Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mosaics Review: Wizzy Gizmo Fast Track Bible Pack

I recently received a product from Wizzy Gizmo that has been a wonderful addition to our Home and Homeschool. Fast Track Bible Pack is a set of 27 cards, each card has information on the New Testament books of the bible.

The Fast Track Bible Pack cards are 2 sided, colorful, medium sized Flashcards. The Front Side consists of a summary about the author the Book, how many chapters the book contains,  and a Key Verse. The Back of the card has been catergorized to make it easy to follow. The catergories include:
Outline, Key Chapters, Key Passages, Key Doctrines, and Key People. The set retails for $14.99 and is a great value.

I really LOVE that the set is made of high quality card stock and very durable, especially with boys using the set. My boys and I have really enjoyed using the set, and it has been extremely helpful to my 11yr old as he is a Struggling Learner. The set is easy for him to follow and comprehend, something we haven't seen for him during Bible Study time. I also have learned a few new things by using the cards with my boys, which I am also loving! We have been using the cards are part of our Bible Study time in our Homeschool day, but there are many other possible uses from them including Family Devotions, Individual Devotions time, Youth Group time and more. We are excited that Fast Track Bible Pack has been a wonderful addition to our Bible Study time and our family life.

Are you interested in learning more about Fast Track Bible Pack? Check out the product page HERE. The Product Page is filled with info on how to use it with the different ages of the family and how why the product is useful.

Wizzy Gizmo has many other products including Audio Dramas and Book Series, all geared to helping your children and family grow in their faith by planting themselves in God's Word.

Where to find Wizzy Gizmo on the web: 


Wizzy Gizmo is a company is prides themselves in helping children and families learn the Word of God and their products are AMAZING!

To Read more Reviews about Wizzy Gizmo Products: Home & School Mosaics

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