Friday, May 31, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Remi by Caryl McAdoo

Book: Remi  
Author: Caryl McAdoo  
Genre: Christian Historical Romance  
Release Date: May 3, 2019

It isn’t within man to guide his own steps—or a woman. Caught between a wagon train and the deep blue sea, Agnes Remington Dalrumple, Remi for short, chooses the overland journey west over crossing the Atlantic with her mother and step-father. She decides to go to California and try to fine the father she’s never known though she’s never been on her own. Thwarted at every turn, almost every effort is dashed until a widower’s thirteen-year-old daughter intervenes on her behalf. How can the headstrong woman place herself under the responsibility of the young girl’s father, a perfect stranger? But if she doesn’t, her journey ends right there in Saint Joseph, Missouri. On the Oregon/California trail, will her pride and independence deter her from the destiny God has prepared for her?

Click  here  to purchase your copy.

WOW, another great book by Caryl McAdoo!! Caryl McAdoo has FAST become one of my favorite authors and this book is no exception! 

Remi decides to go to California to try to find the Dad she has never know. She takes the Oregon Trail to get to California. She experiences many trials and frustrations on her journey, but she never lets it deter her. Meanwhile, Asher Adams, a widow with 2 daughters is also making the journey to California with his sister and her husband. He wants to start over, but could a romance be too soon or is he ready? The main characters, Remi and Asher, really are quite interesting and their "love story" is also interesting to read about. 

Remi is Book #2 in the Prairie Roses book series and I am very much looking forward to reading the next book in the series! This series is written by 5 different authors and it looks interesting! Caryl McAdoo is a MUST Read author, as she is very talented and stays true to the History Era she is writing about! GREAT Book!  

For research in December, Caryl McAdoo hit the trail—literally, the Oregon / California Trail—beginning in St. Jo, Missouri with the Napa Valley being her destiny. No wonder readers enjoy her novels so well! She prays her story brings God glory, and He blesses the award-winning, best-selling novels with a lion’s share of 5-Star ratings! With forty-three titles (thirty-three in the last four-and-a-half years), it’s obvious she loves writing almost as much as singing the new songs the Lord gives her. (Listen to a few at YouTube.) Celebrating fifty years being married to Ron, her high school sweetheart, she counts their four children and eighteen grandsugars life’s best blessings. The McAdoos live in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas, waiting expectantly for God to open the next door.

More from Caryl

Remi, my May ‘Prairie Roses Collection’ story, picks up where Uniquely Common, my April ‘Lockets and Lace Collection’ story ends! Well, actually it backs up a bit to Remi’s decision to go west! In Uniquely Common, you meet her after she’s already in Saint Jo, trying to join the wagon train.

 I fell in love with this semi-introvert, lover of literature, highly intelligent young lady, and felt the cover captured her exactly! (Thank you, Chautona Having, my new amazing cover designer! I am so blessed!)

 Remi, short for Remington—her middle name as she hates her first name Agnus—is an only child reared by a single mother. Her father left years ago; she’s never met him and decides to go to California where his last letter was postmarked to do just that. It’s a long way from New York City, but better than sailing across the Atlantic.

 And she can’t stay there with nowhere to live since her newest stepfather is whisking her mother overseas to his villa in Southern France. They invite her of course, but she hates boats and gets frightfully seasick! It seems the perfect time to go west and meet her Daddy. Riding in a prairie schooner would be a lark!

 Researching for the covered wagons heading west led my dear husband to ask if I wanted to drive the Oregon / California Trail. Yes, yes, yes, I assured him! What could be better than seeing the rivers my wagon train had to cross, the amazing sights my characters would experience, and the terrain they navigated for ourselves?

 What an opportunity God put before me!

 Two weeks and forty-three hundred-plus miles later, we got back home to Clarksville, enthralled with our journey. That trip has made this story so much better for me! I hope it will make it all the better for you, too! I praise and give glory to the Lord for His many blessings and high favor.

 I’m so grateful for the stories He gives us, His divine appointments—like with Sandy Barela, the founder of Celebrate Lit, all her amazing bloggers and reviewers—the doors He opens, my new cover designer Chautona Havig and all the fictional characters He introduces me to and allows me to share with you!

 ♫♪*`•. I’m just so excited.•*♪¨*about what the Lord is doing!•♪♫*`•. I’m just so excited Lord!! ♪♫•*¨♪ for what I know♪♫¸¸.•*♪ He will do!!*•.¸ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸♫♪*`•. I’m just so excited!!•.¸.• ✿And He is delighted ღ(̆̃̃ڿڰۣ✿♫♪*with my anticipation ♪♫•* ♫♪ of what I know He will do. •*♪♫•!♪♫¸•*♪ And I get to be a part ♫♪*`of what the Lord is doing!•♪♫*`•. I get to be a part! ♫•*♪¨♥ •♪♫ of what I know♪♫¸.•*♪ He will do!!*•.♫♪ I get to be a part ♫♪*♫•*♥ and He has a good plan!♪*•.✿♫♪*`•. He’s called me for His purpose!.•*♪¨ ✿♫♪*`• I have a role to play! ♪♫•*¨♪ (hear this new song on YouTube! )

KarenSueHadley , May 26
Emily Yager, May 29
Bigreadersite, May 30

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away
Grand Prize – $50 Gift Amazon Card
1st Prize – Signed, Paperback copy of CHOICE of all my books
2nd Prize – Signed copy of Remi
3rd Prize – eBook copy of Remi
4th Prize – eBook copy of CHOICE of all my books!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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JustRead Tours Blog Spotlight Tour and Giveaway: Libby's Cuppa Joe by Rebecca Waters

Welcome to the Blog Tour & Giveaway for Libby's Cuppa Joe by Rebecca Waters with JustRead Publicity Tours!

Title: Libby's Cuppa Joe  
Author: Rebecca Waters
Publisher: Ambassador International  
Release Date: March 8, 2018  
Genre: Women’s Fiction

Can grace and love be found amongst coffee grounds?

Sonja Parker is about to find out.

Excited to leave her stale life in the big city behind, Sonja takes the money her grandmother left her and purchases Libby's Cuppa Joe, a thriving coffee shop in a small community in Wisconsin's Door County. Sonja may have business sense, but is she ready to face the world on her own?

Sonja soon discovers owning a business requires more than offering a good cup of coffee. She must make major repairs to the building as well as major repairs to her heart. Do the former owners, Libby and Joe hold the answer? As Sonja seeks to make Libby's Cuppa Joe a viable business, can she also find herself and the God she has abandoned?

Libby's Cuppa Joe is a riveting tale of second chances, forgiveness, and not living on borrowed faith.

 Sonja passed the first three exits to Green Bay before pulling off the highway for gas. While it pumped, she called her best friend, Fran.

“I have this urge to get off the interstate and locate Happy Years Retirement Village. I would love to meet the previous owners. You know, I could assure them the business is in good hands.”

“You’re crazy. It’s your business now. You don’t owe them anything. You’re just a pleaser at heart.”

 “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. I’m not going to go looking for the Davises on this trip. I may see how things go first.”

“I still don’t get why you’d leave San Diego for Fish Pond.”

Sonja rolled her eyes. “Fish Creek, Fran. Fish Creek. And someday, when you get out of your little California bubble and visit, you’ll understand.”

“It must be some kind of Wisconsin thing. Anyway, I hope it works out for you.”

Fish Creek. My new home. A home and a business—and before I’m thirty. Right on track. Sunshine flooded the small car, filling Sonja with warmth she never experienced on the California coast. The warmth of home.


Rebecca Waters has been a writer most of her life. Her first published work was a story in the school newspaper she wrote in second grade. For many years Rebecca used her stories as illustrations in church settings and to entertain her own three daughters. Her professional writing included educational articles and research. Following her retirement as a professor of education from Cincinnati Christian University, Rebecca turned her pen to the world of fiction. She has also published several articles in Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Lookout Magazine, and Home Health Aide Digest. Her first novel, Breathing on Her Own, was released in 2014.  

CONNECT WITH REBECCA: Website | Facebook | Twitter


(1) winner will receive a print copy of Libby's Cuppa Joe and (1) winner will receive an ebook copy.

Enter via the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Giveaway will begin at midnight May 28, 2019 and last through 11:59 pm June 4, 2019. US only. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: Just a Train Ride by Elizabeth Wehman

Book: Just a Train Ride  

Author: Elizabeth Wehman  

Genre: Historical Christian Fiction  

Release Date: September 1, 2017

She was born during the Great Depression, dated a soldier shipped across the world into the upheavals of war. Despite the haunting scars of battle, she married that soldier when he returned. After the loss of her husband of sixty years, an annual trip to visit her grandson in Chicago always helped ease her loneliness. Yet in the face of ailing health, Callie had boarded a train and now needed to make her way back home to Michigan. She’d made the same trip many times before, yet this time it was clear to Callie it would be her last. That’s when she met Blaine. The young, agitated woman appeared to be seeking an escape which inspired Callie to remember her own struggles in life and love. Had their lives merged for a reason? They had a train ride from Chicago to Lapeer to find out.

Click here to purchase your copy.  

I really enjoy reading books that are set in Historical times. Just a Train Ride begins in the Depression Era, which is very interesting time in our history.

The story features Callie, a woman who has lost her husband of 60yrs. She is on a train ride from Chicago to Michigan and meets a young lady, Blaine. Callie tells Blaine her "LOVE STORY" of her 60yrs of marriage. Callie's LOVE story is not one of a "life of Roses", yet it is one that had many struggles and obstacles. Blaine, is a young wife who is going through her own struggles in her marriage. Blaine was encouraged by Callie's story! 

I believe that God puts people in the right place at the right time. I also LOVE how this is a story that seems to be a lost art in today's society. The Older women encouraging the younger women. 

The book started a little slow, but it picked up in about Chapter 4 and then I couldn't put it down! I really enjoy seeing the Seniors and Young people communicate in real life, so this book was a good story! 


Raised in Michigan, Author Elizabeth Wehman loves to incorporate cities in the state for her inspirational fiction. Famous Michigan flowers adorn the back covers of her books from peonies to lilacs and apple blossoms. Her first novel, “Under the Windowsill,” reflects the tranquility and hidden treasures of Mackinac Island for a much needed hideaway for Kenna, a young girl raised in Iowa. This coming-of-age story uses the growing pains of a quiet, country girl to reflect the dangers and unknowns of breaking away from family and security. From the frustrations of trying to make it alone, Kenna’s experience cements a permanent trust of the goodness of her past and a true hope for the future. Elizabeth’s second novel, reflects the tumultuous relationship between sisters in “Promise at Daybreak.” Two elderly sisters are forced together by illness which leads them to fulfill a pact they made at their mother’s grave. The story reflects the storms of dealing with dementia and the results of fulfilling a promise, despite its drawbacks. The setting for this novel is Elizabeth’s hometown, Durand complete with its historic depot and the thunderous noises of a train town. Both novel settings share historical and distinctive aspects of both Michigan cities. Elizabeth’s third novel, released the summer of 2017, and will be entitled, “Just a Train Ride.” All of her novels are clean reads, with a clear inspirational message for her readers. Elizabeth’s home is in Owosso. You can find more about Elizabeth at or on her Facebook page – Elizabeth Wehman/Author.  

More from Elizabeth

Just a Train Ride is a fictional version of my parent’s love story from the 1940’s. My father fought in WWII and he returned from his fighting experience after having a nervous breakdown. He suffered repercussions of that throughout his entire life. My mother sent off a different man than the one who returned home to her, but she was faithful to her promise to marry him. Their story and his experiences were a private matter, so I waited until after his death to write their story. Some of it is based on facts, other parts are just my imagination…filling in the details. I included the train ride as a major part, due to the fact that my mother had gone on a train to see my father just before he shipped off to war. My main purpose in writing JATR was to show how you can be faithful in marriage, despite the setbacks, sorrow, and fateful events that can ravage even the best of marriages. This is my third inspirational novel.  

To celebrate her tour, Elizabeth is giving away a grand prize of a Michigan-themed basket!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway: On a Summer Tide by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Book: On a Summer Tide
Author: Suzanne Woods Fisher  
Genre: Christian Fiction Romance  
Release Date: April 30, 2019

Sometimes love hurts—and sometimes it can heal in the most unexpected way. Camden Grayson loves her challenging career, but the rest of her life could use some improvement. “Moving on” is Cam’s mantra. But there’s a difference, her two sisters insist, between one who moves on . . . and one who keeps moving. Cam’s full-throttle life skids to a stop when her father buys a remote island off the coast of Maine. Paul Grayson has a dream to breathe new life into the island—a dream that includes reuniting his estranged daughters. Certain Dad has lost his mind, the three sisters rush to the island. To Cam’s surprise, the slow pace of island life appeals to her, along with the locals—and one in particular. Seth Walker, the scruffy island schoolteacher harbors more than a few surprises. With On a Summer Tide, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher begins a brand-new contemporary romance series that is sure to delight her fans and draw new ones.

Click here to purchase your copy.  

I have been a fan of Suzanne Woods Fisher books for many years. She is best known for her Amish Fiction books and I truly love Amish Fiction. I also like to read Christian Contempory Fiction and Romance, which is what I would say this genre is. 

WOW, just WOW! I started reading this book and just couldn't stop until I finished it. On a Summer Tide is about 3 sisters whose Dad buys a small island on the coast of Maine. The book mainly focuses on the older sister Cam, who is a single mom and wasn't sure if she could move to the Island due to her career. She is able to and jumps right in and takes charge of the goals her Dad has for the Island. The other 2 sisters, Madison and Blaine, also have their parts in the plans for the Island. The sisters all come together to help their Dad turn this small island, now named Three Sisters Island, into a tourist attraction. 

The book is filled with LOVE, Family Bonding even through struggles, and transformations and major changes in life. Suzanne Woods Fisher really SCORED with this first book in the new series, Three Sisters Island! I look forward to reading future books in this series! Very captivating book!! A GREAT summer read!! 

Suzanne Woods Fisher is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than thirty books, including Mending Fences, as well as the Nantucket Legacy, Amish Beginnings, The Bishop’s Family, and The Inn at Eagle Hill series, among other novels. She is also the author of several nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace and The Heart of the Amish. She lives in California. Learn more at and follow Suzanne on Facebook @SuzanneWoodsFisherAuthor and Twitter @suzannewfisher.  

More from Suzanne

Oh-So-Maine Blueberry Buckle    

Summer in Maine means plump, tart blueberries are everywhere. Here’s a family recipe that is nearly fool-proof….and so delicious! Especially with a scoop or two with vanilla ice cream.   Ever wonder how it got the name Blueberry Buckle?

While the batter rises as it bakes, but the blueberries and crumb topping weigh it down. This causes the surface of the cake to buckle…hence the name.  


¾ cup sugar                           
¼ cup soft butter 

1 egg
½ cup milk
2 cups sifted flour
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 cups drained blueberries

Crumb Topping:

½ cup sugar
½ cup flour
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ cup softened butter

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.   Mix sugar and butter with egg. Stir in milk Sift together and stir in flour, baking powder and salt. Carefully blend in blueberries. Put on topping before baking. Pour in a greased and floured 9” square pan.

 Bake 45-50 minutes.


Carpe Diem, May 24
Mary Hake, May 25
C Jane Read, May 26
Empower Moms, May 27
Remembrancy, May 27
Hallie Reads, May 29
Quiet Quilter, June 3
By The Book, June 3

To celebrate her tour, Suzanne is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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