Sunday, January 31, 2021

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Of Ink and Sea by Clarissa Kae

Book:  Of Ink and Sea

Author: Clarissa Kae

Genre: Romance with historical and paranormal elements


The Bristol Sea divides Cornwall and Wales—and sings an enticing tale to Sienna Rothesay, an English born, American raised photographer.  Since childhood, she’s fought the temptation to listen to its siren song.
When Ioan Waif, an enigmatic neighbor from her Welsh days calls her home to care for her ailing grandfather, Sienna is faced with an old myth that hints at a nefarious secret, linking her ancestors with Ioan’s.
To uncover the truth, she must walk the blurry path between legend and reality but with more questions than answers, she fears giving into her heart will cost Sienna her head.
Click here to get your copy!

 I was drawn in by the Synopsis and the Cover of this book. The
book Cover is absolutely stunning. Of Ink and Sea by Clarissa Kae 
is a new to me author, and I am always interested in reading books 
from new to me authors. 

Sienna Rothesay is an American Photographer, with British roots. 
The only connection to her family is her Grandfather, who she 
absolutely adores and loves. The rest of her family disowned her
many years ago. Her grandfather's health is failing and she receives
a phone call from her grandfather's neighbor, Ioan Morgannwg, that
she needs to come home to be with her grandfather. Upon arriving home
Sienna is now faced with her beloved Grandfather on his death bed. 
She is also finding herself trying to unravel a family secret, that just 
might link the ancestors of Ioan and Sienna to one another. She 
really needs her grandfather to reveal the secrets before he dies. 
Will Sienna get the information before her beloved Grandfather dies?
Will Sienna and Ioan from a relationship or friendship or will the 
secret destroy anything that could have been? 

I really liked this book, for the most part. There were some parts
that left me confused and I had to reread those sections a few 
times before I understood the storyline. I think it was just my 
comprehension, not the writing style of the author. The book is 
good and has a good message and storyline. I do recommend
it for those who enjoy mystery and history. Good Book!


Clarissa Kae is a preeminent voice whose professional career began as a freelance editor in 2007. She’s the former president of her local California Writers Club after spending several years as the Critique Director.
Since her first novel, she’s explored different writing genres and created a loyal group of fans who eagerly await her upcoming release. With numerous awards to her name, Clarissa continues to honor the role of storyteller.
Aside from the writing community, she and her daughters founded Kind Girls Make Strong Women to help undervalued nonprofit organizations—from reuniting children with families to giving Junior Olympic athletes their shot at success.
She lives in the agricultural belly of California with her family and farm of horses, chickens, dogs and kittens aplenty.

More from Clarissa

I was supposed to go to Wales for my 40th birthday which is this month January 2021. But COVID happened. Instead, I delved into Wales for a setting and never looked back.

Rebecca Tews, January 18

Sara Jane Jacobs, January 18

Texas Book-aholic, January 19

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 20

Inklings and notions, January 21

Wishful Endings, January 21

For Him and My Family, January 22

deb’s Book Review, January 23

Blogging With Carol, January 23

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 24

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 25

Heidi and Books, January 25

Artistic Nobody, January 26 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Connie’s History Classroom, January 27

Holly Jo Morris, January 27

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 28

The Write Escape, January 29

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 29

Godly Book Reviews, January 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 31

Mia Reads, January 31

To celebrate her tour, Clarissa is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon, $50 Barnes And Noble and $50 Target gift cards!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Faith's Mountain Home by Misty M. Beller


Book:  Faith’s Mountain Home

Author: Misty M. Beller

Genre: Christian historical romance

Nate Long has always watched over his identical twin brother, Aaron, even when it put him on the wrong side of the law. When Aaron is wounded in a shootout, the brothers are taken to Settler’s Fort to recover. As Nate works to make reparations for their past, he marvels at the nursing Aaron receives under the care of a woman with all the reason in the world to resent him.

Laura Hannon knows what it is to start over, and she knows Nate’s newfound faith is real. What she can’t look past is how far he allowed himself to be led astray by his brother’s weaknesses.

As a fledgling trust grows between Nate and Laura, they stumble upon a mysterious cave in the mountains that may not be as uninhabited as it seems.

As they work together for a common cause, will the new lives they seek for themselves include love, or is there too much that stands between them?


Click here to get your copy!

Misty M. Beller has been a favorite author of mine for a couple of 
years. Each book and series she writes, I am always anticipating
the release of because I truly enjoy her books. 

Faith's Mountain Home is her newest novel. It brings back 
Laura, Nate and Aaron from Book 2 in this series. Aaron is 
still recovering from the gunshot wound in his leg and Laura
is still caring from him. Aaron is staying at the Drs. house
to be close to medical care. Aaron's identical twin brother, 
Nate, has been working to help pay a debt they owe, while 
Aaron recovers. Laura takes a day and decides to be 
adventurous and heads to caves nearby to explore. 
Nate decides to join her after they retrieve some lanterns. 
The 2 of them are enjoying their hiking adventures and 
begin to form a friendship, though they had previously
not really been getting along. Will their adventures bring
them closer then ever before? Will there be a deeper
relationship and love for one another? 

Faith's Mountain Home by Misty M. Beller is Book 3 in the 
Hearts of Montana series. I felt is can be read as a Stand 
Alone book, although I have been blessed to read the other
2 in the series. The characters are wonderful, the storyline 
flows well and the writing style keeps the reader focused. 


Misty M. Beller is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.

She was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and children now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.


More from Misty

Who doesn’t love a good cave?

Well, maybe not everyone, but I have to confess, I love exploring!

While there aren’t many caves near my South Carolina home, I’ve always loved the idea of finding an opening hidden in the rocks. Then venturing in and finding a huge cavern filled with stalactites and stalagmites and a host of other beauties I can’t pronounce!

And dark tunnels? As long as I have a light and a string to unravel as I go so I can get back out, I’m game!

Unfortunately, I’ve never found a large cave in real life that had never been explored, but in Faith’s Mountain Home, Nate and Laura found exactly that! Although…turns out, it had been discovered by someone already. I won’t give you (too many) spoilers, but let me just tell you there’s a precocious Native American girl involved, and a few other things not so delightful.

The good news is, you can enjoy the story without actually entering the pitch black cavern!

Last summer, I had the opportunity to tour a cave with many features like Nate and Laura discovered in their hidden cave. The Caverns of Sonora in Sonora, Texas was a fantastic experience! As you can imagine, it’s hard to get good pictures in solid darkness, but here are a few of the amazing formations still growing in those two miles of underground tunnels.

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 26

Artistic Nobody, January 26 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Connie’s History Classroom, January 27

Bigreadersite, January 27

Jeanette’s Thoughts, January 27

Betti Mace, January 28

Connect in Fiction, January 28

Texas Book-aholic, January 28

Lighthouse Academy Blog, January 29 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

lakesidelivingsite, January 29

Bizwings Blog, January 29

Through the Fire Blogs, January 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 31

Fiction Book Lover, January 31 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Inspiration Clothesline, January 31

Wishful Endings, February 1

Life of Literature, February 1

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, February 1

deb’s Book Review, February 2

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, February 2

Blossoms and Blessings, February 2

For Him and My Family, February 3

Splashes of Joy , February 3

Simple Harvest Reads, February 3 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Blessed & Bookish, February 4

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 4

To Everything There Is A Season, February 4

Older & Smarter?, February 5

Sara Jane Jacobs, February 5

Pause for Tales, February 5

For the Love of Literature, February 6

Tell Tale Book Reviews, February 6

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 6

Remembrancy, February 7

Inklings and notions, February 7

Hallie Reads, February 7

She Lives To Read, February 8

HookMeInABook, February 8

Genesis 5020, February 8

To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize package of the entire Hearts of Montana series, plus a “Faith Moves Mountain” sign!! (See Here:

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. 

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Set a Seal Upon My Heart by Sarah Neisen

Book:  Set a Seal Upon My Heart

Author: Sarah Neisen

Genre: Christian NonFiction/Bible Study

God has a plan for all believers to solidify our faith and draw us deeper into a relationship with Him, and it’s all found within The Song of Solomon.

Here you’ll discover a treasure of intimacy with our bridegroom Jesus. Have you ever asked yourself ‘Is there more?’ Maybe you’ve wondered how the Bible really applies to your life. This Devotional Study will answer those questions and more.

In this book you will:

Discover the truth of God’s great love and promises for your life.

Connect with Jesus daily and experience peace and joy.

Identify yourself as a disciple of Jesus and learn how to share your testimony with others.

Learn how to follow God’s will and purpose for your life.

Fully embrace your role in the kingdom to bring glory to God.


Click here to get your copy!

The Song of Solomon is the book of the Bible that really
takes a lot of concentration and quiet time to study. I 
have always felt that the Song of Solomon has a deep

Set a Seal Upon My Heart by Sarah Neisen takes 
The Song of Solomon and breaks in down Chapter
by Chapter. The Devotional Book format of this book
really allows for an in depth study at a great pace. 
I really like the format of this devotional, very reader
friendly. The book is in four parts and each part has a 
few chapters each. Each day has scripture to read and 
study, Prayer for the day and a plan of how you will act
on the reading for the day. It also has a section for 
journaling and writing down notes. 

I really enjoy devotionals and Set a Seal Upon
My Heart really is a wonderful devotional. It really grabs at
one faith and helps you grow and allow God to show you
his will for your life. I HIGHLY recommend this for individual
study or group study for anyone looking to grow closer to God.


Sarah Neisen is a graduate of the New Day School of Ministry and Co-Founder of Discipleship Training Ministries, SSM. Along with her husband Lee, they seek to teach and encourage believers in their identity in Christ so that the Good News may be preached throughout the world with signs, wonders, and miracles.

She is a regular speaker at churches in the river valley region of Minnesota and a guest speaker at local women’s groups and retreats. Sarah and her husband have one son whom she homeschools. They live on a farm in south-central Minnesota with a plethora of chickens, ducks, cows, and other animals.


More from Sarah

In the spring of 2007, 3-year-old in tow, I entered a small independent Christian bookstore which would impact the direction of my life more than I thought possible. The owner introduced herself, and in the following 2 years, introduced me to an extravagance of books written by individuals who spoke directly to my heart.

I had felt for some time I was at a crossroads in my life. I was content in my Christianity, content in my church, content in my marriage, but reading the word I knew there was more to life than contentment. The waves of circumstance continued to rock me and I felt as though I had been living on ever-shifting sand.

After a time of slowly reading the books the owner Ms. Mary handed to me, I began to understand just what was missing. My Redeemer had more for me, and I needed to follow His lead. One Sunday morning, my husband approached me and informed me we were going to attend ministry school together. I was not amused. We lived on a farm with many animals, and I home schooled our son. There was no time to attend classes every week. I couldn’t find time to read more books, do more bible study, or seek God more than I already had time for.

Grudgingly, I attended the first week, but I heard the Father say I was to continue and understand the plan He had for me. In the end, it wasn’t the Father I was learning about, it was the Father I learned from. I now approached Him with a greater excitement and joy. He was no longer distant, he was closer than anyone, and He knew me and still liked me.

Looking back is always easier than looking forward because we see God’s moves in hindsight rather than by faith. Now in ministry, I witness so many people floundering where I once was on shifting sand. In my heart, I know the answer is discipleship.

Jesus tells all believers to become fishers of men, but it’s His intention we make disciples. Believers who are not only saved but who are equipped with the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word to follow the plan and purpose for their lives.

This is why my husband and I formed Discipleship Training Ministries. We pray all who follow this study would come to a deeper understanding of God’s love and grace through Jesus Christ and all would be further equipped to do those works appointed them.

2 Timothy 1:9 [For it is He] Who delivered and saved us and called us with a calling in itself holy and leading to holiness; not because of anything of merit that we have done, but because of and to further His own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” AMP

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 20

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, January 21

deb’s Book Review, January 22

Spoken from the Heart, January 23 (Author Interview)

Sara Jane Jacobs, January 23

For Him and My Family, January 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 25

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, January 26

Texas Book-aholic, January 27

Inklings and notions, January 28

Artistic Nobody, January 29 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 30

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 31

Godly Book Reviews, February 1

Through the Fire Blogs, February 2 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, February 2

To celebrate her tour, Sarah is giving away the grand prize package of a basket of items including, a copy of the book signed by the author, a Bible Journal notebook, a Colored Pen Set, a Mug, Coffee, and a bookmark!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Beauty Among Ruins by J'Nell Ciesielski


Book:  Beauty Among Ruins

Author: J’Nell Ciesielski

Genre: Historical Romance

Release Date: January 12, 2021


American socialite Lily Durham is known for enjoying one moment to the next, with little regard for the consequences of her actions. But just as she is banished overseas to England as a “cure” for her frivolous ways, the Great War breaks out and wreaks havoc. She joins her cousin in nursing the wounded at a convalescent home deep in the wilds of Scotland at a crumbling castle where its laird is less than welcoming.

Alec MacGregor has given his entire life to preserving his home of Kinclavoch Castle, but mounting debts force him to sell off his family history bit by bit. Labeled a coward for not joining his countrymen in the trenches due to an old injury, he opens his home to the Tommies to make recompense while he keeps to the shadows. But his preference for the shadows is shattered when a new American nurse comes streaming into the castle on a burst of light.

Lily and Alec are thrown together when a series of mysterious events threatens to ruin the future of Kinclavoch. Can they put aside their differences to find the culprit before it’s too late, or will their greatest distraction be falling in love?


Click here to get your copy!

I was introduced to Author J'nell Ciesielski a few months ago when 
I read her book, The Socialite. I was excited to read Beauty Among
Ruins, her latest novel. 

American Socialite, Lily Durham, is very carefree and frivolous. 
She is "banished" to England to try to help change her ways. 
She is in England and World War I breaks out. She decides to
join her cousin, who is a nurse, helping take care of the wounded.
Alec MacGregor is being taunted by others by not going into the 
battlefields. He is actually trying to save his family home, 
Kinclavoch Castle. Lily and Alec meant under crazy circumstances
and are now both helping each other figure out who or what is 
trying to ruin Alec's efforts to save Kinclavoch Castle. The more 
time they spend together, the more they realize they are liking 
each other. Will they save Kinclavoch Castle? Will there be a 
LOVE connection?? 

WOW, J'nell Ciesiekski has a writing style that really grabs the 
reader from the beginning of the book. I really enjoyed this book,
the twists and turns really made it an interesting read. Lily and Alec
are great characters and make the book so good. The time period
and setting of the book also intrigued me. FANTASTIC BOOK! 
Readers will not put it down until finished, so make sure you have
a few hours to sit and read! 

With a passion for heart-stopping adventure and sweeping love stories, J’nell Ciesielski weaves fresh takes into romances of times gone by. When not creating dashing heroes and daring heroines, she can be found dreaming of Scotland, indulging in chocolate of any kind, or watching old black and white movies. Winner of the INSPY and the Maggie Award, she is a Florida native who now lives in Virginia with her husband, daughter, and lazy beagle. Learn more at


More from J’Nell

Inspiration for Beauty Among Ruins

Once again, blame it on Downton Abbey. This time on Lady Rose. She was impulsive, spoiled, a free spirit, yet with a good heart. I knew I wanted to take on the challenge of writing a heroine like her. A character who starts off one way and by the end of the book has completely charmed you over. So I started writing and everything was going great until … it wasn’t. The plot just stopped on me. No matter how hard I tried the story refused to reveal itself to me which is incredibly frustrating for someone who doesn’t like to give up once they’ve started something. But I had to. In the end, I had to put the story, affectionately titled Love on the Limp, away for several months while I wrote The Socialite. Then one day the story clicked. It was meant to be a WWI telling on the classic Beauty and the Beast story. Everything fell into place and the story and characters burst onto the page in glorious technicolor.


Lily and Alec took me by surprised with how much I fell in love with them. Bubbly Lily and brooding Alec. Never had two more opposites been so perfect for one another (at least in my writing experience). They had so many obstacles to overcome, many of them self-imposed, that I often found myself in tears over their heartaches, but golly gumdrops when they came together, boy o boy were there fireworks!


You may have also noticed that the story is set in Scotland because I happen to believe that every good story is set there. I had the privilege of staring at pictures of this breathtaking landscape for months so I could imagine the characters strolling among the heather  and watching the river twist through the green moors. To me, nothing rivals the awe inspiring beauty of a certain place, and hopefully readers will feel that through these pages.

Through the Fire Blogs, January 27

Fiction Aficionado, January 27

Sara Jane Jacobs, January 27

Wishful Endings, January 28

Genesis 5020, January 28

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 28

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 29

lakesidelivingsite, January 29

Reflections From my Bookshelves, January 29

Connect in Fiction, January 30

Connie’s History Classroom, January 30

CarpeDiem, January 30

Artistic Nobody, January 31 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 31

Rachael’s Inkwell, January 31

Where Faith and Books Meet, February 1

Rebecca Tews, February 1

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 1

Texas Book-aholic, February 2

As He Leads is Joy, February 2

Robin’s Nest, February 2

Older & Smarter?, February 3

Mypreciousbitsandmusings, February 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 3

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, February 4

Remembrancy, February 4

Inklings and notions, February 4

Mia Reads, February 5

Joanne Markey, February 5

Splashes of Joy, February 5

Mary Hake, February 5

Betti Mace, February 6

The Christian Fiction Girl, February 6

For Him and My Family, February 6

She Lives to Read, February 7

deb’s Book Review, February 7

The Write Escape, February 7

Simple Harvest Reads, February 8 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Novels Corner, February 8

To Everything There Is A Season, February 8

Blossoms and Blessings, February 9

Pause for Tales, February 9

Lis Loves Reading, February 9

To celebrate her tour, J’Nell is giving away the grand prize of a paperback copy of the book and an audiobook copy of The Socialite!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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