Monday, February 28, 2022

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Glimpses of God by Harriet E. Michael and Shirley Crowder

Book: Glimpses of God: A Spring Devotional for Women

Authors: Harriet E. Michael & Shirley Crowder

Genre: Non-fiction, Christian Living, Devotional

Release date: March 10, 2021

Creator God made the world in which we live. He placed the moon and stars in the sky, the rivers and ocean on the earth. He also created seasons throughout the year. Each season is defined by specific features and attributes that are common, although the degree varies depending on where one lives. In winter we think of cold weather. In spring, blooming flowers take center stage. In the summer, we enjoy warm weather, and in the autumn, beautifully colored leaves.

As Christ-followers we also experience spiritual seasons. In the same way that nature’s seasons serve a purpose on earth, so do the seasons in our spiritual lives. God provides, cares for, and sustains the earth, and in His faithfulness, He does the same for us.

This devotional is focused on spring—both calendar and spiritual. During our spiritual springs, we catch a glimpse of the new life we have in Jesus Christ and the renewed life that He gives us.

Enjoy a season of rebirth, thirteen weeks of inspiration, full of God’s great love for us.


Click here to get your copy!

I always look forward to Spring, my second favorite season each year. I also really enjoy Devotionals, they are a part of my daily life. . Shirley Crowder and Harriet E Michael have bought the 2 together in this book Glimpses of God: A Spring Devotional for Women.

I really enjoyed the layout and theme of the Devotional. The Devotional contains 65 Daily Devotionals,  Each of the 13 weeks of Devotions has five Daily Devotions and a different theme each week. The themes focus on things like Spring Cleaning, the season of Lent and Easter and more.  The daily readings include Scripture to Read, A Short Story, a Verse to remember/Quote, Questions to ponder and a Prayer for the Day. Each day has about 4 pages per day, not too long and makes it wonderful for those with busy lives. The Authors add in personal stories into the Devotional. The Authors also included Hymns in this devotional, which was a pleasant surprise. 

Spring is a time of Renewal and Refresh. I know I look forward to Spring as I can leave my SAD(Seasonal Affective Disorder) behind and enjoy the outdoors more. Just as Seasons change and grow, our Spiritual Life also changes and grows.  I LOVE how the Authors focus the devotionals in this book on Renewal and Strength. The Easy to read format also is a BIG plus for me. I am EXTREMELY Encouraged with the readings in this Devotional. WONDERFUL Encouragement and Readings! I HIGHLY Recommend this Devotional!


Shirley Crowder was born in a mission guest house under the shade of a mango tree in Nigeria, West Africa, where her parents served as missionaries. She and co-author Harriet E. Michael grew up together on the mission field and have been life-long friends. Shirley is passionate about disciple-making, which is manifested in and through a myriad of ministry opportunities: biblical counseling, teaching Bible studies, writing, and music.

She is a biblical counselor and is commissioned by and serves on the national Advisory Team for The Addiction Connection. Several of her articles have appeared in “Paper Pulpit” in the Faith section of The Gadsden Times, and in a David C. Cook publication. She also writes articles for Life Bible Study, Woman’s Missionary Union, and She has authored, co-authored, or contributed to ten books.

Shirley has spiritual children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren serving the Lord in various ministry and secular positions throughout the world.


Harriet E. Michael was born in Joinkrama, Nigeria, deep in the African jungle in the Niger River Delta, where her father served as the only missionary doctor at that station. A few years later, the mission moved the family to a larger hospital in Ogbomoso. Co-author Shirley Crowder and her family lived right across the dirt road. The two children became constant playmates. Today they continue to enjoy their lifelong friendship.

Harriet is a multi-published, award-winning writer, and speaker. She has authored or co-authored eight books (seven nonfiction and one novel), with more under contract for future release. She is also a prolific freelance writer, having penned over 200 articles, devotions, and stories. Her work has appeared in publications by Focus on the Family, David C. Cook, Lifeway, Standard Publishing, Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Upper Room, Judson Press, Bethany House, and more. When not writing, she loves speaking to women’s groups and teaching writing workshops on freelance, devotional, and memoir writing.

She and her husband of over 40 years have four children and three grandchildren. When not writing, she enjoys substituting at a Christian school near her home, gardening, cooking, and traveling.


More from the Shirley and Harriet

From time-to-time someone will comment on how difficult it must be to co-write with someone.


Guess what? It isn’t!


Including the books Harriet and Shirley have written together, both have collaborated with others to write books..


The most important thing in co-writing, after both of you being Christ-followers, is to share very similar theological beliefs and understanding. If these are too dissimilar, the final manuscript will be choppy and inconsistent in presentation of biblical truth throughout the book.


Practically speaking, there are a few things that help make the co-writing process work well.


  • Pray for each other.
  • Agree in advance who will write what portions.
  • Leave your pride behind.
  • Have the person with the most expertise in Word compile, make changes in, and maintain the combined document.
  • Be sure to turn on “tracking” so it is easy to see what edits the other person made.
  • Defend/explain why you think something you wrote should not be changed.
  • Explain why you think something the other person wrote should be changed.
  • Flexibility—be prepared for rewrites, edits, and delays.


As you work together, you read and edit each other’s work. The changes you each make in the other person’s writing will help give the book a more consistent writing style and presentation.


Finally, while there are portions of this process that can be tedious, like galley corrections, it is fun to work with another person. And, when you get stuck, they can help make suggestions that jump start your thought processes and make completing the piece easier.

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, February 17

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 18

Inklings and notions, February 19

Mary Hake, February 19

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 20

She Lives To Read, February 21

Texas Book-aholic, February 22

For Him and My Family, February 23

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, February 24 (Spotlight)

Miriam Jacob, February 24

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 25

deb’s Book Review, February 26

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, February 27

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 28

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, March 1

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 2

To celebrate their tour, Harriet and Shirley are giving away the grand prize package of an eBook copy of the book and a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Friday, February 25, 2022

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: When Dignity Came to Harlan by Rebecca DuVall Scott

Book: When Dignity Came to Harlan

Author: Rebecca Duvall Scott

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction

Release date: January 17, 2021

I made up my mind right then and there that I would just have to wade into this move like wading into a pond or lake I’d never seen before – slow and steady, feeling around for my footing and trying to avoid the sharp edges at the bottom that you never see coming.


News of what really happened to me – to us – spread through town like wildfire. It caught from one dry gossip tree to another and burned them to the ground with shame.


”Y’can do this, child – show ’em why I call y’Dignity,” my old friend winked at me.                

Skillfully written and sure to draw you in to its pages, When Dignity Came to Harlan is set in the early 1900s and follows twelve-year-old Anna Beth Atwood as she leaves Missouri with her family dreaming of a better life in the coal-rich mountains of Harlan County, Kentucky. Anna Beth’s parents lose everything on the trip, however, and upon asking strangers to take their girls in until they get on their feet, Anna Beth and her baby sister are dropped into the home of Jack and Grace Grainger – who have plenty of problems of their own. Anna Beth suffers several hardships during her time in Harlan, and if it wasn’t for her humble and wise old friend who peddles his wisdom along with his wares, all would be lost.

Based on a true family history, this is a story of heartbreak and hope, challenges and perseverance, good and evil, justice and merciful redemption. It exemplifies the human experience in all its many facets and shows what it means to have real grit.

Take the journey with us and see how, with the unseen hand of God, one girl changed the heart and soul of an entire town.


Click here to get your copy!

I have to say Christian Historical Fiction is one of my favorite genres to read. When Dignity Came to Harlan by Rebecca Duvall Scott is book #1 in the Diginity series. Rebecca has written several books already, but this is her first in the Christian Historical Fiction genre. 

The Setting is the early 1900's and Anna Beth Atwood and her family are leaving Missouri to move to Kentucky. Anna is a young girl at the time and only dreams of life in Kentucky. Traveling to Kentucky was very hard and her parents lost so much on the journey, that they need to rebuild their lives. The parents feel it best that Anna and her sister stay with others for a time and find a family that they don't even know and allow Anna  and her sister to stay with them. Will Anna and her sister find strength during this time with another family? Will their parents rebuild and come back for Anna and her sister? 

WOW, this book is a page turner from the very beginning. The Author does a wonderful job at keeping the readers interest throughout the book. Anna endured so much during in life in Harlan, Kentucky. The Abuse she endured while living with the family in Harlan really made Anna gain strength to get through the days. I really LOVED how Anna narrated the book and the book was told from her viewpoint. I had to grab my kleenex in a few parts of the book as there was tearjerker parts. This book is about having faith, redemption and surviving with diginity intact. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves Christian Historical Fiction. FANTASTIC BOOK!

Rebecca Duvall Scott is an award-winning author with titles holding #1 bestseller within her publishing companies long after release. Her first work was self-help memoir, Sensational Kids, Sensational Families: Hope for Sensory Processing Differences, which she wrote in the years following her son’s sensory processing disorder diagnosis and their family’s successful treatment plan. While her special-needs advocacy helping parents, teachers, and professionals better understand individuals with SPD has a large part of her heart, her roots have always been in historical fiction. Her long-awaited Christian historical fiction novel, When Dignity Came to Harlan, was based on her great-grandmother’s childhood, and Teaching Dignity continues the tender and heroic story. She looks forward to writing more in both the Dignity and Sensational Kids series.

In addition to writing, Rebecca enjoys family, church, educating her children at home, painting, and directing a local homeschool cooperative organization where she works hard to accommodate all special needs.


More from Rebecca

From the time I was a little girl, my grandmother would gather me around her kitchen table – usually with homemade peach pies – and tell me stories of our forebears. I found the experiences of those who came before me to be both tragic and joyful, but most of all I found them worthy of being told and never forgotten. When I was 16, I started taking notes on everything my grandmother could remember about her mother (one of the humblest and most heroic of my ancestors) and as a senior in college, I turned in the first 70 pages of the manuscript based on her childhood, When Dignity Came to Harlan. I’ll never forget how on graduation day, my creative writing teacher shook my hand and said, “Rebecca, please finish the story.” It took years to finish my debut novel… I think because I had to grow up and develop a deep enough emotional well to do it justice… but finish the story I did. Little did I know, however, this bestselling and award-winning book, the one I was always meant to write, would be the starter of a new, yet powerfully old-fashioned, Christian historical fiction series!

deb’s Book Review, February 12

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 13

Inklings and notions, February 14

Texas Book-aholic, February 15

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 16

For Him and My Family, February 17

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, February 18

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, February 18

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, February 19 (Spotlight)

Jeanette’s Thoughts, February 19

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, February 20

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 21

Connie’s History Classroom, February 22

Lots of Helpers, February 23

Elly Gilbert, February 23

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 24

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 25

To celebrate her tour, Rebecca is giving away the grand prize package of signed copies of When Dignity Came to Harlan and Teaching Dignity, a handmade ornament, and popular early 1900s candy!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War by Mary Davis

Book: Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War

Author: Mary Davis

Genre: Christian / Historical Fiction / Romance

Release date: February 1, 2022

A WASP Goes Above the Call of Duty to Free Captive American Soldiers

Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this new series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII.

Peggy Witherspoon, a widow, mother, and pilot flying for the Women’s Airforce Service in 1944 clashes with her new reporting officer. Army Air Corp Major Howie Berg was injured in combat and is now stationed at Bolling Field in Washington D.C. Most of Peggy’s jobs are safe, predictable, and she can be home each night with her three daughters—until a cargo run to Cuba alerts her to American soldiers being held captive there, despite Cuba being an “ally.” Will Peggy go against orders to help the men—even risk her own life?

Don’t miss these other stories about Heroines of WWII:
The Cryptographer’s Dilemma by Johnnie Alexander
A Picture of Hope by Liz Tolsma
Saving Mrs. Roosevelt by Candice Sue Patterson


Click here to get your copy!

Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War by Mary Davis is Book 4 in the Heroines of WWII stories. The series is written by various authors and this one was by Mary Davis. 

Peggy Witherspoon is a Widow with 2 Young Daughters. Peggy has a had a dream to fly planes since she was a little girl. Many doubted she would achieve that dream as most pilots are Men. She has not let that deter her and has joined WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots). Major Howie Berg was injured in combat and now he is stationed near Peggy in Washington, DC. As he and Peggy begin working together, he finds himself taking an interest in her. 

WOW,  this book really was intriguing and I learned so much from it. I was a bit familiar with WASP, but learned so much more while reading this book. The main character, Peggy, was my favorite from the book. She is soo STRONG and very Determined. I really appreciate how the author presented the fact that there were so many judgements against Women serving during Wartime. The fact that Peggy pursued her dreams even through Judgement is amazing. The romance that bloosomed between Peggy and Howie was so sweet and wonderful. I enjoy Christian Historical Fiction and I LOVE how the author showed how Peggy had to lean upon God after her husband's death and I really felt the Faith Aspect in this book. GREAT BOOK! 

MARY DAVIS is a bestselling, award-winning author of over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. She has been in numerous compilations and collections. Stories and characters have been running around in her head for as long as she can remember. Her published works have been on Publisher’s Weekly bestselling lists several times. Some of her works include her award-winning Quilting Circle series and Newlywed Games.

An empty-nester, Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of over thirty-seven years and a black Norwegian Forest cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. She enjoys playing board and card games, rain, and cats. She would enjoy gardening if she didn’t have a black thumb. Her hobbies include quilting, porcelain doll making, sewing, crafts, crocheting, knitting, and papercrafts.


More from Mary


When my agent asked if I had a WWII story idea that might fit in with Barbour’s Heroines of WWII series, I had to tell her I didn’t. At the time, I was writing book 4 in a series set in 1894 and proofing audio chapters for book 3 in that series. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tackle war, but I told my agent I would think on it and pray. If the Lord wanted me to write a WWII era story, He would give me an idea. So I prayed.

I knew women had done some military flying but didn’t know the details, so I jump into some quick research. I couldn’t take too much time away from my current novel and its rapidly approaching deadline. When an idea started forming with a WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots), I wrote a brief one-page outline of my rough idea. I knew I couldn’t take too much time away from my other project to write a whole proposal if I was going to be told the publisher already had a story in the series about a WASP, which I assumed they had. Because who wouldn’t want to write about lady pilots?

My idea about a WASP, who flies an unsanctioned secret mission to rescue three US soldiers held captive in Cuba, now needed a title. No sooner had I thought that I needed a title than one—which I thought would be nothing more than a placeholder—popped into my flakey little head: Mrs. Witherspoon Goes To War. Well, now my heroine, at least, had a last name. My critique partners seemed to like this title, so I added it to my outline and sent it off to my agent, then I got right back to work on my novel with the looming deadline.

Since the publishing industry typically moves very slow, I figured I had a good chunk of time before I would find out if I needed to write a full proposal. So back to work on my contracted novel. Surprisingly, the publisher came back immediately with strong interest in the idea and wanted a full proposal in a week. Fortunately, this editor knew my writing, so I didn’t have to include three sample chapters, but my synopsis needed to be strong in details.

So now, I had a full, detailed proposal to write with historical notes ASAP, a novel I needed to finish writing, and audio chapters to listen to and give feedback on. Bouncing between two different eras isn’t easy and to keeping things straight. With God grace, I got the proposal written and submitted, the audio chapters checked, as well as completing my contracted novel, which I managed to turn in on time. Barely.

Since the publisher seemed very interested in my WWII premise and I had book 5 in my Quilting Circle series to get started on soon, I needed to pick up the pace on my writing. With the idea still fresh in my head and the WWII novel would be due first (if contracted), I decided to use NaNoWriMo in November to write a 50,000 word rough draft of Mrs. Witherspoon Goes To War, which would eventually be around 80,000.

As November progressed and my word count grew, I fell more and more in love with my characters in Mrs. Witherspoon Goes To War. I obviously received and signed a contract. I continued to enjoy my characters as I finished writing and editing this novel.

I would have to say that Mrs. Witherspoon Goes To War is in my top five of the books I have written. My prayer is that this story ministers to others as it did to me as I wrote it.

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, February 24

An Author’s Take, February 24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 25

Labor Not in Vain, February 25

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 25

Texas Book-aholic, February 26

Jeanette’s Thoughts, February 26

Inklings and notions, February 27

Bizwings Blog, February 27

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, February 28

Southern Gal Loves to Read, February 28

For Him and My Family, February 28

Sodbuster Living, March 1

deb’s Book Review, March 1

She Lives to Read, March 2

Remembrancy, March 2

Betti Mace, March 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 3

Older & Smarter?, March 3

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, March 4

Blossoms and Blessings, March 4

Rebecca Tews, March 5

Connie’s History Classroom, March 5

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, March 6 (Spotlight)

Through the Fire Blogs, March 6

Pause for Tales, March 6

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, March 7

Genesis 5020, March 7

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, March 8

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 8

Reflections From My Bookshelves, March 9

A Good Book and Cup of Tea, March 9

Pause for Tales, March 9

To celebrate her tour, Mary is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Treasure Atop the Mountain by Tanya L. Matthews

Book: Treasure Atop the Mountain

Author: Tonya L. Matthews

Genre: Faith-based Christian Fiction

Release date: August, 2019

Broken by the unfathomable. Frightened of the future. And unaware of God’s hand at work. Gracie grew up working in her grandfather’s ice cream shop in the small Kentucky town of Ridgewood. Ridgewood is a quiet town known for little but a 20-year-old rumor that treasures are hidden somewhere in its hills. But when misfortune strikes, Gracie is faced with challenges no 11-year-old should have to bear. She has to learn to continue to live now that nearly everything about her life has changed. The losses are so devastating that still years later she fights the nightmares. Yet folks in the town in their own unique way watch out for their little girl as she matures into a young woman. This is a story about Gracie Howard and how she finally found healing in a message that her grandfather shared with her as a little girl and from a town with hidden treasure.


Click here to get your copy!

I really enjoy stories about Small Town Living. Treasure Atop the Mountain by Tonya L. Matthews is a Christian Fiction book that focuses an 11yr old girl from a Fictional Small Town, Ridgewood, Kentucky. 

I must say the book seemed a little slow at the beginning, I felt the story picked up in the Second chapter. Once the storyline picked up, there was no putting the book down. The author has a way of writing that really keeps the readers interest engaged. I really LOVED reading about the relationship Grace Howard has with her Grandfather, the man who has raised her since her parents died in a fire. The Small Town Ice Cream shop that she helps her grandfather run, is such a sweet part of the story. Grace really has a Strength like no other girl her age. She has endured so much in her life, but it truly made her a stronger person. Benjamin Kate is a new guy to Ridgewood and he comes with his own "baggage" from his past. Grace and Benjamin become fast friends. I really enjoyed the interactions between the pair and watching them grow together and help each other. This book is one of Strength, Forgiveness, and LOVE! I highly recommend it for those who love Christian Fiction and Heartwarming stories! GREAT BOOK! 

Tonya grew up on a family farm in Riverside, Kentucky. Her father recognized early on that hoeing tobacco and running hogs weren’t in her skill set. He opted to send her to college. Graduating from Western Kentucky University with honors, Tonya went on to support the business community for two decades as an executive for the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce where she served a primary role in the organization’s multiple national honors.

Tonya has found writing to be a healthy escape and effective therapy in tough seasons throughout her life. Tonya began writing Treasure atop the Mountain 15 years ago when she and her husband were trying to start their family and encountered multiple disappointments. Ultimately, they signed up to be foster parents and adopted.

Tonya’s been married to Todd Matthews for 25 years. They have two grown daughters. In August 2019, she published Treasure atop the Mountain—a fiction novel based on real-life emotions that can be related to by many. Tonya’s second novel in the TREASURE series, Roxie Applesauce, released in August 2021. She’s currently writing the series’ third book, Get Will. Additionally, in 2022, she will debut the first two books in her children’s book series.


More from Tonya


Treasure atop the Mountain provided for me a glimpse of hope that I needed at the time I wrote it. In the book, Gracie experiences misfortune no young girl should have to bear. Yet, in the end, she witnesses all the broken pieces come together and is overwhelmed by God’s hand in it.

When Todd and I got married in 1996, we didn’t try starting our family right away, and when we decided that we were ready, it didn’t come easy. We struggled for several years through disappointment after disappointment. I’d get home from work at the end of a long day and lean against the kitchen door facing, drop to the floor and breathe for what felt like the first time that. I was hurting and doing my best to hide it.

My sister and my two sisters-in-law were pregnant, and I was covering three positions at work for people on maternity leaves. I really needed an escape because there was not a conversation I could have with family, friends at church, or at work that didn’t involve their lives moving forward when mine wasn’t in that area. I literally just sat down in the back room of our house with our computer on a card table and just started writing. I ran the emotions I was dealing with through the characters and wrote the book that I needed to read. Eventually, we adopted two girls from foster care and with our careers, life was busy, but I never let go of the book. Over the years friends and family read rough drafts and provided feedback.

Since publishing Treasure atop the Mountain in August 2019, I’ve met so many precious people. I love to hear when people are encouraged and relate to the message in the book. We all know fear, anger, and disappointment. And we all need reminded that we will feel joy again. Since I’ve written the second in the Treasure Series. Roxie Applesauce is on tour in March. The third in the series, Get Will, will launch in 2022. A series of children’s books will release in 2022.

To celebrate her tour, Tonya is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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