Sunday, July 16, 2017

Back to School Sales July 16th- July 22nd, 2017

The Back to School sales are picking up a bit more. Lots of Good Deals this week.

FYI: If you click on the store name, it will take you to this weeks ads. 

Office Depot/Office Max: 

Office Depot and Office Max are limiting most deals to 3 of the same item per household.

.25¢ Item:
Office Depot® Brand Plastic Ruler, 12"
Office Depot® Brand 2 Hole Pencil Sharpener
Scholastic Brand School Glue 4oz

.50¢ Items
Office Depot® Brand Scissors (Blunt or Pointed)
Office Depot® Brand Wood Pencils #2 12pk
Office Depot® Brand 2 pocket Poly Folders
BIC® Brite Liner® Highlighters 5pk

$1 Items:
Office Depot® Brand Notebook Filler Paper 100ct sheets
Office Depot® Brand 2 Pocket Folders 10pk
Office Depot® Brand 3x5 Ruled Rainbow Index Cards (assorted colors)
High Mark Hand Sanitizer w/Aloe

$2 Items:
Scotch Brand Moving Tape Roll
Scholastic Coloring Pencils(24pk) and Markers(10pk)
Office Depot® Brand Stellar Fashion Notebooks
Zebra Sarasa Pens 5pk

$3 Items:
Office Depot® Brand Reinforcement Labels
Pentel WOW! Retractable Ball Point Pens 12pk
Five Star 1 Subject Notebooks

$5 Items:
Papermate Profile Retractable Ballpoint Pens 8pk
Pilot Fusion Pens 3pk
Bic Mechanical Pencils 24pk
Pilot G2 Retractable Gel Pens 4pk
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 3pk

$10 Items:
Brother® P-Touch® PTM95 Label Maker Reg. $29.99 (GREAT DEAL)
Expo Magnetic Dry Erase Markers with Eraser 8pk
Expo Dry Erase Markers with Ink Indicator 6pk
Sharpie Liquid Accent Pen Style Highlighters 10pk
Papermater InkJoy Gel Pens 10pk

SwissGear Backpacks $10, Reg. Price $29.99 GREAT DEAL!

ALL Office Depot® Brand Heavy-Duty & EverBind™ Binders Buy 3 Get 1 Free

Many more deals in the ad including Printers and Tech items.


.97¢ items
Staples® 5" Junior Scissors 2pk
Staples® Comfort Stic® Ballpoint Pens 12pk
Bic Matic Mechanical Pencils 6pk
Staples #2 Presharpened Pencils 24pk Limit 5
Staples® Glue Sticks 4pk
Staples® Poly Pocket Dividers

$2 Items:
Animals Portifoli 3 Pocket Folders
Coated Binder Clips 6pk
Ticonderoga #2 Pencils 12pk

$3 Items:
Fiskar's 5" Scissors (blunt and pointed tips)
Elmer's Glue Sticks 3pk
Pentel EnerGel Retractable Gel Pens 3pk

Brother P-Touch PT-M95 Personal Label Maker $9.99 Reg. Price $29.99 GREAT DEAL
Texas Instruments® TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator, Pink $9.99 Reg. Price $14.99

Backpacks and Lunch Bags on sale this week. Great Selection.
Lots of Tech Products on sale this week also!

You must have the Walgreens Reward Card to get the sales prices. You can get one in store, if you already don't have one. The cards are FREE!

29¢ items:
Wexford School Supplies:
3x5 Index Cards, 100 pk.
Protractor, 6 in.
2-Pocket Folder with Prongs

6/$1 Wexford School Supplies:
Erasers, 2 or 15 ct.
Mini Memo or Mini Composition Book, 40 to 80 sheets.

.69¢ Items:
Composition Book, 80 sheets
Compass & Protractor Set
Pencil Box

.99¢ items:
Wexford School Supplies:
Poly Composition Book
Sheet Protectors
Filler Paper
No. 2 Pencils 12pk
Index Tab Dividers, 5 pk
Dry Erase Markers, 4 pk.

Elmers School Glue 3 or 4 oz.
Elmers Glue Stick, 3 pk.
Elmers Jumbo Glue Stick, single
Fiskars Scissors, 5 in.
Fiskars Pencil Sharpener

Buy 1 Get 1 Free:
Mead Notebooks, Binders, Planners, Portfolios or Pencil Pouches
Sharpie, Uni-Ball or Paper Mate Markers, Pens or Mechanical Pencils
Wexford® Binders

No ad for Walmart, but a few noteable deals that I have seen:
70ct Spiral Notebook .25¢
Elmer's School Glue Stick 2pk .50¢
Elmer's School Glue Stick 30pk $8.46
Universal Unruled Index Cards 100ct $1.09

.50¢ items:
Mead paper notebook in wide or college ruled
up & up 2-pocket portfolio
Elmer’s 2-ct. glue sticks*
up & up 2-ct. pink erasers
up & up™ 100-ct. 3"x5" index cards
up & up 8-ct. wood pencils
up & up pencil sharpener
24-ct. Crayola crayons*

$3 Items:
Mead pencil pouch shown
Five Star 100-pg. filler paper in graph, wide or college ruled

Various Items:
Sharpie 3-ct. highlighters $1.69
Ticonderoga® #2 Wooden Pencils 12ct $2.49
Avery 3-ring 1" binder $2.79
EXPO® Dry Erase MarkersChisel Tip4ct - Core Colors $3.47
Georgia Pacific 400-ct. printer paper $4.12/ream

Dollar Tree:
Dollar Tree has a good selection of Back To School Supplies, Organizing items, Lunch Kit Food Storage, Teacher Supplies and more. Check out their ad here: Back to School with Dollar Tree

Five Below:
Five Below is a WONDERFUL store, if you have one in your area. Here is their Back to School Ad.   Five Below has a great variety of items for the College Kids, but really for all ages.

Passionate Penny Pincher created a wonderful resource for comparison shopping all the stores. Go here to sign up to receive the FREE download Cheat Sheet: Back to School Cheat Sheet

Get the Back to School deals a little at a time and it will be less stressful on you and the pocketbook!

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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Back to School Sales July 9th- July 15th, 2017

 Well, believe it or not, it is that time of the Year, one of the busiest Shopping Seasons of the Year. I am an "Office Supply Addict", so this is my favorite shopping season of the year, YES, even better then Christmas shopping! So get ready for the weekly Deals updates here!

FYI: If you click on the names of the stores, you will be taken to the Sales Ad for the week.

Office Depot/Office Max: 

Office Depot and Office Max are limiting most deals to 3 of the same item per household.

.1¢ item w/Minimum $5 Purchase:
Office Depot® Brand 2-Pocket Paper Folders Limit 10

.25¢ Item:
Office Depot® Brand Wood Metal-Edge Ruler, 12"
Office Depot® Brand Eraser Caps 12pk

.50¢ Items
Office Depot® Brand Index Cards, 3" x 5", White 100ct
Sharpie® Single Permanent Markers
BIC® Brite Liner® Highlighters 5pk

$1 Items:
Mini Stapler w/Staples
Office Depot® Brand Notebook 3-Hole Punch
Printed Blade Scissors (Scissors with Designs on the Blade, normally $7.99)
Composition Books, Primary Rule, 80 Sheets (Composition Books for K-2nd grade)

$3 Items:
Select Crayola® Products
Ticonderoga® #2 Soft Lead Pre-Sharpened Pencils 24pk
Office Depot® Brand Reinforcement Labels
Paper Mate® Sharpwriter Pencils 12pk

$6 Items:
EXPO® Low-Odor Dry-Erase Markers, Fine Point, 8-PK
BIC® Wite-Out® Correction Tape 4pk

$7 Items:
Office Depot® Brand Sheet Protectors 100pk

$10 Items:
Brother® P-Touch® PTM95 Label Maker Reg. $29.99 (GREAT DEAL)
Sharpie® Fine & Ultra Fine Permanent Markers 24pk
Post-it® 3" x 3" Notes 12pk

ALL Office Depot® Brand Heavy-Duty & EverBind™ Binders Buy 2 Get 1 Free

Many more deals in the ad.


.50¢ items
Staples® Poly Cover Wirebound Notebook, College Ruled, 8" x 10-1/2", Assorted Colors Limit 5
Staples® Comfort Stic® Ballpoint Pens 12pk
Staples® 2-Pocket Translucent Poly Folder with Fasteners, Assorted Colors Limit 30
Staples School Glue, 4 oz., Each
Staples® Composition Notebook Limit 30
Staples® College Ruled Filler Paper 120 sheets Limit 5
Staples® #2 Wood Pencils, Yellow, 12/pk
Staples® No. 2 Gripped Mechanical Pencils 12pk  Limit 5
Crayola® Crayons, 24/Box Limit 30

$1 Items:
Staples Washable Glue Sticks, .26oz, 4/Pack
Staples® 1" Poly Zip Envelopes, Check Size, Each, Assorted

$2 Items:
Crayola® Washble Crayons, 24/Pack
Crayola® Washble Watercolor Paints, 8/Pack

$3 Items:
Crayola® colored Pencils, 12/pack
Crayola® Crayons, 64/Pack
Crayola® Washble Markers, 10/Pack
Paper Mate® Erasermate® Pen, Medium Point 5pk
BIC Wite-Out Brand Quick Dry Correction Fluid White 2/Pack
BIC Xtra Comfort Mechanical Pencils 6pk

$4 Items:
Paper Mate® InkJoy® 300RT Retractable Ballpoint Pens, Medium Point, Assorted, 8/pk
Elmer's School Glue Stick 8pk
Staples/Bella 18 Gallon Plastic Flat Lid Tote

$5 Items:
Staples 4" x 6" Line Ruled White Index Cards, 500/Pack
Staples® Plastic Expandable Folder, 7 Pockets, Reinforced, Letter Size, Assorted Patterns

Backpacks and Lunch Bags on sale this week. Great Selection. Check out the ad here: Staples Ad

You must have the Walgreens Reward Card to get the sales prices. You can get one in store, if you already don't have one. The cards are FREE!
Walgreens Back to School sales are starting slow this week, next week should be more stuff. Here is what is on sale this week:

.49¢ items: Wexford School Supplies:
70 sheet Spiral Notebook
12pk Pencils
3pk Glue Sticks
School Glue
additional items in store

6/$1 Wexford School Supplies:
 Highlighter, single
2-Pocket Folder

.99¢ items:
PaperMate or Sharpie Mechanical Pencils, Pens or Highlighters

Buy 1 Get 1 Free:
Mead Notebooks, Binders, Planners, Portfolios or Pencil Pouches

Walmart and Target:
Walmart and Target have their Back to School areas set already, but no sales yet.  Passionate Penny Pincher created a wonderful resource for comparison shopping all the stores. Go here to sign up to receive the FREE download Cheat Sheet: Back to School Cheat Sheet

Dollar Tree:
Dollar Tree has a good selection of Back To School Supplies, Organizing items, Lunch Kit Food Storage, Teacher Supplies and more. Check out their ad here: Back to School With Dollar Tree

Five Below:
Five Below is a WONDERFUL store, if you have one in your area. Check out their Ad for BTS: Back to School Ad    Five Below has a great variety of items for the College Kids, but really for all ages.

I hope you all can get a head start on Back to School shopping and restock the supplies while the deals are GOOD!!

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