Thursday, February 8, 2024

FrontGate Media Blog Tour: It is Finished: A 40-Day Pilgrimage Back to the Cross

Across forty days of vivid storytelling, It Is Finished offers you a unique and vital roadmap to trace the power and necessity of the cross throughout the Bible, from the book of Genesis all the way to your present-day reality.

Through forty slices of the story of Calvary, master storyteller and vivid Bible teacher Charles Martin, will walk you back to the cross to look up at it from a different angle each day and ask the Father to reveal to you:

What exactly did he mean when the dying Jesus said, "It is finished"—what was finished at the cross?

When did what Jesus finish at the cross even begin?

What does this man's death 2,000 years ago have to do with me today?

What is God offering at the cross that I so easily forget and take for granted?

What do I not realize about myself that the Father God has never forgotten?

Whether it is your first, tenth, or ten thousandth time looking up at the cross of Christ, you can trust New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, to wrap an arm around your shoulder, come alongside and walk with you as a fellow pilgrim headed in the same direction and answering the same question: "What will I do with this man, Jesus?"

Because before we can celebrate the resurrection, we need to backtrack to where Jesus has been, how He got there, and what His presence there accomplished. And while Satan can't change what happened on that Friday, he has been working ever since to hide what happened there. To obscure the work of the Cross. To avert our eyes. But on this 40-day pilgrimage your eyes will open wide and your heart will race as you discover the answer to the question that can change your life, Lord, why me? Why would you endure the cross and despise the shame, for me?

Devotionals are a part of my daily life. I especially LOVE Devotionals that focus on the Lenten/Easter Season. It Is Finished: A 40-Day Pilgrimage Back to the Cross by Charles Martin is a new Devotional for the 40 Day Easter Season. I recently had the opportunity to read it. 

A Devotional that really digs deep and has the reader focused throughout is a Devotional that I truly enjoy. Charles Martin has written a thought provoking Devotional for the Easter Season that really tells the story of the journey to the Cross and Cruxification. Each Chapter is a Devotinal that includes a story, a part of "walking back to the cross," a prayer and God's response. The stories are so vivid and "lifelike" and really brings the reader to think about Christ's LOVE for us. 

I HIGHLY recommend this Devotional as we begin the 40 Day Easter Season for 2024. It is also a Devotional that can be read any time. FANTASTIC BOOK!

Christy and I married in 1993. If you include dating, I’ve known and loved her for more than half my life. She is and always will be the home for my heart. We have three boys. Charlie, John T. and Rives. Folks often ask me, which of my books do I like the best. You might as well line up my sons and ask me who I love the most.

My hobbies are bow hunting, working out (a blend of old school stuff and martial arts, called Fight Fit) and Tae Kwon Do. In October 2012 I earned my black belt but I’m still the least flexible person you’ve ever met. The guy that trains me, laughs everytime I start warming up. My boys are far better at Tae Kwon Do than I but I doubt they have as much fun – I get to do and watch. They just do.

I also like to write, but that’s another story.

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