Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Shadow Dancing by Jennifer Sienes

Book: Shadow Dancing

Author: Jennifer Sienes

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction/Southern fiction

Release Date: April 18, 2023


Wading through grief is like dancing with shadows.

Bekah Casey’s been on a tear for near a year, and the anger clings to her like cheap perfume. If only the Lord would wash it away like He did with her sins, she might could find her way out of the mire. Instead, she escapes from the one person to blame for all her ills—her husband Mitch.

Now she’s living with her mama and daddy, working two jobs, and facing a future that looks bleak as a middle-Tennessee winter. Her mama’s all the time telling her that the good Lord works in ways too confounding to comprehend, and if she’d learn to trust in Him, her life will look a might brighter. Easy for her to say.

When things go from dark to disastrous, Bekah figures she’s got two choices—sink in her sin or dig her way out.

Mitch Casey never did put a whole lot of stock in faith. Didn’t appear it helped Bekah any either since hers went sideways the minute things got hard. Still, he’s willing to take whatever abuse she throws his way if it helps her muddle through the grief. Then one poor decision, a night in jail, and a divine assignment with a local pastor puts Mitch on an unexpected path.

When you’re dancing with shadows, who gets to lead? Find out in the next book in the Bedford County series.


Click here to get your copy!

Jennifer Sienes is a favorite author of mine, I have read many of her books. I am always excited when she releases a new book. I recently read Shadow Dancing by Jennifer Sienes. It is Book 2 of The Bedford County Series.

Bekah Casey has had quite a year and has been grieving for things to go right in her life. She believes that her husband Mitch is to blame for everything wrong in her life and has moved back home with her parents. Her Mom is a strong woman of Faith and has encouraged Bekah to lean her trust in the Lord and he will help her. Bekah has swayed from her faith and has hardened her heart with anger. Her husband Mitch did not grow up in a Christian home and he struggles to understand the Christian Faith through Bekah. His life is changed drastically after he spends a night in jail due to a mistake he made. Mitch is connected with a local Pastor after his night in jail and he now has a newfound faith. Will Mitch and Bekah be able to reconcile and live in the same household again? Will Bekah gain her faith back and will things change for her? 

WOW, the storyline captured my attention in the first few paragraphs of the book. Bekah has been discouraged by life happenings for a while and thus her faith was set aside. I LOVE how her mom encourages her to Trust in the Lord. Mitch was not a Christian, but through some life-altering events, he finds faith. The characters are very believable and encouraging. The story is one of being able to Trust God and lean not onto your understanding, even through the trials of life. Forgiveness is also a theme in this book. I HIGHLY recommend this Clean, Sweet Christian Romance. WONDERFUL BOOK!

Jennifer Sienes holds a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in education but discovered life-experience is the best teacher. She loves Jesus, romance and writing–and puts it altogether in inspirational contemporary fiction. Her daughter’s TBI and brother’s suicide inspired two of her three novels. Although fiction writing is her real love, she’s had several non-fiction pieces published in anthologies–two in Chicken Soup for the Soul. She has two grown children and one very spoiled Maltese. California born and raised, she recently took a step of faith with her real-life hero and relocated to Tennessee.


More from Jennifer

Last year I was interviewed on a Christian podcast, and the host asked me, “How do you come up with your story ideas?” There are as many answers to this question as there are authors, but he wasn’t satisfied with mine. I told him they truly come from the Lord. I think he wanted tips to encourage would-be writers. I’m sorry to disappoint, but although I might have a story sketch in my mind, it never matches the completed project. Why? Because I’m not in control.


Over the last several years, I’ve discovered that my writing journey is as much spiritual as it is creative. Shadow Dancing is a perfect example. It started with my intention to fictionalize the past marital difficulties of a young couple in my church. But before I finished the first chapter, it became clear the Lord had other ideas. The initial plot I’d fixed in my head doesn’t resemble the finished novel in any way—unless you consider the main characters are separated. The theme of my novels always reflects what I’m wrestling with in my heart at the time I’m writing it.


The major theme in Shadow Dancing is God’s sovereignty. Most of us have no problem accepting His will as long as our lives are going well. It’s when something difficult happens we begin to doubt His goodness. How often have you seen a tragedy pull a fellow Christian away from the Lord? The question, “Why would a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people?” has been a stumbling block for many people—both Christians and non-Christians alike.


But sometimes it’s the tragedies in life that draw people closer to God as they realize He’s the only hope they can cling to. This was the case for me. I believed in God, but I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, when my ex-husband of 23 years abandoned me. This was on the tail-end of my daughter’s near-fatal car accident that left us with months of rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury. It’s when I realized that believing I was in control of my life and that of my children was a lie from the enemy. We cannot protect those we love by hovering over them or keep a marriage intact by sheer will.


I wanted these truths to play out in the lives of Rebekah and Mitch Casey. In the light of heartache, Rebekah’s spiritual walk goes in one direction while Mitch’s goes another. But through it all, they are left with hope. That’s what I desire every word I ever write to point to. The hope we have in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And isn’t it the greatest gift to know our loving and merciful God has us in the palm of His righteous right hand—forgiven and free? So much better than relying on our own flawed and sinful selves.


I pray Shadow Dancing reminds you of everything we have and will continue to have as adopted sons and daughters through Jesus Christ. Hope of eternal life in a world where heartache and sin will be a thing of the past.

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To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card & a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Rita Wray said... Best Blogger Tips 1

Great review, sounds like a good book. The cover is very nice.

Roxanne C. said... Best Blogger Tips 2

I think the main characters end up exactly where they need in order to have a common faith and possible reconciliation.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips 3

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Shadow Dancing. I truly appreciate your thoughtful review.

Bea LaRocca said... Best Blogger Tips 4

Thank you for sharing your wonderful review of Shadow Dancing, this sounds like a story that will touch my heart and I am looking forward to reading it myself

Emma said... Best Blogger Tips 5

I would enjoy reading this book. I liked the ones of this author's books that I have read.

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