Wednesday, October 30, 2019

JustRead Tours Blog Tour: The Telegraph Proposal by Gina Welborn and Becca Whitman

The Telegraph Proposal JustRead Tour 

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour & Giveaway for The Telegraph Proposal by Becca Whitham and Gina Welborn, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


The Telegraph Proposal
Title: The Telegraph Proposal
Series: Montana Brides #3
Authors: Becca Whitham & Gina Welborn  
Publisher: Zebra
Genre: Western Romance  
Release Date: October 29, 2019  

In the rough and rugged Montana Territory, the journey to true love is filled with unexpected twists--and sweet rewards--for daring frontier women who faithfully believe every heart has a home . . .

With the help of the Archer Matrimonial Company, Yancey Palmer has finally put Hale Adams, the man she's loved for ten years--sometimes not wisely or well--behind her. Yancey is so sure of her love for the man the agency matched her with, she readily promises a friend that she'll help Hale with his mayoral campaign without chasing him.

Hale has also engaged the services of the matrimonial agency. He's so pleased with one lady, he requests that she join him in Helena to commence a sixty-day courtship. But instead, the Archer ladies arrive in town to reveal the true identities of both Hale's and Yancey's matches: each other. Can they look past their misunderstandings and hurt to see that they are still a perfect match?  

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository

Hale attempted to keep his exasperation at bay. But this woman was pushing his limits of gentlemanly behavior. “I’m still waiting to hear how far outside normal agency practice you went with regards to Miss York.”
Miss Archer shot a look at her mother, who was now the one looking triumphant. “It’s nothing bad.”
You’ve already assured me on that point, Miss Archer.” And he was even less inclined to believe her now than the first time.
It goes back to your rejection of the first nine candidates we sent you.”
They weren’t compatible.” Which was rather obvious.
Although they were exactly what you asked for.” She raised her head, a challenge in her brown eyes. “So instead of giving you the woman you asked for, I sent you the woman you needed.”
He narrowed his eyes, trying once again to picture the qualifications he’d listed eight months ago on his application. But—honestly—did it even matter? Portia was who he wanted. However, the lawyer in him wasn’t about to say as much. “Are you saying she came to your agency in an unusual way?”
Miss Archer shook her head, the dark red feather tucked into the ribbon of her hat waving from side to side. “Miss York filled out an application and was vetted just as you were, Mr. Adams. I only changed her name and some of her specifics so you wouldn’t guess her identity.”
He heard the words and understood their meaning, but he couldn’t quite comprehend what she was implying. Unless… “Are you saying you read her letters to me?”
This time the feather (in her hat) waved up and down.
He crossed his arms over his chest as though they could shield him from feeling undressed. And she thought this was nothing bad? He’d like to hear precisely what she thought qualified for that.
Then again, he really didn’t.
She was talking again. He shoved the arguments and accusations shouting inside his head to one side in order to hear her. “…knew she was the perfect match for you, but in case you rejected her, as you had the others, I didn’t want there to be any awkwardness between you.”
He frowned. “Are you saying I know Miss York?”
Another nod, this one less vigorous so the feather barely waved.
He squinted, trying to picture the women he’d met in Denver. “Who is she?”
Miss Archer shot another glance at her mother, took a shallow breath, and looked him in the eye. “Yancey Palmer.”


Gina Welborn and Becca Whitham
Gina Welborn and Becca Whitham
Becca Whitham (WIT-um) Award-winning author, paper crafter, and Army wife, Becca and her twelve-foot long craft cabinet follow her husband of thirty-five years wherever the army needs a good chaplain. She thinks the cabinet should count as a dependent. So far, neither the army nor the IRS is convinced. In between moves from one part of the country to the other, she writes stories combining faith and fiction that touch the heart. She's a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America.  

CONNECT WITH BECCA: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest    

Gina Welborn is the bestselling author of twenty inspirational romances, including the Montana Brides Romances from Kensington Publishing. She’s a member of Romance Writers of American and American Christian Fiction Writers. Sharing her husband’s passion for the premier American sports car, she is a lifetime member of the National Corvette Museum and a founding member of the Southwest Oklahoma Corvette Club. Gina lives with her husband, four of their five children, a rabbit named Hobbit, and two cats that don't realize rabbits are edible.  

CONNECT WITH GINA: Website | Facebook | Pinterest


(1) winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card and a Montana huckleberry syrup and jam gift box!

The Telegraph Proposal JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule shown below. Giveaway will begin at midnight October 28, 2019 and last through 11:59 PM EST on November 4, 2019. US only. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize.
Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Aiming for Love by Mary Connely

Book: Aiming for Love
Author: Mary Connealy
Genre: Christian Historical Romance
Release Date: October 2, 2019

Josephine Nordegren is one of three sisters who grew up nearly wild in southwestern Colorado. She has the archery skills of Robin Hood and the curiosity of the Little Mermaid, fascinated by but locked away from the forbidden outside world–a world she’s been raised to believe killed her parents. When David Warden, a rancher, brings in a herd much too close to the girls’ secret home, her older sister is especially frightened, but Jo is too interested to stay away.

 David’s parents follow soon on his heels, escaping bandits at their ranch. But his father is wounded and needs shelter. Josephine and her sisters have the only cabin on the mountain. Do they risk stepping into the world to help those in need? Or do they remain separated but safe in the peaks of Hope Mountain?

Click here to get your copy!  

I have been a fan of Mary Connealy for MANY years! Her books are always exciting from the beginning to end. The characters are always unique and interesting. Aiming for Love, the first book in the new series, Brides of Hope Mountain, HIT the mark for me!

The series will focus on 3 sisters who have sheltered themselves from the world and have lived off the land in the Mountains. Aiming for Love focuses on Josephine Nordegren. The sisters are just enjoying life in the little Cabin in the Mountains and being self sufficient. They take care of one another, as they are all that each other has left. Their parents died(allegedly killed) and their grandparents passed away. All is well and then one day, Dave Warden climbs the mountain with his injured father(he had been shot) and discovers the girls living there. The girls have been taught the outside world isn't something they want to be a part of.  Josephine decides to help them. Soon a romance is budding between Josephine and Dave. Will the romance flourish and will the sisters learn to trust the "Outside World".

Grab a copy of Aiming for Love by Mary Connealy,  and I am sure you will LOVE it just as much as I did!! FANTASTIC book! I am very much looking forward to reading the next book in the series when it is released!

Mary Connealy writes “romantic comedies with cowboys” and is celebrated for her fun, zany, action-packed style. She has more than half a million books in print. She is the author of the popular series Wild at Heart, Kincaid Brides, Trouble in Texas, Lassoed in Texas, Sophie’s Daughters, and many other books. Mary lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her very own romantic cowboy hero. Learn more at

More from Mary

What it would do to someone to run wild from nearly their earliest memory? What if three young girls had the basic skills to survive a rugged life but no adults to guide them? Would they grow up to be a completely odd and untamed version of themselves, or the truest, in some ways most honest version? I wanted to explore that idea: wild children, tough young women, afraid of the invading world, but lonely, too. So I created the plot for my Brides of Hope Mountain series by mixing the three little girls who’d grown up wild on the top of a mountain with some fairy tale ideas. Book one, Aiming for Love, is Josephine Nordegren’s story. I had this vision of Ariel the mermaid seeing a man for the first time when strangers invade the high valley she lives in with only her two sisters. Curiosity is her besetting sin, or so she’s always been told. She has wilderness skills, mainly in the form of owning a bow and arrow and understanding wild animals, but for the first time, she is drawn to a man. Jo needs to be tamed, or Dave, the man she can’t stop watching from in the woods, needs to learn the ways of the wild, because they’re out of place in each other’s worlds.

Among the Reads, October 25
Moments With Mercy, October 25
Bigreadersite , October 25
Emily Yager, October  25
Quiet Workings, October 26
Stories By Gina, October 27
Older & Smarter?, October 28
Betti Mace, October 28
Wishful Endings, October 28
The Becca Files, October 29
Mary Hake, October 29
Mamma Loves Books, October 29
Britt Reads Fiction, October 30
Hallie Reads, October 31
Connect in Fiction, October 31
Daysong Reflections, November 1
Splashes of Joy, November 1
Moments, November 2
Batya’s Bits, November 2
She Lives To Read, November 2
EmpowerMoms, November 3
Remembrancy, November 3
Blessed & Bookish, November 4
Pause for Tales , November 5
Texas Book-aholic, November 6
janicesbookreviews, November 6
A Reader’s Brain, November 7
Leona J. Atkinson, November 7
Lukewarm Tea, November 7

To celebrate her tour, Mary is giving away a grand prize package of a $20 Amazon gift card, a copy of Aiming for Love, and a copy of Fairy Tales from Around the World!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Overcome Depression by Margaret Lalich

Book: Overcome Depression
Author: Margaret Lalich
Genre: Non-fiction/self-help/Christian growth
Release Date: March 22, 2019

BREAKTHROUGH SCIENCE SHINES NEW LIGHT ON HOLY SCRIPTURES. “…pulls back the curtain to clearly & simply reveal how our mind works… A fun and eye-opening book” Karl Benzio, M.D., Medical Director: Honey Lake Clinic & Lighthouse Network.

This faith-based, reader friendly guide offers more than 100 self-help strategies and recovery skills for coping with depression. Brain Science and evidence based therapeutic practices offer hands-on, practical tools for immediate use.

“Amazing book! I have read so many books on depression and this is the only one that has truly helped me.”—Wendy Freeman, California

“…an amazing book on overcoming depression… deep, and yet understandable… a very practical and encouraging book about a very dark subject.”—Bill Walden, Pastor Cornerstone Ministries, Ca.  

Click here to purchase your copy!

 The title alone told me this was a "Must Read". I come from a family where Depression and Anxiety are very prevalent and affects many in our family. My 17yr old son has Anxiety, borderline Depression. I myself suffer from SAD, basically Winter Depression.

I LOVE this book! So much great info and very encouraging. I really appreciate that the Author, Margaret Lalich, combines Scripture and Science in this book. Christians tend to hide the fact that they have Depression and many Churches don't have a program or help in place for those that do come forward. Those with Depression really need the reassurance that God LOVES us and will never forsake us, even when going through sad times and through Depression. I really like that the Author has many Self Help suggestions and advice for coping with Depression. The Author also talks about how the Brain and Science play into Depression. The Tools suggested by the Author are just incredible.

I highly suggest this book for those who are going through Depression or know someone close that is. It is a wonderful book and most of all a VERY encouraging book! GREAT BOOK!!

Margaret Lalich is a believer, a lover (family, friends and others), a relentless optimist, and a Certified Laughter Leader. Before becoming a college freshman (in her 30’s), she chose a teen marriage over graduation.  Later adventures, and mid-life corrections, led to completion of her M.S. and M.A. degrees and a 31-year career as a clinician and teacher, within mental health. Laughter and tears are both found in experience. Tears can wash away emotional rubble, and laughter can be a ‘bungee-cord’ safety-life-line. If we fall into a pit of despair, laughter helps us rebound and boosts our climb. Margaret loves to share it. Margaret is a mom, Grandma, and Great-Grandma who writes stories and non-fiction – highlighting experience, science, strategies, and hope. She wants to connect with readers — helping them find (and use) their gifts, and to live their own definition of ‘success’ – to the Glory of God.  

More from Margaret

I have been asked WHY I wanted to write this book.  It’s because I ache for believers who suffer the pain of depression – and then add guilt, embarrassment, loss of hope, or helplessness to it. I want them to know they are heroes – not zeroes (no matter how they’re feeling). I want to share strategies, encouragement and the sheer excitement of scientific discovery that proves we have more power than we may have imagined, to help us climb out of the ‘pit’. Yes, I am a bit of a cheerleader, and at times a clown – but I’m also a researcher and a clinician who has shared the wonder of such discoveries with more than a thousand patients. I have also been asked how long it took to finish this book. Not too long … just 31 years to learn and live it – and 3 years to research and write it.  Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 1. First Things First:  Christians and Depression “ For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  2 Timothy 1:7 Church is not a museum for perfect saints — it’s a first aid station for sinners who keep trying. I can’t recall the name of the pastor, who delivered that line, but his message resonated with me then and it still does today. I want to contribute to First-Aid supplies God says He is for us, and we are loved. We can trust, and we must believe His Word. But, it can be hard to reconcile faith with depression, anxiety or other mental health issues. If you have struggled with this – you’re not alone. Right from the start, you need to know you are loved. We’re in this together.   Doubts and fears can seed questions such as: “What’s happening?” “Why?” “Now what?” If you ask these questions, be assured God hears the cry of your heart. By His grace, we will explore answers together. Yes, there are answers. Yes, there is hope and help that you can use – right where you are, starting now. …Blame is a distraction. We cast blame on ourselves with hurtful thinking when we think or say things like: “If I had enough faith this wouldn’t happen.” Or, “ I should be stronger …  blah, blah, blah.”  Don’t surrender to this way of thinking.   WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? There has been a revolution in the study of the brain (neuroscience). We’ve started to understand brain-works, and can now answer the first of our opening questions: “What’s happening?” With today’s technology and new imaging systems we can see the brain in action as thoughts, and new learning, form physical links, creating neural patterns and pathways within the brain. The glory of God is revealed as we discover more of His divine design, and watch new scientific findings align with the old wisdom of God’s word for mankind.  Proverbs 23:7 says: “For as he thinks in his heart, so he is.” We have learned that what we think helps to form who, and what we are. We can use this knowledge to build recovery skills.

Donny Abbott, October 19
Artistic Nobody, October 20 (Author Interview)
EmpowerMoms, October 22
Texas Book-aholic, October 24
janicesbookreviews, October 25
A Reader’s Brain, October 26
Simple Harvest Reads, October 27 (Author Interview)
Mary Hake, October 27
Kelly Harrel, October 30

To celebrate her tour, Margaret is giving away the grand prize package of a signed copy of the book, a refreshment package, and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Hope's Highest Mountain by Misty M. Beller

Book: Hope’s Highest Mountain
Author: Misty M. Beller
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: October, 2019

When Ingrid Chastain agreed to accompany her father to deliver vaccines to a mining town in the Montana Territory, she never could have anticipated a terrible accident would leave her alone and badly injured in the wilderness. Rescue comes in the form of a mysterious mountain man who tends her injuries, but she’s hesitant to put her trust in this man who seems to have wounds of his own.

After tragedy struck his family, Micah Bradley left his work as a doctor and escaped to the wilds of Montana. But his self-imposed solitude is broken when he finds Ingrid in desperate need of medical attention, and he’s forced to call on his doctoring skills once again.

 Micah can’t help but admire Ingrid’s tenacity despite the severity of her injuries, until he learns the crate she brought contains smallpox vaccines to help quell a nearby outbreak. With Ingrid dead set on delivering the medicine–with or without his help–he has no choice but to accompany her. As they set off through the treacherous, snow-covered Rocky Mountains against all odds, the journey ahead will change their lives more than they could have known.

Click here to get your copy! 

I am constantly amazed by Misty M. Beller! She has another outstanding book with the first in the her new series, Hearts of Montana. Hope's Highest Mountain is book 1 in this new series and I am in LOVE with this book! 

This book has a mix of genres: Historical, Romance, Christian Fiction are all intertwined in this book. I LOVE all those genres and that is what drew me to this book.  Ingrid Chastain and her father are on a mission to deliver SmallPoz vaccine to a small area in Montana. Ingrid is critically injured on her way there. Just as she feels she is dying, along comes Micah Bradley, a Dr. from the Mountain regions. Micah Bradley is forced into Dr. mode when he sees Ingrid injured, something he almost gave up on due to his wife and daughter dying from SmallPox and he couldn't save them a few years back. Will the Dr. save Ingrid? Will their be a budding romance? Will the SmallPox vaccine help those in the small Montana town? Grab a copy of this book, you will NOT be disappointed!! 

Misty M. Beller is fast becoming a favorite Author of mine! Her writing style and the storylines are AMAZING!! FANTASTIC BOOK!! 

After working for 13 years in the corporate world, Misty M. Beller ( is now the author of fourteen independently published Christian historical romance novels. Raised on a farm in South Carolina, she combines her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life by writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters. She lives outside Charlotte, North Carolina, is an active member of ACFW, and teaches regularly at conferences and writing groups on effective book marketing.

More from Misty

Remember Lassie? Old Yeller? Chance and Shadow from the movie Homeward Bound? There was something about these dogs that gripped my heartstrings and made me love them as though I’d known them for years. (And, yes, I cried during every one of these movies and books.) Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had real dogs I’ve loved too. As far back as I can remember, we’ve had at least one or two dogs, and each one has been my very best friend. They’ve suffered my undying love, even allowing me to dress them up like dolls during my younger years. But the dogs in my stories have a special place in my heart. Handsome, the sweet little black fluffball in Hope’s Highest Mountain is no exception! He was the runt of the litter, and such a dark black that the story’s hero nicknamed him Shadow. You can see the picture that inspired Handsome at the book’s Pinterest page. Those eyes! Hard not to fall in love, right? The more I wrote in the story, the more I enjoyed getting to know this little guy, and I could almost feel his soft puppy fur as he snuggled in close. I completely see why Ingrid (the heroine) is smitten him! As you read Hope’s Highest Mountain, I hope you love Handsome as much as I do. Please give him some extra petting for me! ?

Sara Jane Jacobs, October 12
Betti Mace, October 13
Blessed & Bookish, October 14
Texas Book-aholic, October 14
Genesis 5020, October 14
janicesbookreviews, October 16
Mary Hake, October 16
Batya’s Bits, October 17
Connect in Fiction, October 17
Older & Smarter?, October 18
Life of Literature, October 18
A Reader’s Brain, October 18
The Becca Files, October 19
Splashes of Joy , October 19
Moments, October 20
Daysong Reflections, October 21
Wishful Endings, October 21
Joy of Reading , October 21
Pause for Tales, October 22
Britt Reads Fiction, October 22
Lis Loves Reading, October 23
Bigreadersite , October 23
Live. Love. Read. , October 24
Hallie Reads, October 24
Remembrancy, October 25
Mia Reads Blog, October 25


To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of Hope’s Highest Mountain, a $20 B&N gift card, and cute mountain cards!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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