Sunday, November 29, 2020

Read with Audra BlogTour: Ottoman Dominion by Terry Brennan

Diplomatic Security Service agent Brian Mullaney wants out. He's been drawn 
against his will into a dangerous international mission with world-ending implications
--and his final assignment is going to pit him directly against the terrifying, evil entity 
known only as the Turk.

But when the Turk's minions breach the US embassy in Israel and the American 
ambassador disappears, Mullaney has no choice. He must accept his role as the final 
guardian of a mysterious box, his only weapon against the powers of darkness bent on 
preventing the second coming of the Messiah, no matter who or what they annihilate to 
accomplish their goal. Can this man who's already lost so much find the strength and faith 
to save the world--and fulfill the prophecy of peace?

The final volume of the Empires of Armageddon trilogy will have fans of Joel Rosenberg, 
Ronie Kendig, and Frank Peretti on the edge of their seats up to the final page.

I am not one who normally reads Suspense Genre, but Terry Brennan is such a 
FANTASTIC writer, that I do enjoy his books. 

Brian Mullaney, a Security Service Agent, is about to embark on his final assignment.
His final assignment matches him against and evil person, Turk. Things get suspenseful
when Turk's "people" breach the US Embassy in Israel, and Mullaney must step up 
his role. He becomes guardian of a "Mysterious Box." Will Mullaney succeed at his final

I have been "not so patiently" awaiting this book, the 3rd in the Trilogy and I was 
not disappointed! I really enjoyed the many twists and turns in this book. Ottoman
Dominion is a good Stand Alone book, but I highly suggest reading the first 2 in 
the Trilogy. The Entire Trilogy is AMAZING! 

Terry Brennan is the award-winning author of The Sacred Cipher, The Brotherhood 
Conspiracy, and The Aleppo Code, the three books in The Jerusalem Prophecies series. 
His latest series is Empires of Armageddon, which includes Ishmael Covenant, Persian 
Betrayal, and Ottoman Dominion.

A Pulitzer Prize is one of the many awards Brennan accumulated during his 22-year 
newspaper career. The Pottstown (PA) Mercury won the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing 
for a two-year series published while he led the team as the newspaper’s Editor.

Starting out as a sportswriter in Philadelphia, Brennan became an editor and publisher for 
newspapers in Pennsylvania, Illinois, and New York and later moved to the corporate staff 
of Ingersoll Publications (400 newspapers in the U.S., Ireland and England) as Executive 
Editor of all U.S. newspaper titles.

In 1996, Brennan transitioned into the nonprofit sector, spending 12 years as VP Operations 
for The Bowery Mission and six years as Chief Administrative Officer for Care for the 
Homeless,  both in New York City.

Terry and his wife, Andrea, now live in Danbury, CT.

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: What You Said To Me by Olivia Newport

Book: What You Said to Me

Author: Olivia Newport

Genre: Christian Fiction

Release Date: November 2020


Book 4 in the Tree of Life Series: A Father-Daughter Genealogy Team Link Faith Journeys on Family Trees

When 15-year-old Tisha Crowder gets caught shoplifting, attorney Nolan Duffy tries to protect her from consequences that could rattle her already troubled life. His daughter, Jillian, feels like she’s the one being punished instead—by having Tisha assigned to work with her on a backlog of genealogy files. Tisha doesn’t seem interested in taking the job seriously, and Jillian’s patience wears thin. Besides, everyone in Canyon Mines knows the Crowder family has experienced generations of brokenness. Then a sliver of hope turns up in long-ago words in plain sight, challenging shrouded assumptions about Tisha’s family. Now Jillian is the one who can walk with Tisha back to 1893 and uncover where everything went wrong in the first place—and save her from the past.

What You Said to Me is the fourth book in the Tree of Life series by Olivia Newport. You’ll want to return to the lovely Colorado mountain town of Canyon Mines again and again to explore and celebrate unforgettable family stories that will inspire you to connect with your own family histories and unique faith journeys.


Click here to get your copy!

Genealogy research has become VERY popular in the last few years. I personally haven't done any research, but the stories I hear of those researching their Family History are intriguing. I also found this book intriguing and very captivating.

Nolan Duffy is an attorney in a small town, Canyon Mines. He and his daugther, Jillian, also research Genealogy together. Nolan Duffy is helping a 15yr old localgirl, Tisha Crowder, who has been caught shoplighting. Tisha Crowder has had atroubled life and he wants to help her rather then seeing her spiral further. He takesher under his wing and as part of her punishment for stealing, is assigned to help go through the piles and piles of paperwork in his office. Tisha isn't too keen on helping, and Jillian is feeling like she is being punished by having Tisha by her side. Tisha gets 
interested in the work when Nolan and Jillian show her the Genealogy from her family dating back to 1893. What will the 3 discover about Tisha's Family Genealogy? Will it help or hinder her growth in the current day? 

What You Said to Me is book 4 in the Tree of Life Series by Olivia Newport. I have read Book 3 and was really excited to be able to read this book also. It truly is an enjoyable book. Those who are really into Genealogy and Mystery, would really enjoy this book. It reads really well as a Stand Alone book! GREAT BOOK! 


Olivia Newport’s novels twist through time to find where faith and passions meet. Her husband and twentysomething children provide welcome distraction from the people stomping through her head on their way into her books. She chases joy in stunning Colorado at the foot of Pikes Peak.


More from Olivia

Careful Words


“You didn’t just say that.” Or, “I can’t believe you said that.”


Have you ever said that in retort to someone whose comment offended or wounded? I know I have. But what cuts me even more deeply is when I say to myself, “I can’t believe I just said that.”


The words of a parent at wit’s end, a spouse harboring hurt, a friend saddened by misunderstanding, an employee feeling undercut—they have all been my words. And they came out too fast to swallow back before they did their damage.


I hope I have also had the words of a parent who set aside busyness to listen, a spouse offering loving encouragement, a friend checking in with someone going through a tough patch, a coworker curious to see how I could help rather than compete. Those are the kinds of words I’ve never regretted, never had to repent of, never had to do rebuild from.


I certainly didn’t write What You Said to Me because I think I get it right all the time or even most of the time. Far from it! In our culture of rushing and achieving and—let’s face it, sometimes just getting through the demands of the day—sometimes our words are the last thing we are careful with. Yet they have the longest lasting consequence in our relationships and families—sometimes for generations. The dual-timeline story traces how words that injure became a pattern in one family line until one girl finally fought back to find healing for her future.


My challenge for myself, and all who read What You Said to Me, is to be the person who speaks healing words of hope so that “I can’t believe you said that” becomes “Thank you for saying that.”


If you have a particularly poignant experience of how another’s words impacted you, I’d love to hear from you.


Olivia Newport

Through the Fire Blogs, November 21

deb’s Book Review, November 21

Remembrancy, November 22

Connect in Fiction, November 22

lakesidelivingsite, November 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 23

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 23

Splashes of Joy, November 24

Robin’s Nest, November 24

Sara Jane Jacobs, November 24

Ashley’s Bookshelf, November 25

Mamma Loves Books, November 25

Pause for Tales, November 25

Godly Book Reviews, November 26

Lis Loves Reading, November 26

Hallie Reads, November 26

Older & Smarter?, November 27

Texas Book-aholic, November 27

Inklings and notions, November 28

21st Century Keeper at Home, November 28

The Write Escape, November 28

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, November 29

Blogging With Carol, November 29

Mary Hake, November 29

For Him and My Family, November 30

Artistic Nobody, November 30 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Betti Mace, December 1

Worthy2Read, December 1

All-of-a-kind Mom, December 1

Lots of Helpers, December 2

Bigreadersite, December 2

Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 2

Amanda Tero, blog, December 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 3

For the Love of Literature, December 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 4

To celebrate her tour, Olivia is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon Gift Card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: All That Glitters by Jennifer Sienes


Book: All That Glitters

Author: Jennifer Sienes

Genre: Christian Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Holiday Fiction

Release Date: October 10, 2020


Like Christmas ornaments, good-looking men are all glitter and no substance. Right?

Julia Metcalf tries to be content with her life in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, despite secretly yearning for more. Raising her son as a single mom might be tough sometimes, but with friends, family, and a job she enjoys, Julia has a rich life. Risking her heart again—not a good idea. Especially with a guy like Marty.

The guy is too handsome and funny for his—or her—own good.

But when Julia’s ex-husband disappears and puts her and her son in danger, Marty steps in to help.

Sometimes what glitters truly is gold.


Click here to get your copy!

A Christmas Romance is just I what I needed with all the craziness of 2020. I have been a fan of Jennifer Sienes book for a few years, so I was excited 
for a Christmas themed novel. 

Julia is a newly divorced Single Mom. She is raising her son Max by herself and loves her independence. She feels she isn't ready for a relationship in 
the near future. Marty is a great friend of hers, they have known each other 
for awhile. Neither really aren't sure if they want something more then a 
friendship. Stephen, is Julia's ex-husband. Julia tries to distance herself
from her, but he does something that puts Julia and Max in danger. Marty
steps in and does a manly thing and helps get Julia and Max out of dangers way. Julia realizes that Marty is a strong man and one that might be the one that can bring her to be in a relationship again. Will Julia and Marty end up as a couple? Does Julia mend relationships with those she needs to mend relationships with? 

Jennifer Sienes really involves the reader in this book. I was intrigued from 
the beginning and couldn't stop reading until I finished. All That Glitters is a
book about moving forward, finding the "glitter" that God has in store for us, shows that God's plan are greater then our own. FANTASTIC BOOK! 



Jennifer Sienes holds a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in education, but discovered life-experience is the best teacher. She loves Jesus, romance and writing—and puts it altogether in inspirational contemporary fiction. Her daughter’s TBI and brother’s suicide inspired two of her three novels. Although fiction writing is her real love, she’s had several non-fiction pieces published in anthologies including several in Chicken Soup for the Soul. She has two grown children and one very spoiled Maltese. California born and raised, she recently took a step of faith with her real-life hero and relocated to Tennessee.


More from Jennifer

As a fiction author, the characters I create become as close as friends by the time my novels are complete. Maybe it’s because I spend weeks delving into their personality traits, emotional wounds, and spiritual needs. My husband recently asked me if I ever get them confused with each other. A good question, since the list grows with every story I write, but the answer was a definitive no. There is no one, except my husband, I interact with more while I’m writing a novel than my characters.


Have you ever noticed some friends are with you for only a season or two? This could be unique to me, but those I’m closest to are those who are connected by mutual experiences. When my children were young, I was the community 4-H leader, so I was surrounded by other parents with small children. Later, when I completed my degree and started teaching, it was other teachers I hung out with. Now, it’s church family or fellow writers. As we move through our lives, some of those friends dissipate as if from a long-ago dream forgotten in the light of day. The same is true for my characters.


When my publisher asked me to write a Christmas novella, I jumped at the chance to revisit my old friends Julia and Marty from Surrendered, Book 1 in my Apple Hill Series. Although they didn’t take center stage in the novel, they played a significant role in the lives of main characters Tess and Jake. I purposely left their stories unfinished and let my readers draw their own conclusions. But it appears Julia and Marty weren’t satisfied with that ending. Another example of my characters taking on a life of their own.


All That Glitters was a pleasure to write, although visions of all things Christmas were a challenge in the heat of summer. It was like hanging out with old friends for a short time. I hope you enjoy your visit with Julia and Marty, whether it’s your first introduction to them or you previously met them in Surrendered.

Inklings and notions, November 10

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 11

Reviewingbooksplusmore, November 11

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, November 12

deb’s Book Review, November 13

Remembrancy, November 14

Batya’s Bits, November 15

For Him and My Family, November 16

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 17

Texas Book-aholic, November 18

Artistic Nobody, November 19 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Vicky Sluiter, November 20

Ashley’s Bookshelf, November 20

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 22

Sara Jane Jacobs, November 23

Captive Dreams Window, November 23

To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away  the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card & a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Celebrate Lit blog Tour: Harmful Haven by Emily Yager

Book: Harmful Haven

Author: Emily Yager

Genre: Inspirational Romantic Suspense

Release Date: August 5, 2020


Everyone has secrets…Yet not everyone has lives depending on them being kept.

Following in her mother’s footsteps, Inessa Jo Ellingson, a trained
nurse, uses her home as a secret safe haven for abuse victims. When
unusual incidents start to turn into threats, Inessa works diligently
to protect her secret and the safety of those who depend on her.

Retired Marine Sergeant, Torian von Arx, hired to find a missing
person meets the stubborn Inessa who seems determined to stall his
mission. As trouble brews, he feels compelled to protect her against
the secret that threatens to destroy them both.

Will they be able to trust each other in time to save the others?

Emily Yager Inspirational Romance and Inspirational Romantic Suspense
novels set among the lakes, rivers, and north woods of Minnesota.

When Emily is not writing, she is collecting plants, listening to
music, searching for a new history book to explore, or dealing with
the dramas of a bi-polar prima donna canine and writing puppy
sidekick, Xian. She lives on the family farm in northwestern Minnesota.


More from Emily

As with all my stories. I love to integrate as much of my characters heritage as possible within the story. The main character in Harmful Haven – Inessa Jo Ellingson, and her family are of Russian descent. A bit of Russian traditions are woven in throughout the story.

Of all the little traditions that there are. One in particular makes an appearance more than anything else. A source of conversation and comfort.  More often complaints from some to the other characters.

“What did you make?” Nikolai asked. “Something chocolate?”

“No, Honey mousse.”

“Ugh, again.” Her brother groaned. “Two nights in a row. Honestly. Why can’t you enjoy normal desserts like brownies and ice cream?”

Honey Mousse. A traditional Russian dessert. Its sickly sweet. Those in my family who have a major sweet tooth, even found it too sweet for their own taste. This old dessert is definitely an acquired taste.

Go ahead and whip yourself up a batch. Sample it right along with Torian von Arx as he tries it for the first time in the story.

Enjoy it with a hot cup of Bengal Spice Tea (Or as it is known in Harmful Haven – Tiger Tea).

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, November 11

Pause for Tales, November 11

Sara Jane Jacobs, November 12

Artistic Nobody, November 13 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 14

deb’s Book Review, November 15

Splashes of Joy, November 15

Quiet Quilter, November 16

Betti Mace, November 17

Ashley’s Bookshelf, November 18

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, November 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 20

Inklings and notions, November 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 21

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 22

Texas Book-aholic, November 23

For Him and My Family, November 24

Bizwings Blog, November 24

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