Friday, August 30, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Trial by Patience by Tabitha Boudin


Book: Trial by Patience
Author: Tabitha Bouldin
Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance
Release Date: August 12, 2019

Danny Solomon operates Break Away Acres, an equine therapy center for abused kids and teens. As a former abuse victim, Danny knows how important it is to let these kids know that someone still cares. God has blessed Danny with a gift: the ability to see the past of anyone who meets his eye. The information he is given through this gift allows him to know how he might best help those around him. Phoenix Nichols is Danny’s new trail guide. Her job is to help with the horses and keep an eye on the kids. With a past more painful than anything Danny has ever encountered, he finds himself unable to resist trying to help. When her past becomes her present, her trust in Danny is the only link she has to finding God…and peace.

Click here to grab your copy. 

The Synopsis of the book really peaked my interest that I wanted to read this book. The setting is a Ranch for Therapy for abused kids. I know a few families who use Horse Therapy for Autism or other medical issues, so the fact that horses can also be used with Abused kids is wonderful.

The Horse Ranch is owned by Danny Solomon. Danny was abused as a child, so he started the Ranch to help kids overcome and the fact that he knows their pain and can understand what they are going through, really touched me. Along comes Phoenix Nichols, who has been hired as a Trial Guide for the Ranch. Danny can see that she is carrying "baggage and pain" from her past. Danny takes on the task of helping her through the pains of her past. Will the 2 of them bond over the fact that they both struggle with deep wounds from their past? Can they come together and help one another? Will this lead to a deepened relationship between Danny and Phoenix? Grab a copy of the book and dive into just as I did!

I really enjoyed reading this book! Even though I have never suffered any abuse as those in the book, it was really therapeutic reading this! The author really dives into subject matter that is all to real for many, but does so in a gentle way that would be helpful to anyone who reads this! I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who has suffered abuse! GREAT BOOK!! 

Tabitha is a small-town girl with an oversized imagination. She grew up creating characters and enjoys giving them life through words and pages. Just one year shy of obtaining her Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing, she plans to make sure her characters stand the test of time. When not writing or reading, you’ll find her either homeschooling her two boys or outside digging a new flower bed for her roses.  

More from Tabitha

Danny and Phoenix are the main characters in Trial by Patience, but Danny isn’t a new character. As part of The Trials series, Danny is introduced in book 1 as a scrappy six-year-old. Two years after I finished writing book 1, he’s twenty-eight. (Don’t you love how time can be manipulated in the literary world.) Fun fact: When I wrote book 1: Trial by Courage, I had no idea Danny would get his own book. God works in mysterious ways and His sense of humor astounds me. I had a million ideas and half-started manuscripts littered my desk but I had no idea what to focus on next. Within two weeks of Trial by Courage’s release, three people asked me when Danny’s story would be ready. The first time, I blinked slowly and shrugged (I wasn’t about to tell them I had no intention of writing about Danny). Second time, I laughed. Third time, I knew it was an honest question and I started writing. A year later, I typed THE END, had an author copy printed and handed it over to my sister for proofing. Little did I know I wasn’t anywhere near finished. Danny’s story would NOT leave me alone. I was constantly trying to reassure myself that it was done, just minor adjustments…boy was I wrong! Six months ago, I realized I needed to change the ending, which lead to a complete rewrite of the last half of the book and major changes in the beginning chapters. Talk about scary, and exciting, but mostly scary. I even made another copy of the original script in case I changed my mind about this new ending. I shouldn’t have worried. I’m in love with this new copy and every angsty minute that went into making Trial by Patience the book it is today.

To celebrate her tour, Tabitha is giving away the grand prize of an eBook copy of her book and $25 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Faith of Mike Pence by Leslie Montgomery

Book: The Faith of Mike Pence
Author: Leslie Montgomery
Genre: Biography, religious, political
Release Date: August 6, 2019

Several books have been published about Vice President Mike Pence, but none have touched upon what may be the most fascinating aspect of our nation’s second in command: his deep faith.
The Faith of Mike Pence offers an intimate look at the man who calls himself “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.”
Author Leslie Montgomery details Pence’s spiritual journey and examines how the vice president’s commitment to Christ has been a key component in his life as a husband, father, and public servant. Montgomery examines Pence’s encounters with politicos and evangelistic leaders such as James Dobson and Charles Lake. She shows the role of Pence’s faith in running for various offices, implementing faith-based initiatives, and responding to 9/11, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the infamous Anthrax scare in Congress that directly affected him.
The Faith of Mike Pence is a powerful account of one of the most conservative vice presidents in American history, with exclusive interviews and insightful commentary from friends, family, and colleagues. It is a serious and moving reflection about one of America’s most admired and respected politicians.

Click here to grab your copy.

I have always had an interest in learning more about Vice President Mike Pence, even since his days of Governor of Indiana. I have especially admired him for his Faith in Jesus Christ. I jumped at the chance to read and review this book when I found out about it! 

The Faith of Mike Pence is a book that is just that, one that talks about the Faith of not a Politician, but an Average Man who has risen to be the Vice President of our Country. I really enjoyed reading the interviews that Author Leslie Montgomery conducted with Family and Long time friends of Vice President Mike Pence. The interviews give a wonderful perspective on how Mike Pence has not allowed the World to influence him, rather he has always relied on his Faith in Jesus Christ to direct his path, and has been his guide since childhood. Vice President Pence hasn't always had an easy path and through the tough times, his Faith didn't waver, yet was strengthen. 

Leslie Montgomery does a WONDERFUL job at keeping this about Vice President Mike Pence Faith and not Politics. A VERY enjoyable READ and I do recommend this book! 

Leslie Montgomery is the author and ghostwriter of over a dozen books. She is best known for writing the spiritual biography, The Faith of Condoleezza Rice, when Rice was serving our nation as secretary of state in the George W. Bush administration. Leslie has been a writer for Focus on the Family for more than twenty years and is the former director of publications for the American Association of Christian Counselors. She is also the founder of Yeshu’a Ministries, with the goal of helping people gain a better and closer relationship with the Lord through her writing, speaking, and teaching ministry. She has traveled to churches and conferences around the world through her evangelical ministry, sharing the Word of God. Leslie has four children and six grandchildren. She resides in Boise, Idaho

More from Leslie

In 2006, I wrote and released The Faith of Condoleezza Rice, know-ing it might be years before I published another book. My husband and I were undergoing fertility treatments and vowed that if I got pregnant, I’d take a few years off of working outside the home to raise my children until they were in school full-time. Well, I did get pregnant and we had two children in the span of two-and-a-half years.
In early summer 2017, with two kids getting ready to start school again, I prayed and asked God to send me a new book contract; it was time to get back into the thick of things. Two weeks later, I dreamt that I was to write The Faith of Mike Pence. The truth is, neither he nor his faith were even on my radar. I got out of bed and began doing a little research. I wrote a book proposal for different publishers and began to accumulate a list of people I hoped to interview.
My overall goal with this book is not to set the vice president up as a spiritual hero, but to show the heart of the real man—as a Christian, husband, father, and politician. In doing so, I tried to allow his own words and those of his family, friends, and colleagues tell his story while I served as a conduit to weave it together. My prayer is that it inspires, encourages, and challenges you.    —Leslie Montgomery

To celebrate her tour, Leslie is giving away a grand prize package of a $20 Starbucks gift card, hardcover copy of The Faith of Mike Pence, and Faith and Freedom Adult Coloring Book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries. Click the link below to enter.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Adventures in Poverty A Memoir by Nancy Bolton

Book: Adventures in Poverty
Author: Nancy Bolton
Genre: Memoir
Release Date: July 30, 2019

Faced with eviction, living on union strike pay, our time for making a decision was running out. Where could we go to live with our five small sons? We had few options. The scariest possibility was also the one that fit best with our tiny income. But could we really make such a difficult move? To transport our family, and our mobile home onto a five-acre parcel of rural, undeveloped land? No electricity, no running water, with winter fast approaching. It sounded a little crazy…….  

Click here to grab your copy.

WOW, just WOW!! Adventures in Poverty is a Memoir of the Real times in the life of the Bolton Family. 

The Bolton Family took a chance with 5 young boys and facing the fact that they will be homeless and moved their family to a Mobile Home on Undeveloped land. The land had No Running Water or Electricity, but the Family was determined to make it. The family had VERY Little income, due to living off Strike Wages of $70/wk, so they decided to live off the land and this was in the 80's. Winter was fast approaching, so the family had to set up "camp". 

The Bolton family 5 boys were ages 12 down to 4 months. The boys helped their parents haul water for cooking and baths. The family learned how to be creative with the resources available to them on the land. Another GREAT lesson learned during the tough times for the family, was materialistic things are not important. The Family bond and being together through the tough times are important and this family did just that and not only Thrived, but Survived! I LOVE that the family learned so much through their experience and every part of this journey was a teachable moment for the young boys!

I found this book to be a WONDERFUL read! I am a Frugal person by nature and enjoy "the thrill of Frugality" so this book was very interesting to me. The book really showed me that Poverty in America is real, but those who do something about it as the Bolton Family did, are the ones who will become stronger and learn that tough times can be temporary! 

Grab a copy of this book and read it, you will not be disappointed!! FANTASTIC BOOK!!




Nancy Shew Bolton is a wife, mother, grandmother, jewelry maker, crochet crafter, and of course: a writer! She lives in upstate New York in a lovely scenic region known as The Fingerlakes. Widowed last year, she is comforted by her five sons, two grandchildren and a marvelous array of family and other loved ones. She loves the creative process, and puts her whole focus into the stories she writes. May you be entertained and uplifted by them!  

More from Nancy

Sometimes life hands out an unexpected challenge, and the direction you mapped out for your family comes up against a big roadblock. And there you are, trying to navigate back to a path that makes sense. One that would be as close to the previous path as you can get. But our only options led us in directions far away from what we were used to. Faced with eviction, living on union strike pay, our time for making a decision was running out. Where could we go to live with our five small sons? We had few options. The scariest possibility was also the one that fit best with our tiny income. But could we really make such a difficult move? To transport our family, and our mobile home onto a five-acre parcel of rural, undeveloped land? No electricity, no running water, with winter fast approaching. It sounded a little crazy…….

To celebrate her tour, Nancy is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and eBook copy of her book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Friday, August 23, 2019

JustRead Tours Spotlight Tour and Giveaway: The Mended Heart Series by Patricia Lee

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for the Mended Hearts series by Patricia Lee, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Title: An Anchor on Her Heart  
Series: Mended Hearts #1  
Author: Patricia Lee 
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink 
Release Date: August 1, 2017  
Genre: Inspirational Contemporary Romance

Can they keep their friendship pure when their hearts long for more?

McKenna Nichols, a young wife abandoned by her husband in favor of his work, is left alone to raise their autistic child. She promised to love him until death parted them. But when circumstances drive a wedge into their marriage and Dane chooses to escape what life has dealt them, how long can she be strong? Can she remain faithful to her marriage vows when tempted by the friendship of an unlikely stranger?

Rudy Taylor, who senses McKenna's loneliness and understands the difficulty of raising her daughter, struggles to keep his concern for the young woman biblical. Will McKenna’s faith in God and Rudy’s commitment to his Lord be enough to keep their relationship simple until McKenna's husband one day returns?

As teenage sweethearts, she and Dane used to race down this street toward the ocean. She’d hold
his hand at the top of the berm separating the beach from the town, letting the turbulent air tangle
her hair around her
face and neck. Dane would lead her to the sand, and they’d sit, his fingers
straightening the unruly locks, his kisses tickling her ears. Nothing separated them, all of life
waiting like a well written fairytale.
Until Sydney changed the story for Dane.

Title: Love Calls Her Home  
Series: Mended Hearts #2  
Author: Patricia Lee  
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink 
Release Date: March 1, 2018  
Genre: Inspirational Contemporary Romance

Can a hurting boy help two broken people find their way back to love ?

Lissa Frye returns home from the Navy hoping to find a different future—one which includes a husband, marriage, and a family, until news from her sister impacts Lissa’s personal life and derails her plans.

Kurt McKintrick, having lost his best friend to an IED in Afghanistan, has returned to help the man's mother run a horse rescue ranch. Images of war plague him, and thoughts of anyone else he might love falling victim to an untimely end, distance him from the person most likely to help.

Eleven-year-old Jayden Clarke seeks to fill the ache in his heart from his father’s death two years before. But his life is turned upside down when the rancher who befriended him is found dead, the horses neglected, and the dog missing. When authorities arrive to investigate, Lissa and Kurt, estranged after a former relationship, are forced to meet again. Lissa must confront images from her past and Kurt struggles to live with his present truth.

Will Jayden be the catalyst that draws Lissa and Kurt back together for a happily ever after?

Lissa couldn’t imagine city boy Kurt working at a horse rescue facility mucking stalls and
stacking hay. His experience with farm animals could be bundled in a shell casing. But maybe
he’d needed a change from military life in the sandbox of Afghanistan as much
as she’d needed solid ground under her feet after the Navy.

What would Kurt think when he discovered she’d sent him a dirty little filly? Or when she stood
waiting by the barn as he drove up? If there was a more original way to get reacquainted, she
didn’t know what it might be. She couldn’t wait for Tuesday.

Title: A Kite on the Wind  
Series: Mended Hearts #3  
Author: Patricia Lee  
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink 
Release Date: October 1, 2018  
Genre: Inspirational Contemporary Romance

Is Love Strong Enough to Overcome the Walls They Hide Behind?

Left waiting at the altar, Claire Simpson has buried her past and moved on, carving out a life for herself as a teacher on the Oregon coast. When her former fiancé appears, he threatens to unravel the peaceful independence she has worked so hard to achieve after their relationship failed.

Montgomery Chandler has moved to NOAA headquarters in Newport, Oregon to make new, happier memories for his children after his wife died of a lingering illness. Their home in Seattle held nothing but the whispers of their earlier lives. Starting over will help all of them heal, but Monty is resolved not to risk love again.

When the handsome widower enrolls his hurting children at the school where Claire teaches, her determination to remain uninvolved vanishes at the whim of a snowstorm. This family needs her expertise. Can she help them without losing her heart?

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Christianbook

Monty thought he might be ill, the wave of nausea coursing through his frame threatening to knock
him to his knees. Mason! Mason gone. If he’d lost his son, after losing his wife earlier last spring,
he’d head out to sea and not look back. Heartache had its limits, and he had nearly reached the
breaking point. The little boy in his arms proved he’d not yet arrived there. 

His knees wobbled him, the strong, capable NOAA corps scientist who combed the ocean looking for clues to its mysteries. He could walk the walk, and talk the talk, and wear the smart, dress whites any other day of the week, but give him one little seven year old boy missing in a snowstorm, and he turned to jelly. Mason and Mia were all he had left of Marissa, a gift to him from across the chasm between heaven and earth.



Patricia Lee is a published author, having written since she first learned what words could do at the age of six. She holds a BA in journalism from the University of Oregon. Articles to her credit have appeared in Moody Monthly, Power for Living, Expecting and Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse as well as in two anthologies— Cup of Comfort Bible Promises and In the Company of Angels. She is part of a team of bloggers who submit short devotionals for Patricia is a member of the Oregon Christian Writers and of American Christian Fiction Writers. She and her husband have two adult children and live in the Pacific Northwest with two sleepy cats.

 CONNECT WITH PATRICIA: Website | Facebook | Twitter

(1) winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card!

Be sure to check out each stop on these tours for more chances to win. Full tour schedule on this tour shown below. Giveaway begins at midnight August 19, 2019 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on August 24, 2019. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Due to shipping cost, only US mailing addresses valid. 

For our giveaway rules and policy, click HERE.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

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