Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Build A Menu: Summer Vacation Giveaway

Summer is here, WOOHOO! Summer means kids are home more and are "eating you out of house and home". Busy schedules and trying to keep the kids fed can be stressful. Do you menu plan yet?? If not, I can tell you first hand that Menu Planning helps me, not only time-wise, but budget-wise. IF you do, you have a good start, but there is something that could help you even more!

Build a Menu is an online Menu Planner that I have been using for 3 months already and I truly LOVE it! I have been a menu planner for over 7yrs, using an editable, Computer Generated Menu chart. I found Build a Menu a few months ago and it is a Menu Planner, Grocery List Planner and Recipes. Build a Menu helps you plan your weekly Menu in 5-10 minutes, including a Printable Grocery List for your Favorite Grocery Store.

One of my Favorite Features is that Build A Menu also has recipes for many different Lifestyle Eating Plans such as Gluten Free, Clean Eating, Vegetarian/Vegan, Family Friendly, Trim Healthy Mama, Low Carb and more!

Check out how easy it is to use:

Are you liking what you see?? How would you like to simplify your "Summer Vacation", SAVE TIME and most of all SAVE Money on your Food Budget? You can enter to Win a 6 month Subscription to Build a Menu!

Want to get started right away? Build a Menu offers Different Levels of Subscriptions. Check them out HERE!

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Cari said... Best Blogger Tips 1

Sounds like a neat program! I like that it helps you plan your week's menus and creates a shopping list.

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