Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook 9/26

Outside my Window: The Sun is brightly shining and the temp is just PERFECT! Today might be one of the last "Sandal Days" for a long while.

I am thinking: My mind is running a mile a minute with many things on my mind!

I am THANKFUL: My dad is coming home from the Rehab Facility tomorrow. He has a diagnosis of his foot issue and will be treated at home now.

In the Kitchen: Tonight is AWANA night and we have dinner at church.  See the rest of our menu for the week: Menu for 9/23-9/29

I am wearing: A pair of cotton capris and a t-shirt. I be changing into jean capris and a nice shirt when I go out later.

I am creating: I am still working on our Fall Activities schedule and Family Activities.

I am going: We are going to church today. The boys and I will leave around 2pm and head to the Oak Park Library and then arrive at church by 3:30pm. I help with Dinner Prep and the boys relax with library materials. Hubby will meet us at church after work.

I am wondering: Why so many people are judgemental of others and they really don't know the whole story/situation!? I think this is a very sad thing about our society nowadays. Too many are thinking they are better then others and are judgemental!

I am reading: I have a stack of books from the library and have been diving into them quite a bit lately! LOVE READING!

I am hoping: Our family can really get into a routine and really, truly stick to it for once!

I am looking forward to: Bringing my dad home tomorrow and having him get his foot healed at home!

I am learning: This week is a "wash" for academics. We have lots going on over the next couple of days and we are doing "service to others" this week and will begin our academics again next week.

Around the house: Laundry will be this weekend. I LOVE apartment living because there isn't much to do on a daily basis, especially since it has been being kept up since a major declutter a month ago.

I am pondering: The fact that it has been 3 weeks since immaturity distanced a VERY VERY close family member from me. I am not going to apologize for my parenting choices and I forsee the distance continuing until the other person realizes that they are not my "boss" and have no authority over me or how I raise my children!

A Favorite Quote for Today: PLAY is the highest form of RESEARCH. - Albert Einstein

One of my Favorite Things: HootSuite  HootSuite a 3rd party Social Media app. It allows you to post to Facebook, Twitter and a few other Social Media apps all from their app. I love that they have a Desktop, Mobile App, Web based, and Google Chrome extension. I am able to access HootSuite no matter where I am at via the internet or mobile phone! GREAT, EASY way to stay connected!

A few plans for the rest of the Week: Tomorrow the boys and I are picking up my dad from the Rehab Facility and taking him HOME. We are then going to the Museum of Science and Industry for awhile so my dad can rest. We will head back to my parents house and wait for my hubby. He and the boys are going to the White Sox game tomorrow night. The Ball Park is only 4 blocks from my parents place. Friday morning I have to get my dad to dialysis by 4:30am. The boys have flu shot appointments at 9:30am. We are then going "Thrifty shopping" for winter clothes for them. Saturday is a "RELAXATION" day for me and the boys. Sunday church and Lesson Planning day!

A picture to share: 

To check out more encouraging posts from other wonderful women go to: 
Simple Woman's Daybook

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First Wild Card Tour: Letting Go of SuperMOM by Daisy Sutherland, DC

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today's Wild Card author is:

and the book:

Publisher: Siloam (August 7, 2012)

***Special thanks to Althea Thompson for sending me a review copy.***


Dr. Daisy Sutherland is the founder and CEO of Dr. Mommy, LLC. She is a doctor of chiropractic by profession, wife, and mom to five children, whom she has homeschooled for the past twelve years. She hosts a weekly Blog Talk Radio show called Family Talk and is the featured parenting expert on Mom Talk Radio, a nationally syndicated radio show that airs on more than fifty stations, reaches 50,000 moms, and has been recognized in The Oprah Magazine, Women’s Day, USA Today, and Parenting. Women all over the country have benefitted from “Dr. Mommy’s” health, parenting, and career management tips and godly advice. She is the voice and advocate for every mom and says she is blessed to be able to help so many.

Visit the author's website.


This guide will include time-management and organization tips, how-tos for handling stress, nutrition and general wellness advice, parenting and relationship tools, and ways to stay spiritually refreshed and highly productive without losing it! Dr. Mommy will also share her best tips and tricks from her personal experience of being a homeschooling, CEO mom.

Product Details:
List Price: $15.99
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Siloam (August 7, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1616384638
ISBN-13: 978-1616384630

AND NOW...A SAMPLE (Click on pages to see them better):

My Thoughts and Review:

 The title "Letting Go of SuperMOM" really is what interested me in this book and it didn't disappoint. I really think this book is a very much needed book for all MOM's out there. I know there are too many MOM's who try to do it all and really are only making things harder for themselves. My personal belief in the "SuperMOM syndrome" is that many woman are trying to impress others by trying to do it all, being someone they are not. I realized I was doing the "SuperMOM" thing a couple years ago and have slowly made changes because I realized the only one I need to 'impress" is God! I am not looking for others to think of me as "WOW" because I "do it all", I just need the "approval" of God that I am following him and being the MOM he created me to be. I really need to read this book though, as it pointed many more factors out to me that I am going to work on!

Dr. Sutherland really does a GREAT job in pointing out that "SuperMOM Syndrome" can lead to health problems for us MOM's.I LOVE how the book is filled with wonderful resources and information on how to make life easier for "SuperMOMs". Everything from apps for moms, money saving ideas, info on how our children can help and age approiate help suggestions. The author has divided the book into 6 main topics: Faith, Family, Home, Health and Beauty, Balance, and It's a Moms World. The main topics of the book are very well written and topics that really address all areas of being a MOM.

 I would highly recommend "Letting Go of SuperMOM" to moms everywhere! I give it 4.5 Stars!!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

LitFuse Blog Tour: Taming the Wind by Tracie Peterson

About the Book:

A young widow nursing the wounds of her past…

A cowboy with demons of his own…

Though grateful for the blessing of her daughter, Carissa Lowe has accepted that widowhood is her lot in life. Bound by fear and mistrust, she feels incapable of opening her heart again.

Tyler Atherton has never forgotten Carissa. When he discovers she’s living with her sister on a nearby ranch, his life becomes intertwined with the lovely widow’s. And Carissa’s daughter, Gloria, seems determined to wrap herself around his little finger. But while Tyler longs to provide a home and future for Carissa, he is haunted by an obligation he feels unable to fulfill.

Challenged by mounting hardships, can Carissa and Tyler preserve their fledgling love in a land as unforgiving and vibrant as the people who call it home?

More about the Book:

Read  Buy

  About the Author:

Tracie Peterson is the award-winning author of over eighty novels, both historical and contemporary. Her avid research resonates in her stories, as seen in her bestselling Heirs of Montana and Alaskan Quest series. Tracie and her family make their home in Montana.

Visit Tracie's Web site  and her blog.

My Thoughts and Review:

I was so excited to be able to read and review Taming the Wind, as I had read the first 2 books of The Land of the Lonestar series. Taming the Wind is the 3rd and final book in the series and was just as good as the first 2. I really enjoyed the book as it really bought the whole series together. The 2 main characters, Carissa and Tyler, had many struggles and challenges throughout the series. Taming the Wind showed how they can overcome fears and challenges and become One! I LOVE how Tracie Peterson brings Historical Fiction to life. I was very much engrossed in the book and the characters seemed so real! I highly recommend this book to all who love Historical Fiction!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book as part of my participation in the LitFuse Blog Tour Program. I was only required to give an honest review. I received no other compensation and all opinions are my own. 

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Menu Plan Monday 9/24

GREAT week last week! We stayed on budget and we also followed the plan very well. I normally don't look forward to Fall, but this year I am kinda glad to see it has arrived. Our Fall/Winter menu always consist of Saturday night Soup and Bread night. We look forward to homemade soup and homemade bread! We also are enjoying our Friday Night Homemade Pizza Nights once again. We used our Pizza Pizzaz a lot this summer and had Frozen pizza on Friday nights because it was too hot to use the oven. I am hoping to have a Freezer cooking Saturday very soon and stock my freezer with meals mainly for time saving!

 Here is our menu for this week: Weekly Menu Plan 9/23-9/29 For more weekly Menu Plans and Recipes visit:
  Organizing Junkie

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook 9/18

Outside my Window: Cars are zooming past on the road! The Sun is BRIGHTLY shining and we are having a "cool, crisp" day! The high temp is only going to be 60° today! WOW!

I am thinking: How wonderful it will be to get my laptop back up and running. I have to order the recovery discs from Toshiba and then I can get it up and running well again! It has been "out of commision" for almost 6 weeks. The screen was smashed and had to be replaced. The screen is replaced but the hard drive also got fried during the smash, so a new hard drive is in. The new hard drive is only Vista and my laptop had Windows 7. I have only had the laptop for 18 months and I really use it a lot, especially for homeschool planning.

I am THANKFUL: The Kidney Stone that actually passed on Friday. It passed at 3 weeks, almost to the minute, from when it all began. Very painful experience so I am glad it is all over!

In the Kitchen: Tonight is “Taco Tuesday”. See the rest of our menu for the week: Menu for 9/16-9/22

I am wearing: A pair of cotton capris and a t-shirt. My "relaxing, indoor" clothes.

I am creating: I am working on a schedule of Fall Activities and Family Fun Fall Activities for our family. Hope to get some things planned out this week so we can enjoy Fall!

I am going: I have to go down to my parents place later today to fill in for my dad at his Tuesday night job. He works at a local neighborhood paper and is in charge of making sure his delivery staff is getting out on the streets for delivery. It is for a few hours!

I am wondering: About my dad coming home from the Rehab facility. He has been in for a month again, but this time he has a diagnosis and treatment plan for his foot issue. Hoping he is home soon!

I am reading: I have a stack of books from the library! I had to renew the whole stack and I am now getting the chance to get some reading done!

I am hoping: I am able to get some clothes shopping done for my boys in the next couple of weeks. I went to the Thrift store last week and got 22 items for $32, but that is just the start of what they need for fall/winter!

I am looking forward to: A wonderful weekend ahead and having fun with family and friends.

I am learning: Our regular homeschool studies! I will post a weekly schedule next week on my blog!

Around the house: Have to do a load of laundry and general pick up. I really like living in an apartment as it really cuts down on clean up time!

I am pondering: The fact that I have been standing up for myself more and more lately and not allowing others to "bully" me and treat me like a child. I am a 40yr old woman with a family and I need to make sure that my life viewpoints are validated just as much as I validate others!

A Favorite Quote for Today: "I am who I am by the Grace of God so don't try to change me, for I am who God wants me to be! Not who you think I should be!"  Author Unknown

One of my Favorite Things: Scribd:   Why I LOVE Scribd

A few plans for the rest of the Week: Wednesday is AWANA. The boys and I LOVE our Wednesday afternoon routine. Thursday is "Stay at Home" day. Friday I have my 40yr Check Up. I have some questions and issues I want to bring up to the Dr. Praying for a good visit. Saturday we have a Family Party to go to. Looking forward to that as it is a Pig Roast. Sunday is Church and Lesson Planning day.

A picture to share: 
My new Avatar with my new Smile

To be encouraged and motivated, and to read more Daybook entries visit: 
Simple Woman's Daybook

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Menu Plan Monday 9/17

I am so glad to get back into the routine of menu planning. Life is starting to settle down and the Fall routine is in full swing, so it is time to get back into the routine of menu planning. Menu planning has taken a back burner for a few months due to being busy with helping my parents and others. Our grocery budget has been suffering due to “lack of planning”, so I need to get things under control!

 Here is our menu for this week: Weekly Menu Plan 9/16-9/22 For more weekly Menu Plans and Recipes visit:

  Organizing Junkie

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