Chicago is beginning a 3 day heat wave today, including tomorrow when we could hit 100°, a very rare occurance in Chicago. I am truly seeing this 3 day Heat Wave in Chicago as a Blessing in a Disguise. I know that may seem crazy but this past month has been EXTREMELY busy for my boys and I and the hubby, that I am looking forward to being in the apartment and out of the heat.
My parents have been "nursing" foot injuries since late May, so the boys and I have been back and forth helping them out with different things. My mom had foot surgery in mid-May as she broke her foot in 6 places. My dad was doing what he could to help her, but 1 week after her surgery my dad ended up in the hospital with an open wound on the bottom of his foot. My dad has diabetes and kidney issues, so therefore he has to be under 24/7 care while the wound closes. He was in hospital for 3 days and then was transferred to a Nursing Home/Rehab Center. My parents are almost "mended" but still need some help. My dad will hopefully be coming home in the next week or so and my mom is almost near the point to being "released" by the Dr. post surgery. The boys and I have been going by mom and helping with laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping about 2x a week. Once a week we have been driving her to her Drs. appointment. Her Dr. is really close to my dad's rehab facility so we would visit him that day also. I have also been visiting my dad a couple other times a week and helping with his laundry also. I have also been substiting for my dad at his Tuesday evening job. He is Circulation Manager at a local neighborhood paper and he is in charge of making sure his delivery crew has their papers for their routes and that they are beginning their routes. I have been doing this on Tuesday evenings from 7-10pm. The boys and I, and sometimes my husband are really the ones available right now to be helping, so we have "stepped up to the plate".
I have also been helping a cousin of mine at a couple of local Fairs/Festivals at his Food Vendor booth. 2 weekends in a row I have helped him and it has been a LOT of fun! I really enjoy helping him as this kind of thing is what I am familiar with and it really is fun!
So needless to say this past month has been an extremely "busy season" in my life. I have been so busy with things outside of the home, that my apartment needs a good deep cleaning! I have been able to keep up with the day to day cleaning, but there are some things I really need to catch up on! I am going to use the next 3 days as a oppurtunity to catch up on cleaning and things inside my apartment.
The boys and I have a planning ahead for HOT weather routine when it comes to Heat Waves. I really have no reason to "whine and/or complain" when it comes to Heat Waves as there are things we can do to help ourselves and our families stay cool rather then "whine/complain", so I just set about "prepping" instead of "whining". Joshua has asthma which is affected by the heat and humidity therefore on "ozone action days" we have to get outside before 11am or after 8:00pm. I went grocery shopping last night and early this morning for "cool and refreshing food and treats". We are stocked up on Fresh Fruit and Veggies, Cold Cuts, Summer Salads and more! We also made a trip to the library on Monday so we have plenty of books, DVDs and Wii games! The boys are not leaving the house until Saturday, unless it is cool enough after dinner to go outside to a park for an hour or so!
The extra income I have been getting lately from helping my dad and cousin is going to be put to good use later today. I am going to use a portion of the money to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to purchase a 2qt Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker. I have a 20% off coupon so that will save me quite a bit of money. I have had an Ice cream Maker on my wish list since last summer, but we just didn't have the funds to purchase one nor the freezer space for the bowl. We now have the funds and the freezer space, so I am purchasing one today!! YEAH!! I am looking forward to trying different varities and making not only homemade ice cream, but HomeMade Ice Cream Drumsticks and Homemade Ice Cream sandwiches. I can do a "day of ice cream making" and stock the freezer!!
I am praying for those who will be lacking means to stay cool during this heat wave, hoping they will seek help if needed and those who have to work outside. I am also praying for those in Colorado affected by the Wildfires and those working to put the fires out. Also, praying for those in Florida who have been affected by Tropical Storm Debby!
I am prasing God for giving my boys and I a much needed "Break" from "busy season" we are having right now and the blessings he has bestowed upon us due to our willingness to help others!

we are under heat advisory here in mid-south missouri too ... but since I get to stay home (well, have to stay home - my car died earlier this month!!), I don't mind as long as the a/c holds out. :) I actually like the hot for a little while as long as again I can run back into the coolness.
Hope your parents heal up quickly!!
and enjoy that ice cream - yum!!!
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