July 2

Splashes of Joy, July 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 3

For Him and My Family, July 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 5

The Lofty Pages, July 5

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, July 6

Stories By Gina, July 7 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, July 7

Bigreadersite, July 8

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, July 8

The Avid Reader, July 9

Life on Chickadee Lane, July 10

Holly’s Book Corner, July 10

To celebrate her tour, Anne is giving away the grand prize package of a print copy of the book and a $25 Amazon eGift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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JustRead Tours Blog Tour: Toward the Dawn by Mary Connealy

Toward the Dawn JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Toward the Dawn by Mary Connealy hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Toward the Dawn Title: Toward the Dawn 
Series: A Western Light #2 
Author: Mary Connealy 
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers 
Release Date: June 18, 2024 
Genre: Christian Historical Western Romance

Despite trials that threaten their path forward, hope dawns for a future filled with love.

Kat Wadsworth and Sebastian Jones never imagined their lives would entwine so closely. Forced to flee on a wagon train from a vengeful uncle and an unknown gunman, they live in a hidden canyon with the family that rescued them. But as the days turn into months, they each have separate reasons for wanting to move back to society, and the best way to the independence they desperately crave might be through a marriage of convenience. 

However, settling into their homestead in Cheyenne, Wyoming, reveals a different reality for Kat. Her new husband becomes consumed by his inventions, leaving her feeling lonely and isolated. And just when they think they've left the danger behind, a mysterious attacker lurks in the shadows, threatening the new life they've built. Together, they must confront the perils from their pasts to forge a future with hope and the prospect of love.

I have been a fan of Mary Connealy for MANY years! Toward the Dawn by Mary Connealy is Book 2 in the Western Light series. I have not read Book 1 in this series yet, but I decided to read Book 2 first. 

I LOVED this book from the very first page. I am a fan of Marriage of Convenience books, so I truly LOVED that aspect of the story. Kat and Seb have an amazing story and chemistry about them that their relationship grows past the "convenience" and turns into a great romantic marriage. I really LOVE how they work together to uncover their past to grow individually and as a couple.  This book is filled with Faith, Family, LOVE and Mystery with a Western theme. I am looking forward to reading Book 1 this series and future books in this series. WONDERFUL BOOK! 


PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Christianbook | Bookshop

More Books from this Series

Chasing the Horizon

Mary Connealy

Mary Connealy writes "romantic comedies with cowboys" and is celebrated for her fun, zany, action-packed style. She has sold more than 1.5 million books and is the author of the popular series Wyoming Sunrise and The Lumber Baron's Daughters and many other books. Mary lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her very own romantic cowboy hero.

Connect with Mary by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

(1) winner will receive a print copy of Toward the Dawn and a $20 Amazon gift card!

Toward the Dawn JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight July 3, 2024 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on July 10, 2024. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

JustRead Blog Tour: Treason Trail by Kit Hawthorne

Treason Trail JustRead Blog Tours

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Treason Trail by Kit Hawthorne, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Treason Trail

Title: Treason Trail
Series: Cape Fear Legacy #3
Kit Hawthorne
Independently Published
Release Date:
June 18, 2024
Sweet Historical Romance

A mysterious stranger holds the key to the fate of the nation. 

In the final days of the American Revolutionary War, Nessa Shaw tends to the sick and wounded at the Continental Army camp in Charlestown, South Carolina. When she stumbles upon a man lying unconscious on a forest trail, she quickly realizes he is unlike any patient she has ever encountered. With no memory of his past, his only clues to his identity are his first name—August—and the certainty that he is a Patriot. Against her better judgment, Nessa grows closer to August, trusting him with secrets that could cost her dearly. But when she discovers a deadly plot that could change the course of the war, Nessa must question everything she thought she knew about August and his true allegiances.

Historical Romance novels are one of my favorite genres to read. Treason Trail by Kit Hawthorne is the latest book in this genre that I have read. It is Book 3 in the Cape Fear Legacy Series. I have not read the first 2 books in this series yet, but this seems to flow as a stand alone book. 

I really enjoyed the setting and time of the storyline. The end of the Revolutionary War in South Caroline. Nessa Shaw has been a nurse at the Army Camp. Nessa also likes to forge for herbs on the Trails. She discovers a man laying unconscious on the trail and with the help of her 15yr old brother, Rory, they get him to Rory's tent to treat him. The patient can only remember his name, August, due to a hit on the head. Nessa continues to treat him and forms a friendship/relationship with August. She has been sharing some deep info with him and then she realizes that August may not truly be a Patriot. She begins questioning if she shared too much. The storyline and mystery behind August was very intriguing. I really enjoyed how the relationship between Nessa and August grew and how Nessa was giving him the TLC he needed to recover from the Hit on the Head. I absolutely LOVED the History Lesson contained within the storyline! I would read this book again, there is just so much to love about it! GREAT BOOK!

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More Books in This Series


Kit Hawthorne

A lifelong resident of the American South, Kit Hawthorne makes her home on a Texas farm that has been in her husband’s family for seven generations. She spent many years singing, composing, and playing Irish pennywhistle in a Celtic folk band. All those ballads and boat songs awakened in her a love for a Scottish heritage that spans both sides of the Atlantic. She’s an avid reader, especially of history, biography, mystery, theology, and romance, and enjoys logging her reads (and plotting her life) in her Bullet Journal. She also enjoys drawing, sewing, quilting, knitting, and restoring old furniture to beauty and usefulness.

Connect with Kit at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

(2) winners will each win print copies of all 3 books in the Cape Fear Legacy series!

Treason Trail JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight July 2, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on July 9, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Enter Giveaway

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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