Monday, February 4, 2019

New Growth Press Review: REAL Change: Becoming more Like Jesus in Everyday Life by Andrew Nicholls and Helen Thorne

About the Book: 

Every honest Christian knows the need for change. But how to get there? How do you move forward from struggles both big and small? And how does our faith in God impact our everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions? This six-session small group resource gives participants an opportunity to reflect on one particular area in their lives and then to learn more about how God changes us to become more like Jesus. All of us struggle to love God and those around us, but God has promised to keep working on us. And God always keeps his promises. The change that his gospel produces will make your life and your relationships truly beautiful. This self-contained resource with Leader’s Notes will encourage small group participants to understand and apply a biblical view of change to their lives and relationships.

Real Change: Becoming More Like Jesus in Everyday Life is based on the CCEF model of change from David Powlison’s course, Dynamics of Biblical Change. The easy-to-use six lesson format and included leader’s guide encourages participants toward an honest discussion of their own struggles while providing an understanding of how a relationship with Christ brings change. Topics addressed include understanding how we typically respond to trouble, how the cross of Christ brings comfort, help, and change, and how we can grow to be like Christ in the hardest circumstances.

About the Authors: 

Andrew Nicholls, MA, MB, BChir, is a former doctor and pastor who is now Director of Pastoral Care at Oak Hill Theological College, London. He is married to Hilary and they have two children.

Helen Thorne, BSc(Hons), MA is the Director of Training and Mentoring at London City Mission. She is a trustee of Biblical Counselling UK and involved in pastoral care within her local church. She is an experienced speaker and author of Purity is Possible, 5 Things to Pray for your City and Walking with Domestic Abuse Sufferers.

David Powlison, MDiv, PhD, serves as CCEF's executive director, as a faculty member, and as senior editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling. David has been counseling for over thirty years and has written numerous articles on biblical counseling and on the relationship between faith and psychology. His books include Speaking Truth in Love; Seeing with New Eyes; Power Encounters: Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare; The Biblical Counseling Movement: History and Context; Good and Angry: Redeeming Anger, Irritation, Complaining and Bitterness; Making All Things New: Restoring Joy to the Sexually Broken; and God's Grace in Your Suffering.

My Thoughts and Review: 

The Christian walk can be met with Life struggles and burdens, which can cause us to fall. God is one who can strengthen and change us to bring us to a place where we are strong again. 

REAL CHANGE is a short book that is meant to be done as with a Group, but most certainly can be done as a individual Bible Study. REAL Change should take 6 weeks to go through, but it most certainly can be done at an individual pace. REAL Change shows us how God is working WITH us and not AGAINST us! 

Each chapter has lots of Discussion Questions, Scripture to reflect upon, Homework, Change Projects and Pray points. I have done many Bible Studies with Groups, but none as detailed, encouraging and with such a great focus on the topic. The Homework and Lessons are formatted in a way that is easy to understand, yet challenging for the goal in mind. CHANGE that will bring your relationship with Jesus to renewed faith! 

I was really impressed and Challenged throughout reading this book. I am going to go back and do this as an actual Bible Study here at home. EXCELLENT book for new and mature Christians! 

Read a Sample Chapter HERE

Buy the Book: New Growth Press   AMAZON  CBD  

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