Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Homemaker's Mentor CD Collection (Review and Giveaway)

Homemaking Skills is one of those things that has a VAST array of skills. I excel in some, I am good in others and a beginner in the remaining. I LOVE organizing and cleaning,and also baking. Cooking and Daily chores are things I am good at, and then sewing, canning, and other skills are am still learning. I have also taking a liking to making things from scratch, homemade, Back to Basics Homemaking, and all things Frugal.

I know I need help in certain areas and that is where The Homemaker's Mentor CD has come in handy. I was asked to use and review The Homemaker's Mentor CD as part of a Bow of Bronze Launch Team, and I have been blessed.

The Homemaker's Mentor CD is a collection of 110 PDF files organized into 34 categories for "All things Homemaking". Martha Greene and Rebekah Wilson are the authors of much of the content on the CD. The CD is now being distributed by the Erskine Family! You can check out the Table of Contents HERE.

My Experience and Review:

I received the Disc and popped it into the CD Rom Drive and that is when the FUN began. I was amazed at all the information contained within each topic. I found some VERY new info to me, like Cast Iron Skillet Care. We own some Cast Iron Skillets and my hubby is more familiar with them then I, so he has been "seasoning" them. Well we both certainly learned that we were doing it wrong. I also learned a great deal from the Fall & Winter At Home ebook. We like to "winterize" our home every year, but we mostly just do the Plastic on the windows and cover the Wall A/C unit, but we could be and we will be doing so much more.

A few of my other favorites from the Collection:

Dining In: An ebook on how to have a "Dinner Date" with some of your favorites right in the comfort of your own home.
Jerky and Fruit Leather: How to make Fruit Leather and Beef Jerky. I love that it has instructions for with or without a dehydrator. I do have a Dehydrator and have been looking for a good tutorial on making Jerky, and I have now found the PERFECT one.
Kitchen Sparkle: A wonderful ebook on how to clean your kitchen from "Top to bottom" and when and how often to do certain tasks.

The CD contains so much info and projects, that I have only been able to skim through most of it and I did "dive into" a few. I have begun making a list of the projects and recipes I am going to be trying. I am looking forward to using this resource for a LONG time!

Want a Copy??? 

The Homemaker's Mentor CD is on sale for $37 & FREE Shipping (normally $47). The sale is through October 31st! There are only 500 copies available so if you are interested, don't delay!

Buy The Homemaker's Mentor CD HERE.

I have the HONOR of being able to BLESS 2 of my readers with a copy of the CD.

Enter below for your chance to win a copy:

I hope for those that win it or those that buy it, you will enjoy it as much as I am enjoying it!

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mosaic Review: iTooch App

My 3 boys all have Android Based Tablets that they really enjoy.  I have found it difficult to find Educational Apps that are geared toward their age. I was introduced last week to a company that has a nice selection of a apps for their age group. iTooch by Edupad has now released their apps on Android and we had the opportunity to use and reveiw as part of my participation for Mosaic Review Team.

About iTooch:

“eduPad is a French based start-up developing great applications for education on mobile devices from Elementary to Middle School.  We also work on the eduPad Studio, a cross-platform solution that enables 3rd parties with educational content to easily publish mobile apps. Tablets and smartphones are changing the way we learn. They are intuitive and have  the ability to eliminate the barriers between school and home, work and personal life, play and study.” (The Founders Words)

The app is available for Apple, Windows and now Android products. EduPad just released the Android version in August and it is growing!

Cost: The Basic "Trial" version is FREE and then full versions are $4.99 and up depending on the Platform and Level.

Features: iTooch has an amazing amount of WONDERFUL Features. Check them out HERE.

Where to find iTooch on the Web: 

Our Thoughts and Review: 

We downloaded the FREE version of Science Grade 3 on my 8yr old son's  Android Table for my 8yr old and 10yr old to use. Both of the boys really enjoyed the app very much. They both liked that it is more of a "game" then learning. The points and leveling up and getting bonus points were fun for them. The app was very easy to navigate, the "Characters" were entertaining and the overall look and feel of the app was clear and concise. Both of my boys have asked for more of the subjects to added on to their tablets(each of my boys has their own Android Tablet).

I think this is a great app for supplementing, for "school on the road", or just for fun. My boys will continue to use the App!


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