Thursday, November 17, 2016

Fly By Promotions Book Review: The Blessings of Unity God's Best for our Marriages by Richard T. Case

About the Book:

The Blessings of Unity offers insight and ideas for creating godly unity in our marriages centered around two key concepts:
1) Abiding in the Vine and walking in the Spirit, and
2) Learning and applying the concept of unity.
Unity is achieved when a man and woman strive for agreement with God by processing His Will on every decision and in every issue. Through Biblically-centered discussions of discord, division, unity, discipleship, and prayer, and through exploring Biblical examples of unity, Richard Case offers husbands and wives practical and spiritual advice for working together in unity in the Spirit so that they can more perfectly present themselves to God for his divine approval.

About the Author:

Before his current role in developing retreats and serving this ministry, All for Jesus, Richard Case worked for many years with Fortune 500 companies in management and consulting roles. He holds a BS in Management and Finance from Bradley University, an MBA from the University of Southern California, and a seminary Masters degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Richard has been a featured speaker at conferences and seminars; he has hosted a radio show and is a published author. Richard and his wife, Linda, answered the call from the Lord to Abide in Him through the Spirit. Together, Richard and Linda have started up several churches that remain strong today, and have served as interim pastors of troubled churches, bringing reconciliation and new vision to these situations. Richard and Linda began conducting marriage retreats in 2001. Richard and Linda currently live in Castle Rock, CO.

My Thoughts and Review: 

The Blessings of Unity is a short read, but a POWERFUL book. I was reading through the book and my eyes tearing up at the advice and truth in the book. I think my favorite chapter was Chapter 2: Division and Discord. A marriage that has constant Division and Discord will never have Unity. Unity is so important in a marriage and something many vow to have when saying Wedding Vows, but unfortunately 50-60% of Christian Marriages end in Divorce due to Discord. I know my marriage has seen and still sees much Division and Discord, as Unity takes the part of both to make it happen. I LOVE the key scripture that is included in each chapter, as it is very encouraging and insightful. Truly, so much insight and great info packed into a small book! GREAT book!

I highly recommend this book for Engaged, Newly Married and all those marriages where Unity isn't present in the marriage. I know this book has richly blessed me and it would be an AMAZING book for marriages!

FREE BOOK from All For Jesus Ministry: 
Get a FREE download of the 6pg ebook Unshakeable from the All for Jesus Ministry HERE

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