Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Adventures in Poverty A Memoir by Nancy Bolton

Book: Adventures in Poverty
Author: Nancy Bolton
Genre: Memoir
Release Date: July 30, 2019

Faced with eviction, living on union strike pay, our time for making a decision was running out. Where could we go to live with our five small sons? We had few options. The scariest possibility was also the one that fit best with our tiny income. But could we really make such a difficult move? To transport our family, and our mobile home onto a five-acre parcel of rural, undeveloped land? No electricity, no running water, with winter fast approaching. It sounded a little crazy…….  

Click here to grab your copy.

WOW, just WOW!! Adventures in Poverty is a Memoir of the Real times in the life of the Bolton Family. 

The Bolton Family took a chance with 5 young boys and facing the fact that they will be homeless and moved their family to a Mobile Home on Undeveloped land. The land had No Running Water or Electricity, but the Family was determined to make it. The family had VERY Little income, due to living off Strike Wages of $70/wk, so they decided to live off the land and this was in the 80's. Winter was fast approaching, so the family had to set up "camp". 

The Bolton family 5 boys were ages 12 down to 4 months. The boys helped their parents haul water for cooking and baths. The family learned how to be creative with the resources available to them on the land. Another GREAT lesson learned during the tough times for the family, was materialistic things are not important. The Family bond and being together through the tough times are important and this family did just that and not only Thrived, but Survived! I LOVE that the family learned so much through their experience and every part of this journey was a teachable moment for the young boys!

I found this book to be a WONDERFUL read! I am a Frugal person by nature and enjoy "the thrill of Frugality" so this book was very interesting to me. The book really showed me that Poverty in America is real, but those who do something about it as the Bolton Family did, are the ones who will become stronger and learn that tough times can be temporary! 

Grab a copy of this book and read it, you will not be disappointed!! FANTASTIC BOOK!!




Nancy Shew Bolton is a wife, mother, grandmother, jewelry maker, crochet crafter, and of course: a writer! She lives in upstate New York in a lovely scenic region known as The Fingerlakes. Widowed last year, she is comforted by her five sons, two grandchildren and a marvelous array of family and other loved ones. She loves the creative process, and puts her whole focus into the stories she writes. May you be entertained and uplifted by them!  

More from Nancy

Sometimes life hands out an unexpected challenge, and the direction you mapped out for your family comes up against a big roadblock. And there you are, trying to navigate back to a path that makes sense. One that would be as close to the previous path as you can get. But our only options led us in directions far away from what we were used to. Faced with eviction, living on union strike pay, our time for making a decision was running out. Where could we go to live with our five small sons? We had few options. The scariest possibility was also the one that fit best with our tiny income. But could we really make such a difficult move? To transport our family, and our mobile home onto a five-acre parcel of rural, undeveloped land? No electricity, no running water, with winter fast approaching. It sounded a little crazy…….

To celebrate her tour, Nancy is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and eBook copy of her book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Rita Wray said... Best Blogger Tips 1

I liked the review, thank you.

Emma said... Best Blogger Tips 2

This was a really good book! I enjoyed it very much.

Bea LaRocca said... Best Blogger Tips 3

Thank you for sharing your wonderful review of Adventures In Poverty. This sounds like an inspiring read.

James Robert said... Best Blogger Tips 4

Thanks so much for both the book description and giveaway as well. I enjoy hearing about another good book.

Debbie P said... Best Blogger Tips 5

This book sounds like a really great and fascinating read.

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