I was so excited to be selected to be a part of the Street Team for What's in the Bible? Israel Gets a King DVD!! Our family was first introduced to the series when I received Battle in the Promised Land DVD #4 to review back in October. We fell in love with the series that I have since purchased the first 3 DVD's also. I have been "getting the word" out about the first 4 DVD's that I was happy to be selected to help get the word out about #5 in the series! Our church even purchased the first 4 DVD's after the boys took the DVD to church and the Children's Ministry Director loved it also!
What's in the Bible? Israel gets a King has 2 25 minutes episodes that feature "Buck Denver" as the "reporter" and they focus on 1 and 2 Samuel and part of 1 Kings. The 2 episodes tell about the 3 most influential Kings of Israel: King Saul, King David and King Solomon. The DVD also teaches about what a prophet is, consequence of sin and repentance. The Trinity is also discussed and taught in a way that is so understandable for the children and it also made it so clear even for adults. I don't want to spoil it all for you, because it is such an amazing video you really need to get a copy for your family!
Check out the trailer for the DVD here:
My boys ages 9, 7 and 6 were super excited when we received the package in the mail, I hadn't told them about it previously. They opened the package right away and watched it immediately. My middle son, Nathan, who is a struggling learner, actually learned a lot from this DVD, as did the other 2. They all sat quietly and intently watching the DVD, singing along with the music. My 6yr, Daniel, is a huge Stars War fan and he really got a kick out of the part of the DVD: King David. My husband and I really enjoyed watching this DVD with our boys, just like we enjoy the rest of the series. Our family highly recommends this series!
Now that I have really wanting this DVD for your family, here is some GREAT news. One lucky reader will get a chance to win a Gift Certificate for a FREE copy of What's in the Bible? Israel gets a King . For each of the following entry methods, please leave a separate comment on this post. Each one counts as one entry.
Entry Methods:
- Watch the trailer above. Leave a comment telling me what your favorite part of the trailer is.
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This giveaway will end on Wednesday May 18th at 11:59CST. The winner will be randomly selected and will have 48hrs to reply to winner notification.
The Israel gets a King DVD and giveaway Gift Certificate were all provided by Tyndale House Publishers. I have received no compensation except for the DVD to view and watch with my family. My opinions of the products are my own and were not influenced by any form of compensation.

It's hard to choose, but I really loved the cheesy duet. Very funny!
I'd already been a fan on facebook,
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I followed on twitter,
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I may blog, fb and tweet about it...If I do I will come back and report. :)
I watched this with my kids. Our favorite part was where King Saul turned to the dark side.
I just subscribed.
I liked the part where it talked about the history of where the Philistines came from. That looks like a great DVD! martha(at)lclink(dot)com
I like the puppets.
Phil Vischer and crew are such creative folks!
Suzie L.
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