Monday, May 23, 2011

Thrift Store Bargains!!

I love a bargain and I really love Thrift store shopping! I was out and about today in the area where my 2 favorite Thrift stores are, so I stopped at both of them. 

I have become so good at Thrift store shopping that I can usually find the things that are barely used and even brand new for super cheap. The best way to accomplish this is I need to go alone, no kids or hubby along. I can take my time and look through the racks carefully. 

My boys grow so fast and go through jeans and shorts so rapidly, I don't want to pay full price for their jeans right now. I normally get their jeans and shorts at the thrift store. I also am very lucky to find things for me and my husband in excellent condition. 

Today I was on the hunt for summer stuff for everyone. I was lucky enough to score quite a few nice things for me, a pair of shorts each for the boys, and 2 pairs of shorts for the hubby. I also found a really nice Tupperware Bread Container. I love the older Tupperware products compared to what is out today. 


I spent about $38 on all this stuff!! YEAH!!!!  
Black tote bag is a Nine West bag  $6.  
Tuppeware Bread Container  $2.
Both pairs of shorts for DH $4 each
Both pairs of capris for me $2 each
T-shirt for me .90¢
Shorts for Josh $3.50
Shorts for Nathan $3
Shorts for Danny $1.50
Summer PJ's for me $4
Purse for me $2.50 

I love love love Thrift store shopping!! Looking forward to going again soon! 

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Giveaway Extended!!

I posted a What's in the Bible? Review and Giveaway .  I originally planned to end the contest on Wednesday  May 18th. I am extending the date to Saturday May 21st at 11:59pm due to Blogger being down for about 24hrs and no one being able to enter or comment!

Check out the giveaway and get your entries in! You have 5 days left to enter!

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Frugal Family Summer Fun

Summer Time is almost here and time for family activities. Here are some pointers to save $$ this summer while having fun:

Get Family Passes/Memberships to places that you visit often. This is huge money saver.
Brookfield Zoo here in Chicagoland is a great zoo, only 5 minutes from our place. We get a membership that cost $108 for unlimited visits and FREE parking. This would cost us $64 per visit otherwise, and that is just basic admission and parking. So this pays for itself in 1 1/2 visits. We live so close that we go often.
Also, Pool memberships are an awesome deal. Many local pools charge $5 per visit. A pool pass alllows for unlimited visits for the entire family for around $100 for the season.

Check local papers and village events for FREE or lost cost events.
There is a local magazine here called Chicago Parent that lists all events in and around Chicagoland and the suburbs. It has tons of free stuff listed. I get a copy free each month from the library and go through marking down events that would be fun for the kids and I to do. Many cities across the country have similar magazines.

Go to events with a group to try to get a group discount.
This is also a great way to have fun with others.

Some places offer discounts a few hours before closing, especially amusement parks.
Checking for discounts near closing is also good for working parents. You can still have some summer fun and save money in the process.

Libraries and Park Districts are a great source for Summer Fun.
Most libraries have a summer reading program. Park Districts have Free Movies in the Park and other special events for summer.

Check online or in local papers , grocery stores, or restaurants for coupons for local attractions.
Sometimes your favorite products have coupons for family fun events like roller skating, amusement parks, bowling and more. Restaurants and Stores also partner up with area attractions to offer discounts. Check the website for your favorite place or local places to see if they have discounts or offers right from their website.

Check for local festivals like Art Shows, Book Fairs, and Music Festivals.
This is not only a great fun event, but also a nice way to expose the kids to the Arts. Usually admission is FREE or very cheap.

Check your Forest Preserves and Nature Centers for Summer Fun.
I was a city girl my entire life, living within the City of Chicago limits, until I got married. I never knew how much fun stuff the Forest Preserves and Nature Centers had for kids and adults until I moved so close to them. Summer time is a great time to have fun with nature and be outside.

Find out if local museums or other kid places have a FREE day or time when they are FREE.
Many of the museums here in Chicagoland have a FREE week coming up or some FREE days this summer.

Here is a great website that lists FREE Attractions in all 50 states!

Hope you can have a Frugal Fun Summer!!!

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Free or Super Cheap Summer Activities for Kids

Wow!! It is just a few short weeks away before most kiddos get out of school for the year. Now is the time to start planning Summer Fun activities or have them begin planning their summer(if old enough). Here are some FREE or extremely cheap Family Fun ideas for them to participate in:

Cobb Theatres (must check the site for your local theatre AL, CO, FL, GA, VA. These are FREE movies)
(AR, KY, MO, MS, TN)

Check your area for local theater promotions. I am not familiar with all the movie chains all over, and some that are more local(just in one state or a couple) might not be advertised nationally. 

This program includes many local "mom and pop" bowling alleys. There are many to choose from. 
The first 2 programs listed have a program where for about $28 you can purchase a pass so that up to 4 adults can bowl 2 games a day also! It is not FREE, but it is an extremely good deal. 

Also, check your local libraries for summer reading programs. Many have them and are great programs. 

The nice thing with the bookstore programs is that the kids can read library books and it qualifies for the reading needing. Purchasing books is not necessary to participate. 

I hope everyone has a fun and exciting summer!!! Stay cool this summer! 

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's in the Bible? Volume 5 Review and Giveaway

Looking for good family fun, yet educational videos for your family to enjoy?? How about a series that teaches the children the Bible in a fun and understandable manner? Then the What's in the Bible? series is just the series for you!! The series is creted by Phil Vischer, creator of Veggie Tales and published by Tyndale House

I was so excited to be selected to be a part of the Street Team for What's in the Bible? Israel Gets a King  DVD!! Our family was first introduced to the series when I received Battle in the Promised Land DVD #4 to review back in October. We fell in love with the series that I have since purchased the first 3 DVD's also. I have been "getting the word" out about the first 4 DVD's that I was happy to be selected to help get the word out about #5 in the series! Our church even purchased the first 4 DVD's after the boys took the DVD to church and the Children's Ministry Director loved it also!

What's in the Bible? Israel gets a King has 2 25 minutes episodes that feature "Buck Denver" as the "reporter" and they focus on 1 and 2 Samuel and part of 1 Kings.  The 2 episodes tell about the 3 most influential Kings of Israel: King Saul, King David and King Solomon. The DVD also teaches about  what a prophet is, consequence of sin and repentance. The Trinity is also discussed and taught in a way that is so understandable for the children and it also made it so clear even for adults.  I don't want to spoil it all for you, because it is such an amazing video you really need to get a copy for your family!

Check out the trailer for the DVD here: 

My boys ages 9, 7 and 6 were super excited when we received the package in the mail, I hadn't told them about it previously. They opened the package right away and watched it immediately. My middle son, Nathan, who is a struggling learner, actually learned a lot from this DVD, as did the other 2. They all sat quietly and intently watching the DVD, singing along with the music. My 6yr, Daniel, is a huge Stars War fan and he really got a kick out of the part of the DVD: King David. My husband and I really enjoyed watching this DVD with our boys, just like we enjoy the rest of the series. Our family highly recommends this series!

Now that I have really wanting this DVD for your family, here is some GREAT news. One lucky reader will get a chance to win a Gift Certificate for a FREE copy of What's in the Bible? Israel gets a King . For each of the following entry methods, please leave a separate comment on this post. Each one counts as one entry.

Entry Methods:

This giveaway will end on Wednesday May 18th at 11:59CST. The winner will be randomly selected and will have 48hrs to reply to winner notification.
The Israel gets a King DVD and giveaway Gift Certificate were all provided by Tyndale House Publishers. I have received no compensation except for the DVD to view and watch with my family. My opinions of the products are my own and were not influenced by any form of compensation.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Works for Me Wednesday

We are currently on a 2 day Road Trip, going home today. I am sure there will be many family vacations and more with summer break coming up. I think this tip is very timely.

I was gathering things to pack this past weekend for our Road Trip and an idea came to me as I began thinking about all the chargers and gadgets we would be bringing with. I saw a power strip I had just purchased a few weeks ago and I grabbed it to pack. I recalled that hotels barely have any outlets in the room and we are always "fighting" for the outlet to charge our phones, hand held game units and more. I thought "wow a power strip will expand our outlet from 1 to 6 and eliminate the need for "fighting" over the outlet". I am so very glad I packed it for our Road Trip. It has worked wonderfully!

I will be keeping this power strip in the "hotel bag" that we have. I have a bag that is always packed with flip flops and cups that is only for when we travel to hotels.Flip Flops for going down to the pool in and cups that I purchased at Dollar Tree so we don't spill drinks.  As I pack today, I am packing the power strip into that bag and it will stay there so we will never forget it when staying at hotels.

A friend of mine, whose husband is a pilot and she a former flight attendant, warns that if you are flying and want to bring a power strip, pack it in your checked luggage, not carry on, otherwise TSA might freak. I am so very glad she had the foresight to think about that, as I don't fly much at all, so that never crossed my mind.

Bringing a power strip when traveling and staying at a hotel truly has worked for me!

For more great hints and tips visit Kristen over at We are THAT Family.

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