Monday, June 29, 2020

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Miracles for Veterans by Joan Hunter

Book:  Miracles for Veterans
Author: Joan Hunter
Genre:  Non-fiction, Christian Living
Release Date: May 15, 2020

Military veterans experience stress and trauma that civilians cannot even begin to imagine. No matter what branch they were in, whether they saw combat or not, their service left an indelible mark on their bodies, hearts, and minds, souls and spirits. Even those who have not suffered external injuries can be affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, anger, and other issues. They need healing on multiple levels.

Joan Hunter tackles all of the problems that veterans face in her new book, Miracles for Veterans. She covers some of the root causes; the positive aspects of service, such as growth and maturity, as well as the negative effects, including physical, emotional, and spiritual injury; and the consequences of service on general and cellular memory. Joan offers guidance to those ministering to veterans, healing prayers, and insights on prevention.

Among the testimonials included in Joan’s book is that of Auston O’Neill, 71, who travels throughout the United States to play “Taps” on his bugle for any deceased veteran whose family requests it as a member of Bugles Across America.

Auston is battling terminal cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes, but his faith is strong. “You know, I believe in God for my healing,” he says. “I’m getting stronger as the days go by. I’m not getting weaker.”

Joan notes God is limitless and His Word is true. He is ever ready to heal us if we only will believe.

Click here to get your copy!

I took an interest in this book because of the Title, Miracles for Veterans. My husband is an Army Veteran and served Active Duty for 4yrs and Reserves for 5yrs. We are around Veterans everyday, within our friends circle and in Everyday life. I have seen first hand how many Veterans can be Medically and Mentally affected by their time in the Armed Forces. 

I really learned a lot more from the Author, Joan Hunter, and how much Veterans are truly affected by their time served. PTSD is VERY hard to deal with. There are so many triggers for PTSD and helping Veterans deal with PTSD helps lower the number of Mental Health issues. Joan Hunter focuses on healing the Veterans instead of just treating the symptoms. The author includes many scripture references throughout the book, and believes in the healing power of God through Scripture. 

I feel this is a good book and reference for Veterans who are struggling with the after affects of the time they served in the Armed Forces. Good BOOK! 

Joan Hunter is a compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, accomplished author, and anointed healing evangelist who has devoted her life to carry a message of hope, deliverance, and healing to the nations. As founder and president of Joan Hunter Ministries, Hearts 4 Him, and 4 Corners Foundation, and pres­ident of Hunter Ministries, Joan has a vision to equip believers to take the healing power of God “beyond the four walls of the church to the four corners of the earth.” Joan’s genuine approach and candid delivery enables her to connect intimately with people from all walks of life. Some describe her as “Carol Burnett with the anointing of Jesus.”
Joan ministers the gospel with manifestations of supernat­ural signs and wonders in healing schools, miracle services, con­ferences, churches, and revival centers around the world. She is sensitive to the move of the Spirit and speaks prophetically to the local body and into the individual lives of those in attendance. Joan’s genuine approach and candid delivery enable her to connect intimately with people from all educational, social, and cultural backgrounds.
At the tender age of twelve, Joan committed her life to Christ and began faithfully serving in ministry alongside her parents, Charles and Frances Hunter, as they traveled around the globe conducting Healing Explosions and Healing Schools until their deaths. Prior to branching out into her own international healing ministry, Joan also co-pastored a church for eighteen years.
Joan brings a powerful ministry to a world characterized by brokenness and pain. Having emerged victorious through tragic circumstances, impossible obstacles, and immeasurable devasta­tion, Joan is able to share a message of hope and restoration to the brokenhearted, deliverance and freedom to the bound, and heal­ing and wholeness to the diseased. Joan’s life is one of uncompro­mising dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ, as she exhibits a sincere desire to see the body of Christ live in freedom, happiness, wholeness, and financial wellness.
Joan has ministered in countries all over the world and has been featured on Sid Roth’s It’s SupernaturalMy New Day with Drs. Bob and Audrey Meisner, Everlasting Love with Patricia King, and on Marilyn Hickey’s Today with Marilyn and Sarah. Joan hosts a powerful and exciting show of her own, Miracles Happen! Joan’s television appearances have been broadcast around the world on World Harvest Network, Inspiration Network, Daystar, Faith TV, Cornerstone TV, The Church Channel, Total Christian Television, Christian Television Network, Watchmen Broadcasting, and God TV.
She is a noted author whose books include Love Again, Live AgainHealing the Whole Man HandbookHealing the HeartPower to HealSupernatural ProvisionFreedom Beyond Comprehension; and Miracle Maintenance.
Joan and her husband, Kelley, live northwest of Houston, Texas. Together, they have four daughters, four sons, three sons-in-law, and seven grandchildren.

More from Joan

God has a plan for your life. Your previous experiences are meant to prepare you for the next chapter of your life. Whether the stress was positive or negative, God can use you! He will use all of you for His pur-pose. He will turn all negative stressful and traumatic experiences into some-thing good.
Please have an open heart and mind as you continue. Some stories in this book may make you cry while others will make you smile. All of this information will prepare you to walk in total victory and help others to do the same. God is always faithful and He hears your heart’s cry. Open your arms to your Father’s love right now and let that love heal you—body, mind, spirit, emotions, and finances.
Believe this is the day for your breakthrough, your victory. Everyone has bad days. Some have bad months, but there is SONshine coming for every-one. Just like a new recruit has to go through basic training or boot camp in order to advance in rank and responsibility, everyone has to do the same in God’s military. Learn the offensive thrust that carries you to the frontlines and through the enemy’s defenses.
Get prepared. Stay prepared. Don’t run away or get trampled on. Don’t be left behind.
Our motto is PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens!
Be on the offensive and go after God. He is the Commander in Chief of these end-time armed forces!

Artistic Nobody, June 18 (Spotlight)
Vicky Sluiter, June 20 (Spotlight)
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, June 22 (Spotlight)
Tell Tale Book Reviews, June 24 (Spotlight)
My Devotional Thoughts, June 26 (Spotlight)
Through the Fire Blogs, June 28 (Spotlight)
For the Love of Literature, June 30 (Spotlight)


To celebrate her tour, Joan is giving away the grand prize of a $20 Starbucks gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Celebrate Lit Review Promo Blast: A Lawman for Lisette by Teresa Slack

When Lisette Pelletier answers an ad to become a physician in the frontier town of Willow Wood, Idaho, she knows her life will change forever. What she doesn’t expect is to fall in love with the U.S. Marshal whose life she saves on her way to town.

 Federal Marshal Grayson Dutton spent his career protecting pioneers, chasing down bandits, settling disputes before they erupted into gunfire, and returning fire when needed. None of it prepared him for dealing with a feisty lady doc who can’t see when she’s in over her head.

 When Grayson hears the gang of outlaws that attacked the stagecoach that brought Lisette to Willow Wood have targeted the lady doc, he’ll stop at nothing to protect her. Lisette doesn’t want to give the lawman the reins to her life. She came west to serve the people of Willow Wood, not hide under her bed in fear at the first sign of danger.

 She certainly didn’t plan to fall for a long-legged lawman whose kisses make her dream of marriage, babies, and happily-ever-after, all the things that conflict with her call to medicine. Can she find a place in her life and her heart for love? Can Grayson tame the wild filly before she gets both of them killed?

 Purchase link: 

Teresa Slack is a "new to me" author. A Lawman for Lisette is the first book in the new series Willow Wood Brides. I really like Historical and Romance Fiction and this book fits into both genres. I also like the setting of the 1890's in Idaho. 

I read this book in one afternoon, as it was VERY good. The characters, Lisette Pelletier and Federal Marshal Grayson Dutton meet when he comes to defend her after the Stagecoach she is on gets attacked by outlaws. Lisette is an "independent" woman and doesn't want others to defend her and makes it known to Marshal Grayson. Lisette is coming to the small Idaho town to accept the job of Town Doctor. She doesn't want to have a relationship right now, especially one with a Marshal. Through many twists and turns throughout the book, could Grayson and Lisette be forming a relationship? Will Lisette open her heart and LOVE? 

The book was really hard to put down and I am looking forward to Book 2 in the series! 

 Teresa Slack loves reading, writing, and falling in love. Creating clean and wholesome western romances where fearless cowboys still sweep independent heroines off their feet was an easy choice for her.

 She writes from her home in the beautiful southern Ohio hills, which she shares with her husband and rescue dog and rescue cat. Any errors and typos she blames on the cat randomly running across her keyboard.

 Learn more about Teresa Slack and her books by visiting her website at Readers who sign up for her newsletter will receive a free download of A Promise for Josie: A Willow Wood Prequel.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

JustRead Tours Blog Tour: Forever Home by Amy Grochowski

Forever Home JustRead Blog + Review Tour 
Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour & Giveaway for Forever Home by Amy Grochowski, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Forever Home by Amy Grochowski Title: Forever Home
Amish Dreams on Prince Edward Island #1
Amy Grochowski
Ambassador International
Release Date:
June 9, 2020
Inspirational Amish Romance

A Canadian Amish farmer
A Lancaster Amish businesswoman
A Prince Edward Island foster child 

Providence brings together a mismatched family, giving all three a second chance for love. Only love may never have had such a tough job.

Lydia Miller is an anomaly among her Amish people-a single woman in her 30s, running her own store, determined to forge a life on her own. But when Joel Yoder comes into town to sell his property, Lydia suddenly finds all of her hopes and dreams crumbling around her and a new opportunity placed in her lap.

Joel has his own problems. Recently jilted by his fiancée, Joel has seen his own dreams of moving to a newly established Amish community begin to falter. The new community welcomes married couples only. With his dreams quickly slipping from his fingers, Joel suddenly sees the only option he thinks he has--a marriage of convenience for both of them.

 As the new couple begins life in a new settlement, they are even more surprised when a foster child in need of a home finds her way to them. Yet what will happen when the English world and the Amish world collide?

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & NobleBook Depository | Christianbook  

Amish Fiction is probably my favorite Genre to read. Amy Grochowski is a "new to me author" and after reading this book, I am very much looking forward to reading more from this author. 

Forever Home is a slightly different Amish Fiction read. I really enjoyed that is wasn't your "typical" Amish Fiction book. The difference here is that this book brings together 3 different "worlds". Lydia Miller is an Amish girl who meets a Canadian Amish Farmer. The 2 are thrown into a situation where for their dreams to come true, they need to get married. The marriage would allow them to buy land in an Amish Community for Married Couples only. The book gets really interesting when as the couple is getting used to married life in their community, an opportunity to Foster a Child, who is not Amish, is presented to them. The book has lots of twists and turns and kept me deep into the book wondering how the outcome would be. 

I HIGHLY recommend this book! FANTASTIC READ!! 



Amy Grochowski 

Amy Grochowski's deep appreciation for the Amish faith and way of life stems from six years of living and working with a Beachy Amish family, as well as her own Anabaptist roots. Her debut novel, Forever Home, was a pre-published winner of Romance Writers of America's Maggie Award and a semi-finalist in ACFW's Genesis Contest. She is a member of ACFW and Word Weavers Int'l. 

Amy spent her childhood in Melbourne, Australia, where her parents worked as church planters. After returning to the States, the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia became home. Her real-life romance began on a travel nursing assignment to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she met her husband, David.

After a nursing career of more than twenty years, Amy is now fulfilling her long-awaited dream career as an author of inspirational romance. She is also a full-time homeschool mom for her two boys, one of whom has Autism Spectrum Disorder, and lives with her family in the bustling foothills of North Carolina.

CONNECT WITH AMY: Website Facebook Twitter Instagram  



(1) winner will receive a signed author copy of Forever Home, a classic 200 recipe Mennonite Family Cookbook, a Magic Amish cloth (it really does clean like magic with no chemicals), and a $25 Amazon gift card!

Forever Home JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway will begin at midnight June 22, 2020 and last through 11:59 PM EST on June 29, 2020. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Victoria Grace: The Jerkface by S.E. Clancy

Book:  Victoria Grace: The Jerkface

Author: S.E. Clancy
Genre:  Young Adult Contemporary
Release Date: June 15, 2020

Ever since Tori Weston and MamaBear were abandoned by her dad, finances have been tighter than a new pair of skinny jeans. As if keeping her grades up for scholarships and working every spare moment weren’t enough, Tori gets suckered into visiting a retirement home and paired with ancient resident Marigold Williams. After learning she’s the only one to visit Marigold in decades, Tori becomes a regular at Willow Springs. Besides, someone has to help with her history homework.

Corbin Dallas barges into Tori’s life with a prosthetic leg and a dimple, working his way into her hectic schedule. Though she tries to deny it, there’s something beyond his Texan drawl that gets Tori hoping she’s more than his sidekick. Together, they race to find Marigold’s missing family before she fades away. Tori ditches her soul-sucking job, along with her dreams of having a paint-peeled clunker to call her own, in order to help her friend one last time.

Click here to get your copy!

I have to say this book was a slow read for the first couple of chapters. I had a hard time getting into the storyline. The Storyline finally clicked with me and then it was full speed ahead with reading the book. 

The book reminds me reading similar books during my childhood. The main character, Victoria Grace aka Tori, is very spunky, sassy and quick witted. The relationships she has with others in the book, especially Marigold and Corbin and just so fun loving. Her mother also plays an important part for Tori. The book is a fun loving book for Young Adults, but Adults would enjoy it also. 


S.E. Clancy (aka Sarah) is a bit of a sci-fi nerd, geek, and self-proclaimed dork. There isn’t much she won’t try at least once…unless it involves mayonnaise, because that stuff is just gross. You can learn more about her at

More from S.E.

Victoria Grace the Jerkface started as a short story after I’d listened to my favorite song by Nat King Cole: The Christmas Song. I’d overheard a teenager say, “I don’t even know what a chestnut is.” I typed that into a note on my phone because it struck a chord. Within days, a photographer named Tom Hussey issued a series called “Reflections” that featured elderly people gazing into mirrors and seeing their younger selves. That same night, one of my children asked for a project to earn school credits. Like flint to tinder, the idea of this teenager who didn’t know what a chestnut was having to visit an older person left in a care home began to grow.
To add in a bit of my mom and myself to the story, I had my main character Tori (Victoria Grace) love her mom’s meatloaf. It’s a recipe that my mom used from her grandma, an amazing woman we called Grandma Ted.
Ted’s Meatloaf
  • 1 pound thawed ground beef or turkey
  • 1 packet of dry onion soup mix
  • 1 – 2 heels of bread torn into dime-sized pieces (1 for turkey, 2 for beef)
  • 1 egg
Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients in a single bowl. Works best if you use your hands, but mix really well if you use a spoon to incorporate all of the ingredients.
Spray a loaf pan with non-stick spray. Do not use parchment paper—no one wants a soggy bottom. Plop the entire mixture into the pan and place into the middle of the oven. Cook for an hour.
This recipe doubles easily, just change the cooking time to 1 ½ – 1 ¾ hours and check the internal temp with a thermostat.

Robin’s Nest, June 20
Nancy E Wood , June 21
Batya’s Bits, June 25
CarpeDiem, June 26
Pause for Tales, June 27
Artistic Nobody, June 28 (Guest Review from Kelsey Barela)


To celebrate her tour, S.E. is giving away the grand prize package of signed book, origami bookmark, marigold seeds, & $10 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Women of the Bible Speak Out by Marlo Schlaskey

Book:  Women of the Bible Speak Out
Author: Marlo Schalesky
Genre:  RELIGION/Christian Living/Women’s Interests
Release Date: June 2, 2020

With the recent headlines about gender-based abuse, power, harassment, and assault, it seems as if everyone is searching for answers. Marlo Schalesky provides a biblical response to the tough questions raised by these issues. She explores the stories of twenty women in Scripture, including Eve, Sarah, and Bathsheba—women who were betrayed, abused, endangered, blamed, and shamed. As she leads us in studying the biblical text, she draws our eye to God’s responses to these women and their situations:  Eve: The Way It Was Supposed to Be

Sarai: Betrayed
Hagar: – Used
Lot’s Daughters & A Levite’s Concubine: Abused
Two Tamars: Rejected
Hannah: Devalued
Abigail: Endangered
Bathsheba: Sexualized
Esther: Dominated
Mary & Martha: Oppressed
A Samaritan Woman: Shamed
A Sinful Woman: Scorned
A Woman Caught in Adultery: Blamed
Women at the Tomb: Disbelieved
She points out a way to healing, wholeness, and freedom. In the midst of today’s #MeToo conversations, this book will give new voice to the remarkable women of Scripture—and new hope to many, many women today.

Click here to get your copy!

I am not one who normally reads "Deep Thinking" books, but this one really intrigued me. The author tackles many issues Women in today's society are facing from a Biblical storytelling. Women today are hurting due to Abuse, Betrayal, and much more. 

Author, Marlo Schalesky, tells the story of 20 Women in the Bible, who experienced abuse and betrayal but found Hope and Healing. The book is very encouraging for todays women, as many are afraid to speak up and tell their story. Women of the Bible Speak Out shows women how they can be able to speak out about their abuse and tell their story. It gives hope and encouragement when most feel that it is lost. I feel this is a wonderful book for all Christian Women. It would make a GREAT Bible Study book or one to be used within a group setting of similar minded women. 


Marlo Schalesky is the founder and president of Wonder Wood Ranch, a California charitable organization that brings hope through horses to hurting kids. She’s had over one thousand articles published in various Christian magazines, is a regular columnist for Power for Living, and is an award-winning author of twelve books. Schalesky has a master’s in theology with an emphasis in biblical studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. She lives with her husband and six children in a log home on California’s central coast.

More from Marlo

1) Why did you write this book?
When I was first asked to consider writing a book about women in the Bible who experienced abuse, oppression, gender-based bias and discrimination, sexualization, and more, I didn’t know how their stories would intersect with mine and the experiences of women today. I thought I would find only horror, but beyond that I found a surprising hope; a God who is always seeking to redeem, to heal, and to make right where mankind has broken and betrayed.
This book is for others like me, for women who have been hurt, whose wounds sometimes seem too deep to heal. I wrote it for those who know that while justice is necessary, it is not enough. We need to see God. We need Him to see us. We need an experience with the God of Scripture whose fierce love is the only thing that can heal those hurts that lie deep within.
2) What do you hope your readers will take away from reading your book?
I hope they experience a renewed hope. And a deeper understanding of the God who loves them. I want readers to know that God sees them, and He sees what they’ve suffered, and He does not look away. He does not make excuses.
After reading Women of the Bible Speak Out, I hope readers will see that instead of winking at the repression of women, the Bible exposes it. And the Bible reveals a God who not only shares in our suffering but seeks to redeem it.

Emily Yager, June 12
Older & Smarter, June 12
Rebecca Tews, June 15
Holly Jo Morris, June 18
Lighthouse Academy Blog, June 19 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)
Hallie Reads, June 21
Splashes of Joy, June 22
Artistic Nobody, June 22 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)


To celebrate her tour, Marlo is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of the book plus a $10 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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