Friday, December 2, 2016

FlyByPromotions: Bible Journaling Kit Review and Giveaway

Bible Journaling is "all the rage" right now and is a fun and creative way to dig deeper into the scriptures with artwork. I have been blessed with a kit to review and host a giveaway for the new Bible Journaling Kit from Ellie Claire, part of the Worthy Publishing Group.

About the Product:
Create a work of art on the pages of your favorite Bible. Draw, color, or journal your thoughts, dreams, and prayers. Highlight your favorite verses or the encouragements that speak to your heart with pencils, stickers, and tabs. Kit includes:
·         4 sheets of word stickers
·         4 sheets of alphabet stickers
·         24 tab stickers
·         8 colored pencil twists
·         1 journaling pen
·         1 pouch with adjustable strap to fit Bibles of all sizes
·         1 ruled page protector mat with tracing lines

Ellie Claire is having a Giveaway and 5 people will win a Bible Journaling Kit. You can enter here: Publisher Giveaway  (FREE Printable Coloring Pages are also available at this link)

My Thoughts and Review:

I have been getting interested in Bible Journaling over the past 6 months or so. I have been saving info that I find online and getting info to get started. The church I attend is currently running a weekly workshop, but I am unable to attend due to having other committments during the time it happens. I received this Bible Journaling Kit and have been really excited to get started. I really like the Kit as it comes with everything to get started Bible Journaling. The Kit is very vibrant and colorful, which will make Bible Journaling Pages colorful also. The pouch fits everything very neatly and the carrying handle is awesome. I also like the afford-ability of the Bible Journaling Kit. I had priced products separately and it seemed quite expensive to get started, but the Bible Journaling Kit is a great starter kit that won't break the bank.

Bible Journaling isn't just for those who are artistic, it is for anyone who likes to write in their bible, doodle or draw. Bible Journaling is for all ages! The Bible Journaling Kit would make a GREAT gift for anyone! The Bible Journaling Kit gets HIGH recommendations from me!! GREAT Product!

Where to Buy:
Barnes & Noble
Christian Book Distributors

GREAT news: I am also hosting a Giveaway for 1 Reader to win a Bible Journaling Kit. Enter Below for your chance to win:

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Fly By Promotions Book Review: The Blessings of Unity God's Best for our Marriages by Richard T. Case

About the Book:

The Blessings of Unity offers insight and ideas for creating godly unity in our marriages centered around two key concepts:
1) Abiding in the Vine and walking in the Spirit, and
2) Learning and applying the concept of unity.
Unity is achieved when a man and woman strive for agreement with God by processing His Will on every decision and in every issue. Through Biblically-centered discussions of discord, division, unity, discipleship, and prayer, and through exploring Biblical examples of unity, Richard Case offers husbands and wives practical and spiritual advice for working together in unity in the Spirit so that they can more perfectly present themselves to God for his divine approval.

About the Author:

Before his current role in developing retreats and serving this ministry, All for Jesus, Richard Case worked for many years with Fortune 500 companies in management and consulting roles. He holds a BS in Management and Finance from Bradley University, an MBA from the University of Southern California, and a seminary Masters degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Richard has been a featured speaker at conferences and seminars; he has hosted a radio show and is a published author. Richard and his wife, Linda, answered the call from the Lord to Abide in Him through the Spirit. Together, Richard and Linda have started up several churches that remain strong today, and have served as interim pastors of troubled churches, bringing reconciliation and new vision to these situations. Richard and Linda began conducting marriage retreats in 2001. Richard and Linda currently live in Castle Rock, CO.

My Thoughts and Review: 

The Blessings of Unity is a short read, but a POWERFUL book. I was reading through the book and my eyes tearing up at the advice and truth in the book. I think my favorite chapter was Chapter 2: Division and Discord. A marriage that has constant Division and Discord will never have Unity. Unity is so important in a marriage and something many vow to have when saying Wedding Vows, but unfortunately 50-60% of Christian Marriages end in Divorce due to Discord. I know my marriage has seen and still sees much Division and Discord, as Unity takes the part of both to make it happen. I LOVE the key scripture that is included in each chapter, as it is very encouraging and insightful. Truly, so much insight and great info packed into a small book! GREAT book!

I highly recommend this book for Engaged, Newly Married and all those marriages where Unity isn't present in the marriage. I know this book has richly blessed me and it would be an AMAZING book for marriages!

FREE BOOK from All For Jesus Ministry: 
Get a FREE download of the 6pg ebook Unshakeable from the All for Jesus Ministry HERE

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

FlyBy Promotions: The Biggest Story Animated Short Film DVD and Audio Book Review

About the Animated Short Film and Audio Book:

The Animated Short Film: Featuring beautifully animated illustrations adapted from the book, The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film will captivate children and parents alike as they see how all the classic stories in the Bible connect to Scripture’s overarching message about God’s glorious plan to redeem his rebellious people.

The Audio Book: This audio book of The Biggest Story—written and narrated also by the best-selling author Kevin DeYoung—leads kids and parents alike on an exciting journey through the Bible, connecting the dots from the garden of Eden to Christ's death on the cross to the new heaven and new earth.

About the Author:

Kevin DeYoung (MDiv, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan. He blogs at the Gospel Coalition and has authored or coauthored numerous well-known books such as Just Do Something, The Hole in Our Holiness, Taking God At His Word, and What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?, as well as the award-winning books Why We’re Not Emergent, Why We Love the Church (with Ted Kluck), and Crazy Busy. Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have seven children.

My Review and Thoughts: 

Our family has used The Big Story Book a few years ago when our Church promoted it and gave insight on how to incorparate it into our family Devotional time. I was quite excited to know that the DVD and Audio Book are now available. My boys are now older, but I am very lucky that they enjoy watching DVD's with me. My boys and I sat to watch the DVD and we enjoyed it very much. The animation really kept my boys enthralled and they quite interestingly the DVD gave them a different take on the Garden of Eden. The video would be especially great for little ones because each of the 10 chapters of the Bible are covered in 2-3 minutes on this Animated Film. The Audio CD is also a wonderful tool to use for family Devotional times. We also used it in the car for Car time chat and learning. My middle son was excited about the CD as he is loves Audio Books due to a Vision Issue! The Biggest Story on DVD and Audio CD get HIGH FIVES from our family!

Where to Find Kevin DeYoung Online: 
Crossway Books
Buy the Animated Short Film DVD 
Buy the Audio Book on CD

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Friday, July 1, 2016

FlyBy Promotions Book Review: Unashamed by Heather David Nelson

About the book:
Unashamed: Healing Our Brokenness and Finding Freedom from Shame offers hope to those struggling under the burden of shame. This book shines the life-giving light of the gospel on the things that leave us feeling worthless and rejected, directing our attention to the God who promises to forgive and restore us—no matter what.

About the author:

Heather Davis Nelson (MA, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a writer, counselor, and speaker. Heather writes regularly at and has been a featured writer at the Gospel Coalition, as well as a contributing author to the Journal of Biblical Counseling. She and her husband are parents to twin daughters and live in southeastern Virginia.

My Thoughts and Review: 

We all experience "Shame" in one form or another. Many choose to hide it from everyone and bury it deep down. Shame can hinder us from being our true self and being FREE. Heather David Nelson addresses the many facets of Shame in her new book "Unashamed". "Shame is everywhere" but we often think it is within others as we hide our own. We can be FREE from Shame through God's healing and LOVE of Christ!

I found this book, Unashamed, VERY powerful and Provoking. The reflection and discussion questions at the end of each chapter are a wonderful asset to the book, making the book great for personal or group Bible Study.

I give Unashamed 5 out of 5 stars.


Where to Find Heather and Unashamed online: 

Crossway Books

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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

FlyBy Book Review: Mother and Son The Respect Effect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

About the Book:

A new book from W Publishing Group/HarperCollins asks you to consider the all–important mother/son relationship in a new way: respect, as in the mother should respect the son.

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, author of Love and Respect – a landmark book that transformed millions of marital relationships – is launching his latest book, Mother & Son: The Respect Effect.
In Mother & Son, Dr. Eggerichs proposes that while showing love is important to a son, showing him respect is key to his heart, and what will transform the mother/son relationship. Of course, to a lot of people, that will sound backwards – shouldn’t it start with the son respecting the mother??

Since the importance of the mother/son relationship crosses all age/race/religion barriers, this is a topic applicable to all – regardless if they agree or disagree with Dr. Eggerichs’ method.

Download the First 3 Chapters of the book:


About the Author:

As a researcher, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, who has a PhD in child and family ecology from Michigan State University, garnered the testimonies of 1000’s of mothers. Based on his New York Times Bestseller, Love & Respect, these moms applied the Respect side of this message to their sons with significant effects. Emerson and his wife, Sarah, present the Love and Respect Marriage and Parenting Conferences across the country, and Emerson has also spoken to groups from the NFL, NBA, PGA, Navy Seals, and members of congress.

Emerson was the senior pastor of Trinity Church in Lansing for almost twenty years. He and Sarah have been married since 1973 and have three adult children. Emerson also has a BA in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College, an MA in communication from Wheaton College Graduate School, and an MDiv from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.

My Thoughts and Review:

I have always been taught that Men and Boys should show ultimate respect to the Women/Mom in their life. My boys are 14, 12 and 11 and I have always demanded respect from them, although it seems to have always backfired. THANKS to Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and this wonderful Book, Mother and Son, The Respect Effect, I understand why now. I was demanding respect from them, but I wasn't giving them much respect.

Boys need and respect from their Mom, but I have failed some in that area. I have always shown and expressed LOVE to all my boys, but sometimes the RESPECT is not there. Dr. Eggrichs addresses this in the book, that we can show RESPECT while still addressing issues of disobedience or issues we are trying to tend to. I tend to let RESPECT go out the window when I am angry at my boys, but I am excited to move forward knowing I can handle the issues with RESPECT and LOVE. Men and boys tend to NEED RESPECT in order to RESPECT others.

I am glad that it is "Never too late" to make changes, as reading through this book has given me a new priority in being a Mom to boys! I need to RESPECT them just as much as I RESPECT others. A Major encouragement I received from reading Mother and Son, the RESPECT Effect was at the end of the first chapter:
"When a mother does what I set forth in this book, even when she and her son have bad days, her son will respond less negatively. I acknowledge that things may not be as positive as she hopes and prays, but they will be better."

WOW, that really spoke VOLUMES to me!! Ohhh, the negativity that comes from my oldest son. I am hoping as I begin to apply the principles and suggestions in the book, the relationship with him will improve!

I HIGHLY recommend Mother and Son the Respect Effect for all Moms of Boys!! I am ever so THANKFUL to Dr. Emerson Eggerichs for putting out a book that addresses a not so known issue between Mom and her Son(s), giving your Son Respect!! The Mom and Son relationship can be truly strengthened with the wisdom from this book!

Mother and Son The Respect Effect Around the Web: 

The book is available NOW! Check your favorite Book Store for a copy! Moms of Boys will surely enjoy this book and will be money well spent!

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Fly By: The Eleventh an Original Series on Feeln

About the Original Series, The Eleventh, from Feeln: 

This May, Feeln launched its original series “The Eleventh” which stars a trifecta of TV legends including Florence Henderson (The Brady Bunch, Dancing With The Stars), Ed Asner (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Roots, Up), Cloris Leachman (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Malcolm In The Middle), and newcomer Ren Harris.
“The Eleventh” focuses on a young girl’s journey to getting to know her estranged grandmother in order to bring closure to the past and unite her family.  The series has heart-warming themes of family, forgiveness, healing, and love.

About Feeln: 

Feeln is the leading streaming service that brings you heartfelt stories of love and togetherness, anytime, anywhere. All movies are handpicked so you spend less time searching and more time with the stories you love. Feeln brings home the exclusive library of Hallmark Hall of Fame features, Hollywood movies and TV series, and award-winning originals you won’t find anywhere else.

My Thoughts and Review: 

I really enjoy watching Original Series on TV and on Streaming Services. I was very excited when I heard about the chance to watch and review a new Original series for the Streaming Channel Feeln. The Eleventh premiered this month on Feeln, and I watched the first episode recently. The show had my attention from the very beginning. The story line is intriguing, has a wonderful flow, and had me glued to the screen. I was trying to predict what could happen next because it was so interesting to watch. My 12 yr old even watched with me and he usually loathes when I watch "Mom shows" (as he calls them). I am HOOKED after only one episode. I am very much looking forward to seeing more episodes! Family Friendly, wholesome programs can be hard to find, but The Eleventh has all of that! WONDERFUL show!!

 To watch full episodes of ‘The Eleventh’ on Feeln go to: Watch Episodes

Feeln is a wonderful alternative to other streaming services if you are looking for CLEAN, Wholesome programming to watch!

Disclaimer: I will receive a one year subscription to the Streaming service, Feeln, no other compensation, for my participation in this review.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

FlyBy Book Review: Wise Guys by Kent Evans


For guys, more than ever, it’s a confusing world. Your GPS doesn’t offer any maps showing how to get to the point of wisdom — and who likes asking for directions anyway?

But there are ways to get that guidance you need. The answers may be all around you, in the form of guys you already know. Wise guys. More experienced guys. Better-traveled guys. Could there be ways to tap into their invaluable knowledge without enduring dull lectures or taking pages of notes?

Kent Evans has surrounded himself with these wise guys. They have shown him all the back roads on the way to wisdom. With a great deal of humor and an endless supply of stories, he wants to show you how to gather life-enriching truth from the guys in your own circle.


KENT EVANS is the board chairman and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps fathers and mentors build the next generation of godly men.  Kent has personally experienced how the guidance of godly men can change the course of a life.  Today he is blessed with a solid 20-year marriage, four wonderful sons and a fulfilling life – largely because of what he’s learned from other men.  He lives in Louisville, Kentucky.

My Thoughts and Review: 

I am a mom of 3 boys, all of them almost teenagers. I am outnumbered in our household, 4 men/boys and 1 Wife/Mom, so I was really excited when given the chance to read and review Wise Guys.

Wise Guys in laid out in a simple to read and understand format, as it is more of story telling then "self help". Each chapter has a set of "Questions to Consider", which are great if using the book in a Bible Study or as Father and Son study. I really enjoyed Kent Evans stories of how he gained wisdom from other men around him in life. Men encouraging Men through Mentorship is something that Kent Evans truly believes in and has created a ministry at Manhood Journey. I do think that Mentorship is a WONDERFUL thing for Young Men and Boys! Kent Evans has a wonderful spin on mentorship, in that his belief is that Men should seek out Men who have the qualities that they hope to achieve in their own life. I completely agree with having Like minded mentors!!

The 17 Chapters of the Book include: 
  1. Figure Yourself Out
  2. Encourage Relentlessly
  3. Always be Asking
  4. Correct Gently
  5. Learn From Action
  6. Follow the Sprinters
  7. Welcome Kindly
  8. Exercise Tangible Grace
  9. Finish Strong
  10. Ditch the Cynicism
  11. Ask Artfully
  12. Know When to Let Go
  13. Pray Spontaneously
  14. Tap Shoulders
  15. Command Calmly
  16. Sign Up. Pitch In
  17. Simply Excel 
I really enjoyed this book and I hope that my husband and 3 boys will go through it together in the near future! GREAT read for Father/Son, Mens Bible Study Groups, or just any man or boy!!! I think this book would make a WONDERFUL Father's Day or Graduation Gift!!

Enjoy a Sample Download of the Book:


Wise Guys Around the Web: 


Buy a Copy of the Book. Releases on June 1, 2016.

A WONDERFUL, Humorous, Wisdom Filled book for all the Men and Young Men in your life!!!

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Summer 2016 FREE and Frugal Fun

Summer, Summer, Summertime!! Fun in the Sun or Fun indoors, so much to do, and it doesn't have to "break the bank"! Well, I have complied a list of FREE and Frugal Summer Fun Ideas!!

National Programs for All:

Cinemark Movie Theatres will have the Summer Movie Clubhouse. Movies are shown on Wednesday at 10am. You can purchase a 10 movie Punch Card for $5 or pay $1 per show. The rates are per person.

Regal Movie Theatres have the Summer Movie Express. Movies are shown Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am. Cost is $1 per person per movie.

Classic Cinemas has Wednesday Morning Movie Series. Movies are $1 per person per movie.

Marcus Theatres has the Summer Movie Series. $3 movies on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday from June 12th until August 17th.

Check your area Movie Theatres for more Deals and Summer Movies!

FREE or Frugal Bowling:

Kids Bowl Free is a wonderful site that lists many "Independent" Bowling Alleys in all 50 states. Sign your child up and they get 2 FREE games a day. Shoe rental is not included, but usually inexpensive.

AMF Bowling and BrunswickZone are now a combined company, although they keep separate names. The Summer Bowling program for both can be found here: Summer Bowling Games. Summer Bowling Games does have a one time cost per child,the cost does include Shoe Rental for the entire summer. Sign your child(ren) up and they receive 3 games a day from May 23rd through Sept 5th. AMF Bowling also has an Adult Bowling Pass, cost and rules vary by area. Also valid at Bowlero, BowlMor Lanes, and Brunswicks.

Free Roller Skating:

Kids Skate Free is FREE Roller Skating and is gaining in popularity, like the Summer Bowling Program. You can register at the location nearest you and each facility runs the program independently.

Barnes and Noble: The Barnes and Noble Summer Reading program is back for its 20th Year. Have your child(ren) read any 8 books. The child(ren) will get a FREE book from Barnes and Noble once the list is complete.

Half Price Books: Feed Your Brain is the Half Price Books Reading program Children need to read at least 15 minutes a day and 300 minutes per month during June and July, turn in form and receive Half Price Book Bucks. Each child can earn Book Bucks each month. Book Bucks must be redeemed by September 1st.

Check your local Library to see if they have a Reading Program going for the summer. Most libraries have a FUN program each year!

Apple Stores: Apple stores offer FREE workshops for Kids 8-12. The kids will learn how to use iMovie and how to make their own films. Sign up HERE!

Windows Stores: Microsoft offers FREE Youth Spark Summer Camps for kids ages 8-13. Kids are divided into 2 age groups 8-10 and 11-13. The "camps" offered include Coding. Sign up HERE!

Churches all over the country usually reserve one week in the summer for Vacation Bible School. VBS is usually for kids K-5th grade and will have a theme. Time and cost vary by location. Churches do this as an outreach to the community and are looking to provide a week of encouragement and Bible teaching to the kids in the community. Check your local Churches to see when the are having VBS this summer.

FREE Family Fun Festival at Millennium Park begins June 20-August 21. Check out the info and Schedule HERE. We went to this a couple summers ago and it was soo much fun! My boys LOVED it!

Zoo Fun:
Lincoln Park Zoo is FREE year round, although parking can cost a "pretty penny". GREAT zoo to visit and have fun at.

Brookfield Zoo has a cost associated with it. You can visit your library in the City of Chicago and in the Suburbs and get a Pass that allows for FREE admission for a limited number of people in the family. Our family buys a yearly membership which not only allows for unlimited FREE admission but also FREE parking. We live only 5 minutes from the Zoo, so the cost is worth it because it pays for itself in 2 visits.

The Cosley Zoo is a small Zoo located in Wheaton, IL. The cost is FREE for kids 17 and under, $5 for Adults and FREE for residents of Wheaton.

Museums around the City:
Museums very rarely have FREE days in the summer. Residents of the City of Chicago can get FREE admission to most of the City Museums using the Kids Museum Passport. Each pass generally admits 4 people FREE and one must be an adult over 18. Some passes have different restrictions.

Suburban residents can visit their local library to see if they are a participant in the Museum Adventure Pass. Many different Museums are included and most passes are valid for Buy 2 get 2 FREE admissions.

The Chicago LakeFront has many Beaches and FREE swimming available. 2016 Beach Season begins Friday May 27th. For a listing of Chicago Beaches and locations check HERE.

The Cook County Forest Preserves have 3 Aquatic Centers. There is a small FEE for these attractions, but it is very inexpensive. Adults (12 and up) are $6, and kids 4-12 are $4, 3 and under are FREE. Check out the locations and more info HERE.

I found a really nice listing of Aquatic Centers all around Chicagoland HERE. The Aquatic Centers do have an admission price and each varies by location. The listing covers many areas of Chicagoland! Many Suburban Park Districts have turned their "Pool" into AWESOME Aquatic Centers, so check the Park District websites.

Our favorite Park District Aquatic Center is The Oasis in Bloomingdale. The summer of 2016 the Oasis will have 3 “Discount Days” where admission is only $1 per person ALL DAY. The Discount Days are June 24th, July 13th and August 3rd.

Also, if you are looking for an indoor Pool fun there are a few around Chicagoland. A favorite of my family is the Oak Brook Park District Aquatic Center. Also, Splash Landings Aquatic Center in Glenview and Pelican Harbor in Bolingbrook.

The Forest Preserves are a wonderful place to explore Nature in and around the City and Suburbs.  The Programs and Events at Forest Preserves are generally FREE or very low cost. Family Fun Events abound at the Forest Preseves and include: Astronomy Nights, Campfire Nights, Butterflies, Family Fishing Days, and MUCH more!

The Cook County Forest Preserves is now in the second year of offering Camping for Families and Individuals. The Cook County Forest Preserves have 5 campgrounds that will be open for Families and Individuals to rent for a night or 2 or however long you want to. The prices are very reasonable. Tent and RV sites and also cabins are available for rent. Check it out HERE.

Here are the websites for the different Forest Preserves in and near Chicagoland.
Cook County Forest Preserves
DuPage County Forest Preserves
Will County Forest Preserves
Kane County Forest Preserves
Lake County Forest Preserves
Forest Park Nature Center(Peoria Park District)
North Park Nature Center(Chicago)
Check them out for FREE or Frugal Family Fun for the summer.

I also discovered a couple of Nature Centers within Park Districts in the Chicago Area. Lake Katherine in Palos Heights, Lyman Woods Nature Center in Downers Grove, Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Bolingbrook.

Summer Fun and Learning?? Sure why not!! Take a step back in time and see how the Farms were in the late 1800's and early 1900's, right here in the Chicago Area. Check out the different Living History Farms below. The majority are FREE all the time, but BlackBerry Farms and Naper Settlement have a fee.

Kline Creek Farm (West Chicago)
BlackBerry Farm  (Aurora)
Naper Settlement (Naperville)
Historic Wagner Farm (Glenview)
Volkening Heritage Farm (Schaumburg)

Blackberry Farm in Aurora offers a few Family Fun Days during the Summer. Family Fun Days are FREE. The dates for FREE Family Fun Days are: May 25th, June 8th, June 22nd, July 6th and August 3rd.

A FUN day at the Farm and going back in time!

Check your local Library for FUN activities like Movie Days, Story Time, Arts and Craft time and much more. Libraries are a GREAT resource for FREE family fun, including Family Game Night a couple times a month.

Park Districts all over offer Movies in the Park at least once a month during Summer Months. Our family enjoys going to Movies in the Park. The movies are mainly from the summer before or a couple years back, but being outdoors, after dusk, watching movies with the family and neighbors is FUN. The really cool thing is that since Movie in the Parks are FREE and open to the Public, you can visit other parks, not just those from your town.

City of Chicago: Millennium Park will be hosting the Chicago Summer Film Series on Tuesday evenings from June 23- August 25th. FREE Admission and the movie begins at 6:30pm. The listing for the entire SUMMER FILM SERIES.

Surrounding Suburbs:

I have created a Printable list of a good selection of Suburban Movies in the park. Check it out below:

Check your local Park District, as I only searched and found a few suburbs. Park Districts are a wonderful place to have a Family Movie night and it is FREE!

Local area churches do a community outreach in the summer in the form of Vacation Bible School. The Dates, times and cost vary by location. Here is a list of some for the Chicagoland area: Vacation Bible School 2016 Chicago area

This list is not a complete list, so check local churches or ask friends if their church is having a VBS week. 

More places to find ideas for Family Fun and Family Activities:

Pinterest: Ohhh, the wonderful resources you can find on Pinterest. Do a search for “summer fun _____” and you can find resources for your city or town or idea. I have found many great ideas on Pinterest. I even have a Summer Fun Board.

A GREAT resource for Chicagoland parents is Chicago Parent Magazine. The magazine comes out monthly in libraries in both the City and Suburbs. The magazine publishes a calendar in the back of each monthly edition with Family Fun activities all around Chicagoland. 4x a year(one for every season) they put a special edition called Going Places. It is a BIG listing of their monthly calendar of events. Check out the website and pick up a copy of the monthly magazine and the Summer Edition of Going Places for some GREAT listings of Family Fun. (not all events listed are FREE, but many are). I LOVE Chicago Parent magazine, it is a GREAT resource year round! Do a google search if you live in another state, near a BIG city. I know cities like Dallas, New York and others have a "Parent Magazine", like the sister magazine to Chicago Parent.

Chicago Kids is a GREAT online Resource to find fun and activities for Kids and Families.

Kidslist is blog that updates quite often with Family Fun Activities, Camps, Events and more. Each Friday they send out an email with the Weekend Activities all over town.

KidWinks is another WONDERFUL resource for Family Fun Activities. KidWinks has a weekly email that they send out year round, just sign up for it.

OakLees Family Guide is yet another Family Fun Resource. OakLee Family Guides are available in Libraries and other places all over Chicagoland. Their website is also filled with VALUABLE info!

Our family also loves Summer Time Fairs and Festivals. Neighborhoods, Towns, Cities and more have some fun Fairs and Festivals. We really like some of those that "take us back in time" like Old Fashioned Days, Cival War Days, etc. Make sure to check local towns, cities and neighborhoods for local Festivals and Fairs. Also, many towns and villages have "Downtown Fun" nights once a week. Check your own neighborhood and neighborhoods nearby for Family Fun events.

I hope these resources and links are a good start to planning your Summer Fun 2016. Family Fun doesn't mean Spending Money all the time. You can spend Quality family time with your kids without going broke. Use the money you save for the BIG Family Fun Days like Amusement Parks and Vacations!!


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