Monday, September 11, 2023

Elk Lake Publishing Blog Tour: Darwin Finds Freedom by Nicole Lisa Schrader

Author: Nicole Lisa Schrader
Illustrator: H. C. Ward
Genre: Children’s book
Forced to flee for his life, Darwin searches for the Free Mice from Grandfather’s stories. But will they accept a scared-mouse like him? 
Darwin’s journey to find the Free Mice from Grandfather’s stories introduces him to mountain animals who teach him about the King of all Creatures and what bravery really means! 
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I really enjoy reading books from "new to me Authors". Darwin Finds Freedom by Nicolelisa Schrader is a Children's book that I recently enjoyed reading. 

I really enjoyed this Children's book. Darwin the Mouse is known as a "Scaredy Mouse" as he needs some courage. I LOVE his adventure out of the attic and all the friends he meets along the way. The other animals are an encouragement to Darwin. I am a BIG believer in getting kids interested in books from a young age. Kids enjoy books about animals and I know they would enjoy this book. The book is about relying on God to overcome our fears and for courage to be brave. The message is very understandable for adults and children. The Illustrations in the book are beautiful and kids will enjoy the story even more due to the illustrations. I HIGHLY recommend this sweet Children's book to help kids understand fear and courage! GREAT BOOK!

(My star ratings: 5-Fantastic book; 4-I really enjoyed it; 3-I finished it but wouldn’t read again; 2-I didn’t like it or I didn’t finish; 1-I do not recommend.)

Nicole Lisa Schrader loves reading to and writing for children. She is a retired homeschool mother of three and currently lives in central Florida with her husband. Nicole actively encourages mothers of young children online, in homeschool groups, in churches, and in her community. For more about Nicole, visit

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I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publishers. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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