Monday, December 31, 2012

My Crazy Busy Life: Goodbye 2012

WOW, this year has certainly gone by SUPER FAST! I myself didn't really get to "Enjoy" this year as I have been EXTREMELY busy this year.

2012 started off great, we were in our normal routine. I have Vein Surgery on March 9th to help relieve the pain from the Superficial Phlebitis I had been suffering from for almost 2yrs. The surgery was very easy, even under Local Anesthesia and barely any pain killers. I was pain free and no swelling for a few months. I was a very happy camper.

Our family continued to follow our normal routine until Mid-May. Mid-May my mom had foot surgery and then a week later my dad ended up in the hospital and then Rehab/Nursing Home for a foot issue. This is when things got super busy and haven't slowed down. The boys and I become the "Drivers" for getting my mom back and forth to Dr. appointments, grocery shopping and more. My dad stayed in the Rehab until late July, so I was also going back and forth to the Rehab for visits, laundry help, and more. My dad was home from Rehab for a couple of weeks, only to have his foot problem get worse and he returned to Rehab. The Rehab center bought in a Podiatrist who took one look at my dad's foot and diagnosed the problem. He stayed at Rehab until late September and came home. This is when life got REALLY BUSY! He can't drive at this time because his foot is in a cast, but he needs to get to Dialysis 3x a week. I have been getting up at 3am, picking him up at 3:45am, dropping him off by 4:30am and getting back home by 5am. My brother was picking him in the beginning, but for the past 5 weeks or so hasn't been able to do pickups as he is now working. So now I do drop off and my boys and I do pick up 3 days a week. I know children are supposed to take care of their parents when they are older(even though my parents are that "old").

I know this year has been a time of life lessons and helping others which is great for my boys, we are just TIRED! We have seen the inside of our van more then anything else this year! I know God puts us through "seasons" in our life and takes us off course for reasons only he knows. The boys and I have looking forward to a "new season" or even our "normal season" to hopefully return soon! I know God's plan will always come into plan before my own "desires and plans" and that has been proven this year!

My year in review update would usually include all the Family Fun activities we normally do like Park Days, Picnics/BBQ's, Library Days, exploring Chicago, and much more, but we haven't had time or energy to do much of anything this year. I am an AVID reader and I the only reading I did this year was reading the books for my Book Reviews that I do. I didn't do my usually Library visits for reading materials. I had set a book reading goal this year and came NOWHERE close to that goal. I have had no time for BLOGGING as you all can see from the "bareness" of the blog this year. I was just making my review deadlines. I have not had time to do weekly Menu Planning and get organized with our grocery shopping. I had begun to take part in a 36 in 366 challenge on a message board I am on, but had to "Abandon my List" because I just haven't had time and energy for accomplishing to much other then taking care of my parents. My boys are getting TIRED and BORED of being in the van so much. They are good sports most of the time, but as of December it has really "worn on them".

The one MAJOR thing that I did accomplish for me was I finally demanded the Dentist allow me to get Dentures and the Dentist finally agreed. Here is more on my Dental Journey, Dental Journey Update and a pic of the day I got my "teeth"!

I am looking forward to 2013! I am looking forward to getting my household back in order and back on routine! I am looking forward to many days of Family Fun for our family of 5. I am looking forward to having my boys experience new and different things and more of the same! I am looking forward to making 2013 one of the BEST yet and being a RELAXING year!

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Friday, December 14, 2012

12 Pearls of Christmas- Day 1: God with Us . . . And Us with Him by Susan May Warren

Welcome to the12 Pearls of Christmas blog series!

Merry Christmas from Pearl Girls™! We hope you enjoy these Christmas “Pearls of Wisdom” from the authors who were so kind to donate their time and talents! If you miss a few posts, you’ll be able go back through and read them on this blog throughout the next few days.

We’re giving away a pearl necklace in celebration of the holidays, as well as some items (books, a gift pack, music CDs) from the contributors! Enter now on Facebook or at the Pearl Girls blog. The winner will announced on January 2, 2013 at the Pearl Girls blog.

If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we’re all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Mother of Pearl, Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls products (all GREAT gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

God with Us . . . And Us with Him
By: Susan May Warren

Every year over labor day weekend, the Warren family has a MWE. Mandatory Warren Event. It’s a call to come home and enjoy the long weekend with our favorite people. Since my children have left for college, I relish every second of this weekend—the laughter in the kitchen, the long conversations in the family room, the frenzy of backyard football, the quietness of the morning as we drink coffee on the deck and watch the sunrise. I cherish these people, and when they are with me, I drink in their presence.

I’ve been reading the prophecies about Christ this season and came across Isaiah 7:14, Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

I am struck by the word Immanuel. God with us. The closest I get to comprehending this is reading about how Jesus’ loved his disciples. Surely they relished the time with him more profoundly after his resurrection, knowing he would soon leave.

Thankfully, he didn’t leave them for long and sent His Holy Spirit. God . . . still with them. 

As I consider the magnitude of this God who would come to earth, who would abide with the disciples, and then with me, I have to wonder not only do I relish God’s presence in my life, but does God relish time with me? Am I committed to embracing His entrance into my life? Am I even making the effort to see Him?

Imagine that during our MWE weekend, I ignored my children, and they, me? I would lose the joy of their presence.

It is not surprising to me that the Jewish people did not recognize their Savior. After all, who would guess that the Almighty might package himself as a baby and appear among them, fragile and dependent? But today, we know the story, we know the miracles, we know the truth, and God invites us into an abundant relationship, one that He wishes to relish, one that will change us. A relationship that will slake our thirsts and satisfy our hungers. One that reminds us that we are never alone.

Because every day we are a mandatory event to our Immanuel.

This season, look for the ways that God is your Immanuel, with you, every day.
Susan May Warren is the best-selling, award-winning author of over 40 novels. With over 750,000 books in print, her stories of family, romance and adventure have earned her acclaim and reader fans from around the world. Visit her website for upcoming books and sneak peeks!

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