Wednesday, January 31, 2024

JustRead Tours Blog Tour: Deadly Mountain Escape by Mary Alford

Deadly Mountain Escape JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Deadly Mountain Escape by Mary Alford, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Deadly Mountain Escape

Title: Deadly Mountain Escape
Mary Alford
Love Inspired Suspense
Release Date:
January 23, 2024
Christian Romantic Suspense

Can this officer stop a trafficking ring? 

Or will deadly criminals stop her first? 

A search for a missing young woman becomes a nightmare for K-9 deputy Charlotte Walker when she stumbles on a trafficking ring and is captured. Death seems certain until she’s rescued by rancher Jonas Knowles. Together, they take shelter in the Amish community he left behind. But they can’t hide forever—not when the criminals are still after them and countless girls are at risk…

I really enjoy the LOVE Inspired books. I have read books by Mary Alford before and I really enjoy her writing. Deadly Mountain Escape is her latest book and I had the pleasure to read it recently.

Charlotte Walker is part of the K9 unit. She and her K9 partner, Annie, are searching for a missing woman. Danger lurks for her when she stumbles upon a trafficking ring and is captured. Jonas Knowles is a former Amish turned rancher and he comes to her rescue. The pair, especially Jonas, is very focused on helping break up the ring and rescue the girls who were captured by the human trafficking ring. They continue to run into danger, including weather issues. Charlotte and Jonas find themselves falling for each other as they spend more time together. Will they rescue the missing woman? Will there be a relationship between Charlotte and Jonas? 

I LOVE a book that keeps me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning and this book did just that. The storyline was soo suspenseful and I could not put the book down. Charlotte and her K9 partener are amazing, especially when they discovere the Human Trafficking ring. Jonas is probably my favorite character as he truly does the right thing and rescues the women. Charlotte and Jonas took things slow in a relationship as they both had things from their past that they were holding "guard' to. They were able to work through their past losses and learn to love again. The book is one of Faith, Love, Danger and Courage. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Suspense! GREAT BOOK!


PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | ChristianBook | Bookshop | BookBub

Mary Alford

Mary Alford is a USA Today bestselling author who loves giving her readers the unexpected, combining unforgettable characters with unpredictable plots that result in stories the reader can't put down. Her titles have been finalists for several awards, including the Daphne Du Maurier, the Beverly, the Maggie, and the Selah. She and her husband live in the heart of Texas in the middle of 70 acres with two cats and one dog.

Connect with Mary by visiting to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

(1) winner will win a copy of Deadly Mountain Escape & a $50 Amazon gift card!

Deadly Mountain Escape JustRead Tours giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight January 30, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on February 6, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only for a print copy, ebook if outside US. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

FrontGate Media Blog Tour: Life Is Hard God is Good Let's Dance by Brant Hansen

"Quirky and inviting essays on what it means to live joyfully in a world full of 'anger and anxiety'...This optimism booster has a light touch and a lasting impact."—Publishers Weekly

This book is about one idea: joy. A deep sense of well-being, regardless of circumstances, is not only possible but is promised to all who follow Jesus. Life is hard, but God is good. And through Him we can start to see the world in a more childlike, humble, and optimistic way.

Brant Hansen doesn't follow a success plan. He just keeps simply showing up and taking Jesus very seriously. And by taking Jesus seriously in all of life, he has become more joyful. More peaceful. And full of laughter. And that attitude is contagious to all who read his bestselling books and listen to his award-winning radio show.

In Life Is Hard, God Is Good, Let's Dance, Brant is at his best—sharing stories from around the world, as well as from his own heart and head, with a writing style that will likely make you laugh, cry, and rethink your outlook on life and the kingdom of God. Through his unique life experiences and extensive travels, readers will see how God is moving through people all over the world, and they will learn to:

See that it's possible to live joyfully in a world of anger and anxiety
Completely trust the character and promises of God
Claim the abundant life mentioned in John 10:10
Live each day simply and with a faith and joy that is contagious
Brant says, "In this book, I want to take the format of Bob Goff's Love Does and mix it with my own strange experiences, in a way that I think Ted Lasso would be proud of." Through short, energetic, captivating, and often humorous chapters, Brant's message will leave you with a renewed love for a simpler life that overflows with greater joy than you’ve ever experienced.

I really enjoy reading Christian Non-Fiction books. I feel encouraged in my Spiritual walk when reading them. Life Is Hard, God Is Good, Let's Dance: Experiencing Real Joy in a World Gone Mad by Brant Hansen is the latest book in this genre that I have read. 

JOY is something we all need in our life. Unfortunately, the way Society and the World is nowadays, it is hard to experience JOY many times. I LOVE how Brant Hansen has written this book to help others experience PURE JOY. The 26 different essays take the reader on a journey of Life Experiences and more that show how to capture the JOY. Brant Hansen focuses on Scripture and these experiences to show that God can give us the JOY everyone needs in their lives. Brant Hansen is also very humorous in his writing and that alone brings JOY to readers. I laughed and was encouraged throughout reading this book. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone needing to find JOY in their life and those with Anxiety will find this book especially helpful! FANTASTIC BOOK!

Brant Hansen is considered one of the top radio hosts in the country. He has won multiple "Personality of the Year" awards from Christian Music Broadcasters and Radio and Records Magazine. (He's also well aware that he shouldn't put "multiple" next to "personality" because it sounds like a very strange award he keeps winning, but he does it anyway.) Brant is a sought-after speaker, known for a style that manages to be direct, hilarious, and disarming.

Brant's life experiences are unique: He also works as "Storyteller" with CURE International, a global network of hospitals and programs for children with correctible disabilities. He has traveled widely for CURE, including multiple visits to CURE's hospital for women and children in Afghanistan. In addition to his books, Unoffendable, Blessed are the Misfits, The Truth About Us, and The Men We Need. Brant has written for the Washington Post,,, InTouch, and Relevant.

He was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome as an adult, and talks about it extensively on his radio show, attracting a nationwide following among "Aspies" and their families. (He talks about this in his popular "I Am Second" video.) Brant has been married for thirty-one years to Carolyn, and they have two adult children.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: The Orphan Carpenter by Kenneth Ian McQuarrie

Book: The Orphan Carpenter: Orphaned at birth. Adopted by God. A tale of hope and a future.

Author: Kenneth Ian McQuarrie

Genre: Spiritual Growth/Memoir

Release Date: November 22, 2022

“Ok Lord, I sure hope you have this under control, because from where I sit things aren’t looking so good.”

When I came into this world, there were no baby showers, no celebrations, no father handing out big cigars, or first photo being passed around the office. Grandma, grandpa, aunts, and uncles would not be visiting, pinching my chubby cheeks and saying how cute I was. You see, I was an orphan. Unwanted, cold, hungry, and alone … or was I?

Have you ever wondered where God is? How can this be happening? What did I do to deserve this? Have your circumstances led you to question your faith? Does God care? Does he even exist?

My core beliefs had been shaken. To make sense of what just happened, I went back and examined my own life. So many times, the odds were heavily stacked against me, life and death situations. Yet, somehow, someway, God always showed up.

From orphan to carpenter and beyond, the pages of this book are my life stories. But the book is not about me or my story. It’s about God.

As you read these true stories of my life like parables, may they be a testament that God loves you and has a plan to give you hope and a future.


Click here to get your paperback copy!
Click here to get your eBook copy!

I really enjoy reading Memoir's as it gives the reader a chance to really get to know the author. The Orphan Carpenter by Kenneth Ian McQuarrie is the latest from this genre that I have read. 

WOW, this book is a very touching memoir and life story of the author Kenneth Ian McQuarrie. The book starts in the present time when he and he wife go through a failed adoption and then he goes back to tell his childhood to the present time. Kenneth was adopted a child and his adopted family was an intergal part of who was and is today. He grew up in a Christian Household and his parents laid the Biblical foundation for him. The struggles he went through in his childhood due to medical issues and life happenings, Kenneth attributes to prayer and God for holding him strong. I LOVE that Kenneth included the Scriptures he used for the rough times and tied them to specific happenings. Reading his mom's journal entries was so amazing. Kenneth says it best that this isn't just his story, but God's plan for him. 

I really LOVED this book from beginning to end. I must admit that it was a bit LONG and got slow in some parts. The book as a whole is very Encouraging and God Honoring. I highly recommend this book for anyone who needs encouragaing in their life and enjoys Memoirs. GREAT BOOK!

An orphan from birth with serious medical complications, Kenneth went into foster care at three months old. Eventually adopted by his foster family, he grew up in a small northern Canadian city. Being raised by loving Christian parents and mentored by his carpenter grandfather, he dreamed of becoming a carpenter himself one day. The Lord had different plans for young Kenneth. Plans that would take him on an incredible life journey to the pinnacle of the North American construction industry.

Kenneth has always held firmly to his faith throughout the journey, trials, and tribulations. He’s served in church administration and hosted and led Bible studies throughout his adult life. He lives in Orange County, California, with his wife, Celine.


More from Kenneth

Back in early 2018, following a very harrowing experience, I found my marriage starting to crumble. My wife Celine and I were processing things very differently. I’m a builder, a fixer, and I couldn’t fix it. Jeepers, I didn’t even know what it was.

Suddenly, this random thought flooded into my brain, and I blurted out, “Would you be willing for us to go see a counselor to help us process all this?”

     Did I just say that? I thought as Celine said, “OK, yes, let’s do that.”

At one of our counseling sessions, the counselor said, “Your lives together began when you started dating. But, before that, both of you had lived separate lives for many years. So, for this week’s homework assignment, I want you to write each other a story from your life. The life you had before you met. Your memories from when you were growing up.”

“Me, write a story? I barely passed English class in school. I’m no writer,” I responded.

The counselor smiled. “I’m not saying write a novel. It’s more like a letter, just write down some memories of your life you can share. Just like our session today, this will help you to understand each other better.”

“OK, I’ll give it a try,” I said.

That night, Celine fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, exhausted from the emotional roller coaster a few hours before. So, I pulled out a journal and pen and began to write. I scribbled notes down for about an hour then fell asleep.

In the morning, I handed Celine my journal. As she began to read, her brow wrinkled, followed by her face contorting as if in pain. Finally, after a couple of long minutes, she looked up.

“Is it that bad?” I asked.

“No, it’s not that it’s bad. It’s … you should write this.”

“I just did.”

“No, I mean you should write your story, your whole story.”

“You mean like a book? I can’t write a book. I barely passed English class.

“No, you can’t spell, and yes, your grammar is terrible, but you tell stories all the time, and people like your stories. People remember your stories.”

Celine was right about one thing, the fact that I tell a lot of stories. When I was young, Mom would tell me stories repeatedly of how I came to be a McQuarrie. I loved Bible stories about Moses, Joseph, and King David as a little guy. I guess not being good at English, I often used stories of my life to explain myself or try to relate to others.

“Stories are one thing, but to write a book, you have to have a point or a purpose, not just a bunch of stories,” I said to Celine.

“Well, you should pray about it,” Celine responded.

After almost a year of praying about it and three years of writing, in November 2022, The Orphan Carpenter was published. I know the Lord had his hand in writing this book because there is no way I could have pulled this off on my own.

I pray the Lord takes these stories to those they were meant to encourage.

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 18

Artistic Nobody, January 19 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 19

Lighthouse Academy Blog, January 20 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Fiction Book Lover, January 21 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 22

Guild Master, January 23 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, January 23

Girls in White Dresses, January 24

Blossoms and Blessings, January 25 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, January 26

Splashes of Joy, January 27 (Author Interview)

Cover Lover Book Review, January 28

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, January 29 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 30

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, January 31 (Author Interview)

To celebrate her tour, Kenneth is giving away the grand prize package of a $150 Amazon gift card and a paperback and an eBook copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Bride by Beguilement by Debbie Lynne Costello

Book: Bride by Beguilement

Author: Debbie Lynne Costello

Genre: Historical Christian Romance

Release Date: September 25, 2023

Kirsten Macleod is in a bind. Her father’s last will and testament stipulates that she must either marry, lead the plantation into a first year profit, or forfeit it to her uncle. But marriage is proving no easy option. Every suitor seems more enamored with the land than with her. Until her handsome neighbor sweeps into her stable to the rescue… of her beloved horse.

Silas Westbrook’s last year at veterinary school ends abruptly when he is called home to care for his young orphaned sisters. Troubles compound when he finds an insurmountable lien on the only home they’ve ever known, and the unscrupulous banker is calling in the loan. The neighbor’s kind-hearted and beautiful stable girl, Krissy, provides the feminine influence the girls desperately need. If only he had a future to offer her. But to save his sisters from poverty, he should set his sights on Krissy’s wealthy relative Kirsten Macleod, the elusive new heiress. Surely this hard-working and unassuming young lady and the landowner could not be one and the same?


Click here to get your copy!

 I really enjoy Historical Christian Fiction books. Bride by Beguilement by Debbie Lynee Castello is the latest in this genre that I have read. It is Book 2 in the Moonlight and Magnolia Series. I have read Book 1 and have been anxiously anticipiting Book 2! 

Kirsten Macleod's father recently passed away and he left VERY strict instructions for Kirsten in the Will. Kirsten must find a suitor to marry, make a profit for the Plantation within the first year. or her uncle gets the Plantation and all that was willed to Kirsten. She would love to marry but she feels the men who were suitors are only really interested in her land. Silas Westbrook is her neighbor and he has come back home from Veterinary School to care for his sisters. Silas is really worried about their future when he finds out that the home he has known all his life and wants his sisters to continue to live in, has a lein on it and he is in jeopardy of losing it. Silas meets Kirsten and discovers she is wealthy and he thinks this could be his way our of poverty. Will there be a relationship between Silas and Kirsten? Could a mutual relationship help solve problems for both of them? 

WOW, this storyline is quite interesting and  I was reeled into the story from the very first few pages. I LOVE that Kirsten is an independent woman who wants to fulifill her father's stipulations for his will. Silas is very admirable as he knows he wants what is best for his young sisters. The relationship between Kirsten and Silas grows slowly and they both had "baggage" to work through. I LOVE that the author has a strong Faith Based message in this book! The many twists and turns made the book very exciting. I highly recommend this book! FANTASTIC BOOK!


Debbie Lynne Costello has enjoyed writing stories since she was eight years old. She raised her family and then embarked on her own career of writing the stories that had been begging to be told. She and her husband have four children and live in upstate South Carolina. She has worked in many capacities in her church and is currently the Children’s Director. She loves the Lord and hopes people will be uplifted and inspired by her writing. Debbie Lynne has shown and raised Shetland Sheepdogs for eighteen years and still enjoys litters now and then. In their spare time, she and her husband take pleasure in camping and riding their Arabian and Tennessee Walking horses.

More from Debbie

I’ve always believed that a great book can go unknown without a great cover. What makes me say that? You’ll never know what’s in the book if you don’t read the back cover and you’ll never read the back cover if you don’t pick up the book and you won’t pick up the book unless the cover grabs you. I loved the cover of book one. It was perfect for the story. That left me feeling a bit anxious about the cover for book two. With the hero being a veterinarian who owned a horse farm and a heroine with a sick horse, the cover needed a horse. But let me tell you, there just aren’t that many horse models out there.

Most publishers and book designers don’t allow the author to submit a photo to use. I mean that just isn’t the way it’s done—and understandably so. There is a certain quality that has to be adhered to. Can you imagine what covers would look like if we could use our phones to take our cover picture? Well…I just happen to know a very capable photographer so I took a gamble and asked the cover editor if I could submit a picture of my horse, Trigger for the cover. To my surprise, they asked for copies of the photographer’s work, which I happily supplied. The cover editor was quite impressed and okayed the idea.

So with a photographer, a beautiful young lady, some 19th century clothes, and my boy Trigger, I was part of the photo shoot, explaining how I envisioned the pose. When the pictures came back I was ecstatic! They were exactly what I was wanting. And better yet, the cover designer liked them as well!

I’m now trying to figure out how I can get Trigger to hold a book so I can take his picture with the cover. If you have any ideas, let me know! If you’d like to see more pictures of Trigger, you can see him on my FB page with my ‘through the ears of a horse’ posts.

Vicky Sluiter, January 19

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, January 20

Mary Hake, January 20

She Lives to Read, January 20

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, January 21

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, January 22

lakesidelivingsite, January 23

Lighthouse Academy Blog, January 23 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Betti Mace, January 24

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, January 25

Holly’s Book Corner, January 25

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, January 26 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, January 27

Britt Reads Fiction, January 28

Texas Book-aholic, January 29

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, January 30

Simple Harvest Reads, January 31 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, February 1

To celebrate her tour, Debbie is giving away the grand prize package of an apron kitchen set (as pictured), a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of my book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Monday, January 29, 2024

JustRead Tours Blog Tour: Pages of Promise by Jessica Ashley

Pages of Promise JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Pages of Promise by Jessica Ashley, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Pages of Promise

Title: Pages of Promise
Coastal Hope #1
Jessica Ashley
Publisher: B.A.D. Publishing, LLC
Release Date:
February 5, 2024
Christian/Clean Romantic Suspense

When Eliza's life is threatened, she turns to a handsome veteran for help. 

I left everything I'd ever known behind. And that decision may cost me my life. 

The moving truck hadn't even been unpacked when my fresh start went up in flames. 

A frightening letter left in my mailbox and signed Always Yours sends me running to the only man in town who can help me. 

Driven by his protective nature and a mission he believes comes from God, ex-Army Ranger Lance Knight agrees, despite the fact that I've made it no secret I want nothing to do with him--or anyone for that matter. 

The longer we're together, the more I begin to realize that Lance is more than I gave him credit for. Something that troubles me nearly as much as the fact that an unknown man seems to have already claimed me as his. 

Trouble is, my admirer has a jealous side, and it's not long before Lance is pulled into the crosshairs right alongside me…  

Get your copy now and be ready to stay up all night!  

Pages of Promise is a swoon-worthy, faith-based, suspenseful romance between a jaded woman and the hero determined to protect not just her body…but her heart.  

I have really come to enjoy Christian Suspense novels in recent years. Pages of Promise by Jessica Ashley is the most book in this genre that I have read. It is Book 1 in the Coastal Hope series. 

Eliza had just moved to a new town for a Fresh Start and she is now terrified. She has received a threatening letter in her mailbox that is signed by ALWAYS YOURS. Eliza knows this is from a stalker and enrolls the help of Lance Knight, the only man in town she feels can help her. Lance is an ex-Army Ranger and agrees to help even though he is well aware that Eliza wants nothing to do with him. The more time they spend together, the more Eliza realizes that she might have not given Lance the chance he deserves. Lance is realizing that he not only wants to protect her life, but also capture her heart. The "stalker" seems to be jealous of Eliza's new relationship and could stir up trouble. Will Lance deter the Stalker and keep Eliza safe? Will there be a relationship between Eliza and Lance? 

WOW, this book was intriguing from the very first Chapter. I did not put the book down. I really LOVE that Lance was willing to help Eliza, even when she made it clear he wasn't a favorite person for her. Lance has a strong faith in God and he made that known to Eliza that God was with her through the situation at hand. Eliza really grew through his encouragement and her heart was softened. LOTS of twists and turns in the storyline, but I was intrigued throughout. The book is a Small Town Romance with Faith and Suspense. I HIGHLY recommend this book! FANTASTIC BOOK!

PURCHASE LINKSGoodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookBub

Jessica Ashley

After spending seven years in the Army, Jessica Ashley set out to write novels that would transport readers to new worlds and help them escape reality with messages of underdogs and swoon-worthy romance. After eight years of a successful writing career underneath two pen names, she felt her faith pulling her in a new direction.

Now, she writes sweet romance with messages of faith, hope, and the importance of trusting our hearts and the word of God. Her debut novel, Pages of Promise, is set to release in February 2024. 

She resides in Texas with her husband of twelve years, their three kids, a flock of chickens, an orange cat who thinks he runs the house, and three dogs who don't realize just how big they are. 

Connect with Jessica by visiting to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

(1) winner will win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Pages of Promise JustRead Tours giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight January 29, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on February 5, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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